I think arisu telegram chat definitely has some problems with the power some users got not so far ago. I'm posting this here since this is somehow a neutral platform in comparison to telegram, where you have an identity, so we can speak right on the subject without extra problems. In second I don't want to affect personality.
So, the problem is people, the part of the arisuchan community, are getting derezzed. Why? Because they had a courage to express and defend their views. I'm not the one who was muted or derezzed, but I find it outrageous.
Let's consider what Seph said about the current situation:
> This is not a democracy. We are not a country. We do not have a constitution. We do not give you inalienable rights. Your welcome here is not unconditional.What many consider censorship of speech is actually curation of content. By deleting messages and banning users, we are not disenfranchising anyone of their right to free public speech. We are asserting our right to curate the content of our private community as we see fit. Without adequate curation, every single Telegram group would devolve into /b/. That is obviously not what we want here.
What do you people see in the curation of the content? I agree when a nazi or definitely toxic soykaf brewers are getting derezzed. Nazi is harmful in any way he shows himself to the others, toxic people do nothing except for ruining people's mood and discussions. In such situation, moderator is just doing his actual job: he defends the community and doesn't let it slowly degrate into a sort of /b/. Here, community
agrees with him.
What's about the current community, the stable, core community, which is getting derezzed or muted because they said something """wrong"""? Something controversial. You see, if a moderator finds your views to be conflicting with his own ones, he just directly tells you to shut up. In his opinion, you by definition cannot defend your views with arguments that you've provided, which he finds to be false or inconclusive. But let's remember: he does not agree with you the same as with yours ideology. Pretty much every argument that you'll provide will mean nothing to him and will be inconclusive, since it's a contradiction to his established, long-lived views, what means you will get derezzed if you would try to continue the conversation. You either should agree with him, or you must keep
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