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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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is lain an autonomous movement?

with two SEL-themed boards, surely there's be a future of more decentralized lain content.

"these days, lain appears in bubbles all across "the wired", coming and going but never disappearing completely. in an internet where most content has been absorbed by a few giant corporations and organisations, lain remains decentralised, manifesting in small, isolate communities, one-off art projects, forgotten blog posts and dusty web pages, bad fanfics and over-ambitious projects, and sometimes even apparent cults." -lainzine

shall we spread more and more lain bubbles?


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it seems to me that this is quite the case, already, and continually. i was not big on the /cyb internet scene back before the start of org, but its evident that even it was only a manifestation of an already existing lain space on the net.

likewise, the zine, the tracker, org, jp, here, lainos, all seem to exist in that space that has been around, for all i can tell, since shortly after sel was first airing. surely it isnt going anywhere any time soon.

as another thread seems to point out, these are in many cases simply the temporary abodes of a nomadic internet community, the bubbles pop every so often, but the community carries on, somehow.

blows bubbles*

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