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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1537121209426.png (148.23 KB, 512x512, fooxea-jelly.png)


uplading gifs isnt working

(using safari)


jpgs might not be working either


File: 1537121595930.png (10.04 KB, 128x128, 1531166427327.png)



Bash the Apple fash!


File: 1537154216771.jpg (13.29 KB, 280x280, artworks-000352953000-f9yp….jpg)

I'm sorry but i need to use adobe programs and would never use Windows again.


And that means you can't use Firefox why?


Maybe a russian billionaire cyborg forces him at gunpoint. We don't know. But unless we decide to not support certain browsers like its 1998 again it doesn't matter and this soykaf should work regardless of which botnet you are in.

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