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/q/ - arisuchan meta

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1518290152354.png (163.2 KB, 961x808, unwrapped.png)


Not sure if suggestions would go here or not, but I would like to text wrapping in posts such as these. It's annoying when someone posts five images having to scroll past all of that content to read their post. An other idea would involve instead of having the pictures stacked ontop of each other, but when in a thumbnail sit side by side with the text below them.

Also, inline webm viewing. If possible it would be great to be able to view webms without having to open a new tab.


File: 1518292744811.png (235.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180210-145527.png)

Guessing I had more ideas than I thought, so I guess this isn't a little suggestion thread anymore. But the presistant catalog button. It doesn't really bother me when on desktop, but when mobile it odd to see lingur at corner. I'm not sure anyone really needs the quick access to the catalog that it requires a button that follows you. If anything it should be a button that brings up dialogue boxes to make a new thread.


I'm not sure if I want to adopt that or not. I'll have to think about it some.

I agree with you here. I will remove the fixed positioning of the catalog link on mobile viewports and instead move it to the top or bottom.

Thanks for the suggestions, Alice.


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Something to consider. Similar to how 8chan has their posts formatted.


Didn't even notice you gotten rid of catalog button. Thanks, admin!


The catalog button still shows when lurking /q/


Actually, it never left.


Can /sr/ leave now or least go hidden?


I haven't visited the arisuchan in a while.
Why is Milo in the banners?


File: 1521740500326.jpg (111.86 KB, 1080x1080, 23164174_142439839842427_3….jpg)

>Why is Milo in the banners?
Because he's adorable. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Why is the glasses thread not getting bumped anymore?


It's probably reached bump limit.

What happened to this thread? Did OP delete it?


How vapid of you.


Please get rid of the top down image stacking. Make it left to right!


File: 1549882767953.jpg (49.63 KB, 700x467, Jen_Simmons.jpg)

>Please get rid of the top down image stacking. Make it left to right!
As I mentioned in another thread, I will refactor the CSS if we migrate to back to vichan. This could be done with flexbox, but I'm thinking that since the community is sufficiently tech-savvy, we could just say fuck older/bullsoykaf browsers, abandon vendor prefixes, and adopt CSS grid. Thoughts?


Sounds good to me. The site works in w3m which is what matters to me the most.


Some thumbnails became tall and blurry, can you restore them? Examples:


>Some thumbnails became tall and blurry, can you restore them?
The images didn't change. I just edited the CSS such that any thumbnails thinner than 256px be stretched to fit that size, which can make the smaller thumbnails a bit blurry. However, I have updated the thumbnail resolution to 384px by 384px so only images with the tallest aspect ratio will be stretched instead of shrunk in the future.

We might be able to "rebuild" all the thumbnails from their source images so older uploads have sharp thumbnails as well. If anyone is familiar with PHP and imagemagick, perhaps we could add that functionality to vichan?

Please get in touch with me on IRC if anyone is up for the task. ^_^;

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