Holy soykaf did this blow up out of proportion.
>>2276Saya no Uta
Is an eldritch monster and she look pretty mature she is what we could consider loli mature or simply use the term small girl which is actually a type of body of a mature woman. Either way she doesn't have an age which mean legally speaking can't be illegal.
>>2304I don't know what to tell you… You're looking for content in the very wrong place and you call us close minded because we don't like loli or don't see the point of posting porn in a website that doesn't have anything to do with porn. Loli are into this gray area where we don't know if it's consider CP or just regular porn.
>>2284Your doing the same.
>>2288I'm not ready to support something that could be potentially illegal and categorize as CP.
>>2290Being out of our comfort zone is a good thing yes. Being face against something illegal that you don't stand behind is another.
>>2295Again, Being challenge by something out of our comfortable zone is one thing. But when this challenge can potentially land you in prison is another.
>>2299>>2297I agree with you. You should be allow to do everything you want. You make a choice. The law right now is ambiguous about loli so if you decide to make said art fine but live with the consequences that you could go to prison and some people don't want to. Nobody is like you because some people don't want to look at prepubescent girls.
>>2304Do you see a lot of people saying out loud in the street that they love to beat their meet at prepubescent girls? I don't either.
All of this to say that our website is clear we allow loli as long as their MATURE and related to said post you're making. UNDERAGE girl in sexual behavior are forbidden PERIOD.