/Unauthorized Access General/
So Lains, Unauthorized Access? Its the fastest way to access onsite systems and computers. As well as cool gear.
What to wear.
High Visibility clothing, or what ever work-wear is normal where you're.
Embroidered vests/shirts/paints all can be found at Recycling shops, valuable as hell.
Check parking areas near work sites, you can sometimes find some stuff employees wont let go of easily, head-wear mostly, but rarely someone will drop an ID Card.
Act like you belong, being in high Visibility or work-wear makes you almost invisible, an irony so sharp it can kill.
https://www.reddit.com/r/ActLikeYouBelong/Not many sites to help with this. Reddits the best I got. Relax and act like you should be there, remember to read up on social engineering and other concepts.
Remember, get in, get out, don't come back.
Anyone done much of it? Got any tips or ideas for others? Comments or changes to the above?