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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I think arisu telegram chat definitely has some problems with the power some users got not so far ago. I'm posting this here since this is somehow a neutral platform in comparison to telegram, where you have an identity, so we can speak right on the subject without extra problems. In second I don't want to affect personality.

So, the problem is people, the part of the arisuchan community, are getting derezzed. Why? Because they had a courage to express and defend their views. I'm not the one who was muted or derezzed, but I find it outrageous.

Let's consider what Seph said about the current situation:
> This is not a democracy. We are not a country. We do not have a constitution. We do not give you inalienable rights. Your welcome here is not unconditional.
What many consider censorship of speech is actually curation of content. By deleting messages and banning users, we are not disenfranchising anyone of their right to free public speech. We are asserting our right to curate the content of our private community as we see fit. Without adequate curation, every single Telegram group would devolve into /b/. That is obviously not what we want here.

What do you people see in the curation of the content? I agree when a nazi or definitely toxic soykaf brewers are getting derezzed. Nazi is harmful in any way he shows himself to the others, toxic people do nothing except for ruining people's mood and discussions. In such situation, moderator is just doing his actual job: he defends the community and doesn't let it slowly degrate into a sort of /b/. Here, community agrees with him.

What's about the current community, the stable, core community, which is getting derezzed or muted because they said something """wrong"""? Something controversial. You see, if a moderator finds your views to be conflicting with his own ones, he just directly tells you to shut up. In his opinion, you by definition cannot defend your views with arguments that you've provided, which he finds to be false or inconclusive. But let's remember: he does not agree with you the same as with yours ideology. Pretty much every argument that you'll provide will mean nothing to him and will be inconclusive, since it's a contradiction to his established, long-lived views, what means you will get derezzed if you would try to continue the conversation. You either should agree with him, or you must keep silence.

Seph wrote the words above when almost the whole community was against the totalitarian soykaf was happening in the chat that time. So, to sum it up, moderators basically was acting against the interests of the community.

In the group there was a dude who said some words related to anarcho-capitalism. I, too, find ancap ideology to be retarded, but still I think he has the right to express his own views and opinions. Even if that sounds retarded. Let's remember that his views is not his entire personality. He was a pretty decent dude who was participating in the group chat since 2017 or even earlier.
He did nothing bad to the group chat. He did nothing to make it 'devolve into /b/'. However, it was enough to him to say 'taxes is theft' to get derezzed. For another dude it was enough to ignore PM message to get a threat to be derezzed. Another time there was a restriction because someone did not act the way the moderator wished.

In the case of ancap guy, no one even had a time to ask him why he thinks so. He just suddenly was kicked out the group. I'm writing this post because he just got derezzed again, when he re-joined the group. He just wrote that he didn't notice the ban and yep, it was 'fixed'.

So, what does this mean? You're welcome only if you shut your fuck up or say things which only gets aligned with the views of the ones, who has the power? You are not allowed to make any act which someone with the power finds to be agressive, even if you are not.

What's about the democracy part? You are not a country, but there must be some rules of judgement. What does it mean when the most part of the community is against moderator actions? Does it mean that the biggest, active part of the community is suddenly not welcome here anymore, since they disagree the content not even harmful is being filtered? Am I unwelcome here since I want people to see they express themselves, not create a typical /r/eddit echo chamber where you just post anti-trump things to get the free karma?
It just kills the entire point of any conversation. No one would say a soykaf now since you in such case you will definitely get PMed with the proposal to shut your fuck up, you stupid. Are you going to do anything with that or my post is also going to be removed? That's not a pathos, I just cannot tell if mods here have any difference.


Not on the Telegram but I don't see the problem with ancaps getting derezzed, thanks staff.


Ancaps wouldn't get derezzed if they had anything intelligent to put on the table.


¿so you think this is okay to get derezzed because of saying 'taxes is theft', no matter you are joking or just like all of us have the moments you say something stupid, no matter you was participating in the chat so long before, no matter what you did earlier?so even when you come back saying nothing bad at all you get derezzed again

well again, other people were muted as well. Ancap thing is not the only one example. People were muted because they was expressing their views. It's not like a typical 4ch discussions we have in here, people are actually trying to provide information why and what do they think about the subject, but it does not even come to that moment where a person can realize he was wrong. People in the chat in general agree to tell why he was wrong, but it just never comes to this, he just gets restricted. People shouldn't be 'shot in the head' because not everyone is always going through the 'road of facts and truth'. Everyone sometimes can be wrong and can bear some adverse views person was living with so long that he does not realize they are false.
I don't mean to say there is something 'totally wrong', no. Moderators are nice in person, they don't mute everyone, and when it comes to the moments described above, they also do give a chance and say 'you are wrong, consider the following'. But sometimes that's not enough. So when that's not enough, you get silenced.

This is not a curation of the content, this is more like 'get rid of anyone who bored me or who I don't like'. I just don't see anything right in this.


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Always the same fallacy. You probably don't remember when /pol/ wasn't /pol/ yet. Or when that idiot Hotwheels was like "hurr freespeech on mai boord" which led to massive derailement and the establishment of 8chan not as some original 4chan/Reddit merge but as a edgy troll soykafhole. Bad elements like you deteriorate the whole environment quality. And when it can't be saved anymore, it's better to start again and keep the parasites outside.

>so you think this is okay to get derezzed because of saying 'taxes is theft', no matter you are joking

Who does this kind of lame jokes excepts Ancaps. The funniest thing about it is that Ancaps themselves are rejects and circus clowns first and foremost, memeing and competing for attention instead of opting for the sober, cautious corporate attitude. People like you would be crushed to death in "real capitalism" which has no place for Buzzfeed and Twitter. People like you would be crushed to death in Ancap pseudo-capitalism because you'd just get mugged and shot the first day with everyone laffing about your shiny property rules. But who cares, since Ancap is just be racist, fuck myself with some gunz, and reset the capitalist game because I could be CEO if one else cheated I swear

Engaging and accepting a contributor isn't a neutral act, it's an act of recognition and acceptance. Why would any responsible moderator tolerate soykaf brewers such as lolbertarians with a nonexistent understanding of economical and social dynamics (and no, there is no understanding in parroting some dumbed down "supply n demand!!1!11"). Each time lolbertarians showed up in this imageboard, it was for brewing soykaf with the joker card the boogeyman State.

>you don't understand ancaps

see pic related
>you must confront ideas
see pic related
>you're intolerant
see pic related, also cancer must be treated early


My general experience in all online communities seems to be that "views" and "groups" are always a problem, especially in highly intelligent forums or chats. Simply by having a view or an opinion on something political or related to groups of people, and taking this opinion seriously enough to defend it with well-written arguments and sources means that you're somewhat stuck in the mundane here and now. The chat would likely prefer more theoretical and abstract topics where you simply can't cite "the truth", just somewhat relevant food for thought as there is original contemplation going on and people would rather reach the truth by themselves than believe some authority with some reputation. Or even better, they don't want to reach any truth at all, knowing that its epistemologically cheap to think you did, and instead they just want to keep improving; thus they resist discussion of political and economic ideas in general. In case these topics are being carefully avoided and someone brings them up, it is an instant red flag showing that they didn't lurk enough or perhaps they did but will never understand the chat dynamics.

Another thing to keep in mind (which may or may not be related here) is that it's not always the majority of people that matters. Sometimes a select few know well what they are trying to build, while the rest is just behaving randomly following their personal whims. It's better to have a team of 5 conjure up an interesting new mathematical paper on their results than a community of 5000 posting memes like "math test: stop thinking about your X and don't ask Y".

Lastly a disclaimer, I've never been in the telegram, and I don't need to. I'm sharing some insight on why this keeps happening to people who want to discuss politics (or reply to such) on all the wrong platforms, and I expect everyone here to be mature enough to handle it.


verbose =/= well-written arguments and sources


you misunderstand
my point is that even if it IS well written and sources, it's still pointless and a problem.


I agree then, it's pointless. It's just preaching, and it's preaching about stuff everybody already knows about while bloating the chat.


also no condescending tone intended.


While I agree with letting people figure out things for themselves, the unfortunate reality is that people sometimes either are unable to learn for themselves or even if you can get their attention, the time it would take to get them to be able to consider topics and validate them with their own mind, simply would take far too long than there is time for. While not ideal, it is the best compromise given the current situation on this planet.


Ancaps dont even know what anarchism is. Ancaps are litteral jokes and their political ideology is pathetic


I don't use Telegram and I wasn't there. I've got nothing against Hoppeposters, and I haven't known Seph to have any issues with Ancap folks explicitly. A case of low-quality post? Not sure. Up to her discretion, I guess.



I'm not on Telegram either and don't know who the mods are over there. I never witness on the site any power trip that would have led to someone getting censor.
As a mod I do take freedom of expression very seriously but Seph is right we are not a country we need to regulate the site so it maintain a certain health and the same rule apply on telegram chat.
I don't know what the guys said so I don't want to defend anyone but if you believe a moderator does indeed abuse of is power you'll have to play the long game. Collect evidence that back up what you're accusing him of.

without proof the staff can't take action. Is Seph aware of said situation with the moderator? Most mods on the site are pretty open we even let troll talk to a certain extent. What i can recommend you to do is collect evidence go to IRC talk to Seph of the situation. Better yet you can provide the proof on a hosting website and post it here if the post get deleted we'll know for sure if some trying to censor you. You can also reach me on IRC this week-end if you want.


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> Hans-Herman Holocaust Hoppe poster
With every piece of information revealed in this thread the ban becomes more and more justified.


Very well formatted post, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'm looking into it, and I'll keep you all posted on how this progresses both in this thread and on the Telegram. The one thing I can say for sure at this point is that I think things need to change, it is the way in which they change that is up for debate.


>'get rid of anyone who bored me or who I don't like'

Thats how that group feels. That is the reason the group never grew in numbers, if you keep banning the interesting people, you end up with a group of people that just say the same thing over and over.

I left because there is no point to be in an echo chamber. But before I left, I can point to a couple instances in which
@actrons/Alexander Clay Taylor made his/her personal opinion on a discussion as the golden standard, telling people to leave in PMs or threatening to ban someone because they wouldn't talk to him/her.

The latter made fun of him/her, and got himself a temporary ban later for discussing atomic assembly(it killed the discussion, in case you were wondering).


This post reads like a press release, it's a bit disturbing to be honest.


I posted an update on the Telegram, I'll repost it here for permanence and to update this thread.

I'd like to start by apologizing both for how long it took me to address this issue, and for how long it took me to actually resolve it. Some of that was intentional, I wanted to make sure that I didn't come to any hasty decisions, and that I had a good grasp of the fundamental issues that were causing these problems. The shortest and most direct way of explaining those issues is a difference of opinion in what constitutes moderation. Specifically, how involved the moderation team should be in curating quality content and discussion, what constitutes "quality", and to what degree that definition of "quality" conforms to the one in use on the website. The current website administration staff, myself included, is responsible. There are no written rules for this Telegram chat. There are no standards for moderator action, nor was what was expected of the moderators communicated to them. If it was, it was at the very least not communicated effectively. At no point was there any serious attempt to actually clarify what was expected of moderators or users. So, I've written a standard for moderator conduct, and a separate list of rules and guidelines for this Telegram chat both of which will be posted publicly. Both the standards for moderator conduct and the rules and guidelines for this chat are open to change, and I encourage any discussion and gladly welcome any criticisms or suggestions.

Telegram Guidelines

1. Make quality posts (see “Quality”)
2. Racism is specifically derezzed
3. General topic is “Arisuchan related” but that can really be stretched to whatever you would like. Try and bring it back around if you can though.
4. Don’t immediately attack things you don’t like. It’s fine to have strong opinions, but discuss them in a civil reasonable way. People think differently than you, it happens all the time. Don’t be shocked and offended when one of those people posts here.
5. Have a good time, and take it easy




The rules for Telegram are much more lax than the site. Arisuchan itself is a slow moving discussion board, so post quality needs to be thought of in the context of it existing for a very long time. That means that taking time to make sure your post is properly formatted, makes sense, and represents your opinion in an honest well constructed way is necessary for the site to succeed. Telegram is a chat, so none of this really comes into play. It should just be people having a conversation loosely in the context of the subjects covered by Arisuchan itself. Posts have impact for minutes, and quality can reflect that. I have no issues with memes, mild brewing soykaf (i.e. lol u tk him 2da bar|?) etc. Talk about whatever, don’t worry about it too much. Quality in the context of Telegram should just mean that you think some of the other users in your chat might like your post. You should feel like you are contributing to something when you post. Personal attacks, political attacks, racism, sexism, discrimination and insults in general are not contributions. Political discussion is allowed, but again make sure you feel like you’re bringing something to the table. I would like to clarify that Arisuchan is not a leftist board. You can be be libertarian, authoritarian, right, left, etc. Political discussion is generally not beneficial or productive and that will be kept in mind while moderating it, but it is allowed.





I don't know what you bumped this for, but I would heavily recommend you or anyone else that is feeling meh about the situation check out the Club Cyberia room on tox. Zero censorship of any kind allowed, we have literally no moderators, and I'm not sure the program even allows for moderation in the first place. We have a great little community of ~30-40 people who regularly come on and post, and rarely have a completely idle room.

Just as an offhand example, a meme that has came about recently in the room is anytime anyone mentions moderation someone uses a bot to flood "SPAM IS FREE SPEECH". If you are interested in a completely unmediated conversation themed around /cyb/ themes please join.

One last note: The fact that you can say whatever there is a double edged sword, doesn't save you from the fact that everyone will still treat you like the dumbass you are for spouting /pol/-tier nazi stuff.


I have trouble trusting anything with tox considering the large holes that are open. I will stick to our irc and the random tor php chats.


Do the large open holes include remote execution? I don't see why you would care about whether Tox is any good when it comes to a public chat room.


Let's just get us a facebook group and get over with this nonesensical fight over protocols and applications! It's just a public chat afterall. And while picking soykafty apps, why not chose a popular and shiny one, eh?!

Seriously though, Alice, you're scaring the last of cypherpunks present here (hopefully) away with this talk.


Nevertheless, the Tox group exists.

I dont think there's a strict reason we need these protocols to compete. I'll never go on discord, or facebook. Maybe some of you will, thats fine too.

These chatrooms arent the same community as this chan, they do not need to cater to all the members of this chan. They're seperate, adjacent, communities on their own right, they make their own rules (or they dont) and they moderate themselves (or they dont).

If you dont like one chan or chat, complain to those responsible for it. Or just dont go there, I'm sure you'll be welcome somewhere.


Whatever is wrong with Tox, it isn't Facebook and it isn't Discord. Your critique is that of a child.


I'm the one who posted the suggestion let me reiterate: I was not trying to make any comment about the platform or it's security. I was simply saying the type of people who post there have a very different standard for their moderation practices than you see in other communities, which regardless of whatever qualms you have with the tech itself is true.


I personally run it in a VM with isolation and only over tor, but that is just me. I trust tox more than I trust the PHP chat that others here seem to like, these are all personal preferences. I'm not going to badmouth the PHP tor chat just because it doesn't match the standards I find important, I just won't use it and there is nothing wrong with me making that preference. You do you Alice.

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