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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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when will we be able to hide all posts from a board on /all/ no offense but I don't wanna see these russian posts


>when will we be able to hide all posts from a board on /all/ no offense but I don't wanna see these russian posts
The board software hasn't seen any consistent development since the site launched. If others are able and willing to help out, I'm sure we could prioritize fixing this. In the meantime, if there is sufficient demand, I will consider removing it from /all/ until we can repair that feature.


I would like this too. There are some boards i'm not really interested in /all/, so a hiding feature for individual boards (like it's possible on wizchan) would be ideal.


You guys know any PHP devs?


I actually could dev in PHP, though main is C/C++.
But the code of this BBS is quite messy (which are most though), and sadly i don't have much free time right now to get through everything and help. Maybe you can copy parts of wizchan's BBS code for this.


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it would really help development if /q/ appeared on /all/ so more people could see these posts and understood we need help fixing some pressing issues


>it would really help development if /q/ appeared on /all/ so more people could see these posts and understood we need help fixing some pressing issues
I've restored /q/ to the ukko board, but would like more feedback to see if it should stay.


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thank you! it definitely should stay. Maybe now someone will fix the safari issues


Have said safari issues been logged anywhere?


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cant post without including an image, reply button on the quick reply pop up is to the side of the subject field making it pretty much hidden, and the irc\telegram\radio buttons dont show up and the theme change doesn't persist after a refresh


For me this is more interesting than the russian posts. I don't mind the occassional russian thread though, they have funny pictures sometimes.

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