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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1545322109915.png (547.15 KB, 961x961, 1e67edc0e501a789b918bacf87….png)


Hey seph,

The z-axis for expanded images is greater than the z-axis for the board list on the top of the page. When you expand images, they go over top of the overheader div. Not a huge issue but still somewhat annoying. Plse fix.


>The z-axis for expanded images is greater than the z-axis for the board list on the top of the page. When you expand images, they go over top of the overheader div. Not a huge issue but still somewhat annoying. Plse fix.

That's been annoying me for a while too. Should be an easy fix. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. ^_^;

Thanks for your report. I will fix it soon(tm)!


File: 1549880800486.jpg (181.98 KB, 848x979, Elizabeth_Holmes_2014_(cro….jpg)

I replaced the inline image expansion with a proper full-screen lightbox, which took care of this problem in the process.

Hope you are finally at ease. ^_^;


File: 1550083506032.gif (48.75 KB, 395x610, LAINHADN3.gif)

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