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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Having more than one thread pinned at a time is a bad idea. Put all of the relevant information in a single board announcement thread. Having three giant threads pinned at the top requires an annoying amount of scrolling to see new posts.


>Having more than one thread pinned at a time is a bad idea. Put all of the relevant information in a single board announcement thread. Having three giant threads pinned at the top requires an annoying amount of scrolling to see new posts.
Good idea! I have done just that. >>1485

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To reduce the amount of clutter on /q/ we will condense all former stickies into one "board announcements" thread that will be updated as we make new announcements.

/z/ announcement
The /z/ board has been added to /all/. This is an experiment. If the board sees too much abuse, we will remove it again. Thank you.

arisuchan mumble server

arisuchan stickers and banners

seeking board moderators

seeking software developers

launch announcement

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By Lain, for Lain.

Primary discussion points are technology and conspiracy theories.

cum join


So with this and we have two matrix groups now.


this one's ded



it's matrix, everything's dead, unless it's tied to an IRC bridge.

I almost feel transgressive saying anything anywhere, because it all feels like monasteries with vows of silence.


Why was my post deleted? Was it in the wrong board?

If you don't want to get caught in a shut-down torrent site, leave laintracker now.

edited by moderator
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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I think he was complaining more about how she censored his criticism of her, not that she deleted her personal information. Really, I don't think it would've made any sense to censor it at all, since all the information was public and what really mattered in the post was the criticism of how she ran the tracker, which would've been made useless if the information wasn't provided. The edit was more about censorship than safe guarding her personal information, as per Seph stating that she doesn't care about her name being on the internet, among other things.

TL;DR: Why would she delete it if she already had stated she didn't care?


>TL;DR: Why would she delete it if she already had stated she didn't care?
Because I didn't feel like copyediting their post.

For those that missed it:

>Seph is a soykafty admin and don't use laintracker.


read the post before it was deleted. Seemed like more of a lambasting than a criticism.

Far better ways to constructively criticize.

This post isn't being taken down, and the original post brought some change (things were deleted) so the OP should be happy…


>edited by moderator
lainchan стал говно.
arisuchan пошел в стопу.
обидно, плохо плохое. если нечто редактируется, то публично должно быть известно что вам было, иначе имиджборд есть говно.


>violated the guidelines.
где свобода?
если имиджборд освобожден, то никакой цензуры не должно.
все что попадает в интернет - остается в интернет.

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If there is a warrant canary I cannot find it.

I think it's an important thing for the members of this community that we have one. If you agree please post something cool in this thread to bump it.


This site has nothing to offer government agencies but access logs. If you are worried about being tracked down by a three letter organization there are steps you can take to prevent the IP you used to access the site from being correlated to your identity.

I don't see a lot of purpose in maintaining a warrant canary.


>I don't see a lot of purpose in maintaining a warrant canary.
It also doesn't require much effort. We can add one.

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Loving the new look fam


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I'll put this here.
It's all broken fam, only the OP pic shows
I like the new style though


nevermind senpai, I just noticed it's on the right side.
But I can't delete my post I can't "select" it


Yeah I like that everything fits in a smaller window now and is totally readable. Way more useable.


>Yeah I like that everything fits in a smaller window now and is totally readable. Way more useable.
Mobile users rejoice! ^_^

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is lain an autonomous movement?

with two SEL-themed boards, surely there's be a future of more decentralized lain content.

"these days, lain appears in bubbles all across "the wired", coming and going but never disappearing completely. in an internet where most content has been absorbed by a few giant corporations and organisations, lain remains decentralised, manifesting in small, isolate communities, one-off art projects, forgotten blog posts and dusty web pages, bad fanfics and over-ambitious projects, and sometimes even apparent cults." -lainzine

shall we spread more and more lain bubbles?


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it seems to me that this is quite the case, already, and continually. i was not big on the /cyb internet scene back before the start of org, but its evident that even it was only a manifestation of an already existing lain space on the net.

likewise, the zine, the tracker, org, jp, here, lainos, all seem to exist in that space that has been around, for all i can tell, since shortly after sel was first airing. surely it isnt going anywhere any time soon.

as another thread seems to point out, these are in many cases simply the temporary abodes of a nomadic internet community, the bubbles pop every so often, but the community carries on, somehow.

blows bubbles*

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Is no one talking about the banners?

Half of them say which isn't even the correct domain name and doesn't point to the website. The fuck? Zero effort.


They said on the IRC that Alicechan will work along with Arisuchan when the domain is set up.

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Please could we add a 'hide threads from this board' option to /all/?


>Please could we add a 'hide threads from this board' option to /all/?
We agree that this is a top priority. Please see >>>/dev/122 if you can help.

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 No.777[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We are flirting with the idea of changing the name and theme of the site from lainchan to something else lain related, or even a completely different representation altogether. It's awkward now that applechan is associating with questionable content like (you know what I mean). I want to keep the name because I believe we actually represent the original lainchan. Can we get some opinions from y'all about this? I'm not interested in hearing about what we should have done or should have not done during the beginning, but rather what we should do now.
368 posts and 161 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I prefer alicechan to arisuchan, since it's the actual name rather than weebspeak


>I prefer alicechan to arisuchan, since it's the actual name rather than weebspeak

I think they are using both:

>If you look at the banners, some say Arisuchan and other say Alicechan. Some link to and others link to I think it would be more appropriate to have both than just one or the other.


Why does the name have to be "SOMETHING"-chan ? Why not break with convention and give the site a unique name?

There are endless examples you could draw on from Serial Experiments Lain that would be true to the spirit of the site as well as unique.

> It's awkward now that applechan is associating with questionable content like (you know what I mean).

Any time your site has "chan" in the name, normal people will assume there is pedosoykaf.

Normal people cartoons of schoolgirls plastered all over your site and naturally ask, "Why would a grown man collect and share such images?" Since you've basically made a whole fucking site dedicated to an anime about this you should get used to people assuming you're a peedo.


I'm also in favor of a unique name. I'm getting tired of seeing "chan" for image boards.


not to be rude but are we trying to appeal to so called normal people? it seems the theme of this cha– erm, this site is fairly niche, and generally our audience consists of people who will be informed as to the nature of the site by the term chan, not confused unduly offput.

that said, I have nothing in principal against the use of a name other than chan, i just dont really concur with the view that we should avoid such a name on the grounds that it has the term chan. its a description, in this case, its a valid description. there is nothing wrong with honest descriptive names.

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