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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1537878126742.jpg (54.72 KB, 595x335, tv-its_always_sunny_in_phi….jpg)


I've noticed that threads reporting bugs and requesting features are accumulating…


…but nothing is going to happen if no one volunteers to help with development >>1733.

Just sayin'.


I know the site moves slow, so admins and devs probably have no intensive to make additions, probably only fix when its broken. Then again, the community could be working on it also, personally I never contributed to a project before, but I'll try to send some commits there way to be reviewed.


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I'm thinking I might migrate us back to proper vichan when I find time. I would have to refactor the stylesheet a bit to account for no longer being able to modify the templates, but at least we would be able to continue getting feature updates and bug fixes.

I'll post an update if/when we do migrate.

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