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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

formatting options

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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For transparency reasons, do you think giving users IDs would be a good idea?

I personally support it, as it would stop a lot of samefagging and potential "fake activity generation", if it's taking place. (Or, at the very least, it would force people to torpost, upping the level of effort required to do so)
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>For transparency reasons, do you think giving users IDs would be a good idea?


>implying anyone samefags here


no, do not want worst idea I've ever heard





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waaaa there's no /all/ catalog waaaaa waaaaa

that is all


>waaaa there's no /all/ catalog waaaaa waaaaa
This feature isn't present in our fork of vichan. If you would like to help us implement it, please see >>>/dev/. Thank you.

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Why is everyone opening "generals" instead of doing normal threads?


Maybe because of >>>/r/56?


I think generals are a bad idea on small, low speed boards. They reduce variety and I feel they reduce activity too. Users tend to stick to their general instead of skimming through several threads. Well, that's my theory.

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We finally have our own Mumble server!

Just connect to
. Default port. No password.

We hope to see you there, Alice!


>mumble server for arisuchan, "yay"
>womyn posts the unofficial website which hosts proprietary clients for Windows and MacOS over HTTP where you have to agree to their services agreement is the official source. Either you don't know anything about Mumble or you're a shill for the company LightSpeed Gaming. If you don't fix this or censor my post, we have to assume the latter.


> is the official source. Either you don't know anything about Mumble or you're a shill for the company LightSpeed Gaming. If you don't fix this or censor my post, we have to assume the latter.
I fucked up. I just copied the URL from the first result in DDG. I didn't mean to endorse the proprietary client. I didn't know the version was different because I don't use it. I personally use the 1.30 beta client from

Thanks for catching that. The OP has been amended.



Do you pass he mumble server through Tor ?

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This thread will be for discussing moderation: transparency, rules, etc.

I will be posting my posts in another thread with some criticisms.
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Yfw you find out seph is a dictator who forced the usage of lainchan and then arisuchan


No one here forced anyone to do anything.


She's a social corporatist (succdem) and she killed n1x just like they killed Rosa

Never trust a succdem


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Look a mod/admin fight!

Can we all just get in with it.

Lots of old mods where lazy, some were active but they where removed.

New mods added, ah well. Such is life.

This place is still pretty /comfy/ so lets just get on with it.


Thank you for your service o7 o7 o7

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If I wanted to talk about engineering and science would I post in /Δ/ ?


No. The /tech/ board is for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. See >>>/tech/1305. I look forward to seeing your post there!

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I wanted to support both boards when the split happened, but the fact that this place now has an _official_ discord channel sickens me to my stomage. this is not schway at all
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IRC is the easiest service you can proxy.
For example, if you wanted to use a soykafty Web client, heroku could host it for free


This is


>Please remember that auxiliary services are not relevant to /q/.
Also if OP is actually genuine (which I doubt), they are either obnoxiously autistic or never really cared for the board in the first place.


Nice projection, officer 'let's degrade lainchan with officialized proprietary channels'.


The Telegram is also not schway, either.

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It would be nice to have the formatting hints either displayed in the reply/new topic form & miniform or linked to (with new window/pop) for reference.

I was quite certain there was a reference for this, however finding it while trying to compose isn't an easy task.


there is halp for this on
(thats the info/faq link on the top bar)

a more visible helper thinggy would be nice, though…maybe a little ¿ button near "new reply" or something.


>It would be nice to have the formatting hints either displayed in the reply/new topic form & miniform or linked to (with new window/pop) for reference.
I agree that we made this needlessly difficult to find. I added a "formatting options" link in the post form.

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and you should feel bad
Jokes aside on mobile there's way to much fucking whitespace, and expanded images are aids

I have high hopes for it's upkeep adminfam,
It's colours are fine, but it's layout is soykafe

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Can we have YYYY-MM-DD style dates? It's the standard for international environments.


>Can we have YYYY-MM-DD style dates? It's the standard for international environments.


I wonder if >>1402 is satisfied with all the changes.



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why are there not multiple themes to choose from? current theme only allows for one post to be on screen since everything is so big and my screen is kinda small…on a side note, excited to see this site work on its own identity


also, i noticed the lain\arisu themes I meant a wider variety for thinner and more compact margins. Also the options page would be nice to be able to enable image zoom on hover


>why are there not multiple themes to choose from? current theme only allows for one post to be on screen since everything is so big and my screen is kinda small…on a side note, excited to see this site work on its own identity
We plan on having arisuchan, lainchan, systemspace, and chaos themes each with both a "comfy" and "compact" option. For now treat arisu as comfy and lain as compact. If you would like to help make this happen, please see the >>>/dev/ board.


We have added a new "Copland OS" theme that is available by clicking the copyright in the footer!

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