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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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What does alice refer to ? I've seen people use it and i dont get what its referencing.


we use it similar to how "anon" would be used.


Thanks for telling me. Also what does soykaf mean?



I don't understand why you don't just look it up in duckduckgo or something? It is just a word-filter the site uses for various forms of cursing. I think it is a reference to a stimulant item in a cyberpunk board game. Either shadowrun or netrunner IIRC?


>just googol it lol
hey, lets talk to eachother, not just tell eachother to go use search engines.

nevertheless, that sounds right to me. Like, a weird cheap coffee replacement.

Alice also just is a character from serial experiments lain, an anime, from which inspiration for this board is drawn.


Yeah. This place is too slow to worry about stuff like that. Once we are hitting a 1000 posts per minute then we can start bitching. If you are confused about the terms I am pretty sure there is a Cyberpunk dictionary out there.


Assuming Arisu grows big enough to the point where "just google it" becomes acceptable, how would the user behaviour/culture change so that those thread don't pop up?

I agree that with small user bases spoonfeeding is not a problem compared to large user bases as the low speed increases it's potential to generate discussion (like i'm trying to do right now, for example), but i don't know how small, respecting and tolerable transitions to big, respecting and X. In fact i don't even know what X would be, what is the right atitude when threads such as this may become a problem?


I suppose a simple sage would do the trick or a 'lurk moar'



In my defense, I did give a correct definition alongside my 'search for it' comment. Which I think is perfectly defensible as a thing to do. I more made my comment that way because I want to promote conversations that are meaningful to one another, and discourage searchable trivia.


I hold nothing against you, but the attitude is one I disagree with.

Honestly, not sure I agree with this either really. But then, I mean. I dont think a large board can have the same culture as a small board. That's just not the way it works. Sure, some aspects would remain, but not all.

I imagine the old regulars would try to keep it going by just talking about lain, encouraging others to watch it and think about its themes, and I imagine that would have to be sufficient. At its core, that is after all, what this board is. Not random wordfilters to refference weird coffee drinks.


To be fair, "Alice = Arisu" is a bit obscure.


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The board is named after Lain's best friend, Arisu, from Serial Experiments Lain. Arisu's name was inspired by Alice from Alice in Cyberland (OVA) who in turn was inspired by Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

I have Alice in Cyberland uploaded here if anyone is interested:[Orphan] Alice in Cyberland (LD) [2DCC778B].mkv

You would be one of the first people in the world to have seen it with English subtitles. A fansubbing group only acquired and translated it as a special request by a staff member of arisuchan. ^_^;

More info here:


Why were you holding out on us seph? That is really cool. Thanks.


dank as fuck, never heard of alice in cyberland before
where are the subtitles tho, dont see them


>Why were you holding out on us seph? That is really cool. Thanks.
Sorry. Didn't mean to. I've just been really busy and forgot about it. ^_^;

>where are the subtitles tho, dont see them
Oh! I uploaded the wrong version. >_<

I uploaded the higher-resolution fansubbed video and the torrent file if anyone is interested in seeding:


I will help seed for a while once I finish my download.

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