>>3339>I'm curious therefore why you started this distro?I started this distro for a few reasons
1. All pentesting distros i have previously used have been quite bloated, and lack a good selection of non-pentesting software. I wanted one that was comfy to use, whether you are programming, browsing the web, or pentesting a system.
2. Distros like kali and black arch provide literally hundreds of tools, most of which you will never use. I want ArcheryOS to be something that can be molded into your own personal pentesting workspace. For example, some people only do binary exploitation, and only need tools such as radare2 and gdb. On the other hand, some people will never use radare2 in their pentesting "career". Giving the user a small selection (~100 tools) or what i consider to mostly essential tools, lets the user install the tools they want.
3. I like ArchLinux (because of the AUR), so about a year ago, i installed the BlackArch repos on my vanilla arch, but half the packages were broken. This is another reason i want to keep the package count low, so I can properly maintain them.
>is this how you see it, or what do you find the role of this sort of distribution as being ?All distros are just a slightly different selection of tools, whether it is a pentesting distro or not. I actually started this distro as a way to quickly reinstall my arch setup (in case i broke something on my install, or was setting up another p.c.), and wasn't actually going to release it. I gave the iso to a friend and he convinced me otherwise, because he liked it so much.
>How is archery better than say, a metapackage on the AUR that depends on a whole bunch of security/pentesting tools ?Other than the reasons listed above, It comes with an OpenRC option. It is preconfigured for privacy (for example, some of the about:config settings have been altered). And its more simple to install than arch (not that arch is difficult), and lacks the bloat that distros like manjaro have. Plus, the logo is cool.
On another note, I will be releasing an AUR packages that installs ArcheryOS's selection of pentesting tools, once i have released v1.1