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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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We are happy to announce the official launch of

What is
arisuchan is an anonymous imageboard where artists, programmers, tech enthusiasts, outsiders, and the paranoid and disillusioned meet to discuss cyberpunk literature and culture, privacy and security, science and technology, art and design, drugs and dreams, and personal experiences. Our goal is to provide a venue for new ideas to emerge as we explore the strange territories of the present and the near-future.

Who are we?
arisuchan is a joint effort on behalf of the, systemspace, and communities, and our staff includes former administrators, moderators, and members of each of these groups. We are united by our passion for cyberpunk culture and literature and we are building a community that encompasses our shared interests and experiences, exemplifying the overlap between our distinctive boards.

Why are we here? was in crisis. Our site activity was no longer self-sustaining and the number of visitors and posts was trending downward. This situation left vulnerable to collapse. Our ability to grow and thrive as a community was inherently limited by our association with lainchan and all of the drama surrounding it. In light of this we decided it was in the best interest of the community to change our name and try and build something new.

Sharing a name with another board was inherently political. As long as we continued calling ourselves lainchan, we could never fully realize our potential. We want to be what Lainchan should have been but couldn’t be.

We chose arisuchan because it allows us to remain attached to the Serial Experiments Lain universe and Lain-oriented sites and services. At the same time, it allows us to explore the inspiration for Arisu's name, Alice in Cyberland, which itself was inspired by Alice in Wonderland. The story of Alice in Wonderland plays with logic and dreams, altered states of consciousness, abstract imagery and psychoactive substances; these are all concepts explored in cyberpunk media, and there are many direct references to Alice in Wonderland in works in the genre.

The point is not to make the board about Arisu, just as applechan wasn’t necessarily about Lain. By naming our board after a supporting character in Serial Experiments Lain, we choose a name that is even more arcane and esoteric to new users, which in turn encourages visitors to focus on the content of the board rather than the traits of a particular character when making a judgement about who we are.

In the end, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Where are we headed?

Changes to the board software are ongoing as we integrate new features and fix bugs. Please help us by reporting any bugs you find and feel free to make suggestions. If you’d like to contribute to the development of the project, please see >>>/dev/122

For comprehensive information on the site, rules, guidelines, frequently asked questions, and a list of staff see:

As we forge ahead in this new chapter for our community, we welcome long-time members of lainchan and newcomers alike.

Welcome home, Alice.

Tentative Boardlist
/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity
/tech/ - science and technology
/art/ - art and design
/cult/ - culture and media
/λ/ - programming
/Δ/ - diy/projects
/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics
/feels/ - personal experiences
/ru/ - Киберпанк
/sr/ - systemspace refugees
/x/ - paranoia
/dev/ - arisuchan development
/q/ - arisuchan meta
/r/ - miscellaneous
/layer/ - steganography
/all/ - latest posts for all boards


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You fucking bitch.


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Maybe jp was in a crisis because you sat on your ass high as fuck and never did anything. You started nothing, and stole everything.



I don't like seph. She uses soykaf software like discord and twitch. And she has basically no opesec. I am not advocating dox, but it is really really easy with the way she presents herself online. I liked kalyx, and even though we have had disagreements, he has the spirit of an oldschool whimsical hacker. It is sad to see talent and spirit like him and the other moderators of the site removed without a second thought.

That being said, I think the the concept of separating applechan and jp is a good one. I would have just preferred if the one that died off was applechan.


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Tbh I don't really care who mods the board. I come for the posts.


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Good job - you've now fractured the community not once, but twice. You have a horrible new site design that looks half-baked and barely finished

>the site is like a day old. dont taze me bro. this html/css/js hackjob will be cleaned up soon enough

(This comes straight from the board source code, comment is at the top of the page)

Instead of releasing an "html/css/js hackjob" with the new site, why not take the time to properly code a nice-looking website and release it a few weeks later?

The lainchan community was fractured when the split came between .org and .jp. Now you've split the community even further, because many of those who liked .jp now hate the new stylesheets, site name, and the direction you're taking the website.

Next time you decide to do something stupid, consider your community first. Consider the people that make your site worth visiting by posting interesting and informative content.

And on top of all of those bad decisions, I haven't even touched on what you've done with moderation. I'm not close with any of the lainchan/"arisuchan" staff, and yet just by reading the posts and various screenshots that have been posted, it's apparent that you handled the situation abysmally, with little to no communication with the community until after the fact.

Again. Think of your community before you make stupid or important decisions. Don't just rely on your friends on Discord, or Telegram, or IRC. Think of the people that post here on the website, who are the entire reason this website shows in Google listings or has active posts in general.


>the site is like a day old. dont taze me bro. this html/css/js hackjob will be cleaned up soon enough

You must not have checked the source before senpai because that was in css too


yes hello
i couldnt find any stickied suggestion thread so this will have to make do

seph, i strongly urge you to kill yourself

still cant attach multiple files to this post so i will forgo attaching the mandated 3 memegen pics

srsly fuck you lmao


says a lot about seph.


The only people who are actually salty about this are all ex staff lol


ITT: Salty Luddites


true, personally I like the new direction a lot, cyberpunk needs to evolve, and the idea of alice is genius, incorporating the /psy/ aspect of the community as well.

As for the site itself, I agree it could use some work, for example I really don't like the homepage. The image in the background is too dark and all of it is generally just boring. I think a big clear monochrome image of alice edited with some cyb stuff and "arisuchan" written in the middle in big red letters would be great. Or any big clear image with the site name tbh. Just throwing ideas out there but honestly anything would be better than what it is now.


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So why is Kalyx so worked up (If that's really him)? In the beginning, he didn't appear that emotionally attached to me that's why I'm asking. Deliver the quick Bogdown on this, pl0x.


Why don't you email him and ask.


Because I don't have his email address, Sherlock?


its literally everywhere.


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>When I visit I see stickers, new banners, actual mods doing things, Seph giving a soykaf.. action.
>but only now do I have the proof to condem her.
Condemned for… giving a soykaf? Taking action? How dare she!

Get over yourself.


kalyx really needs to get a life and stop being so obsessive over a project he abandoned


You mean stolen from him.


>he sold applechan
>he resigned from
He literally has nothing to bitch about.


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> I am not advocating dox, but it is really really easy with the way she presents herself online.

You do know that she is a freelance web designer and that she actively puts her contact info online to get clients right? Not everyone who is into computers and cyberpunk is a criminal who needs to be a ghost online. Opsec kills her profits, so she chooses not to have one in that particular area.

Also PSA: If you are connected to the net via a North American or European access point, your Opsec has already failed upon launch. Those motherfuckers are every ware (wink wink).


This was already addressed by Seph here: >>1435


>You do know that she is a freelance web designer and that she actively puts her contact info online to get clients right?
What is compartmentalization


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Very well put.


Yeah, but why though? What is the need for her to compartmentalize her online behavior?

You are just responding to my post with a question that has no impact on what I originally posted.


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Almost like they are upset their little bit of power in the world was taken away.

The irreverent swine.


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>Forgetting IRC (Pic Related)

Oh that's right he never even went into the IRC, where seph has been active.

Whaaaaa……. Cry me river.

He is a massive ego freak, and why am I not surprised, he always had to be special, always had to stand out and be the token.

I'm glad you're gone Kaylx, you are nothing but an attention seeker.


Coming back from a few months hiatus, the place looks really nice.


I for one celebrate the change we see on the boards. Though here we see many crying children with vile words that drip like poison. People and worlds who I will not miss.

Those who love this site do so for more than it's name and colour scheme. If they leave over this then you can see where they really stand.


I will be buying a sticker for sure soon :)


>We are united by our passion for cyberpunk culture
More like united by your passion for undermining cyberpunk culture.


>More like united by your passion for undermining cyberpunk culture.
How is it being undermined?


To be honest i still miss n1x tho, really like that mod wish i knew what project she's on now.


They run, ask around there.


I just feel that the community is being hampered by this imposition in relation to these incompetent, autofellacious morons, holding values in opposition to community consensus and somehow always managing to become the ones in position of power over the community.

This has been the track-record so far:
>Dude who spends donation money on mechanical keyboards, Apple products and bikes and then calls quits, putting applechan up for the highest bidder
>A strange Pedoman seizes upon the opportunity; to polarizing results
>A counter-chan is created with the aim to -decentralize- the control of a new and better managed lainchan. The composition of a multitude of known and well-respected staff and the idea of decentralization was well received by the community.
>Seph, one of the admins, all of a sudden morphs into Pinoseph, barring the rest of staff from their positions and inviting in her own unknown crew of Dischord™ friends to fill the power-vacuum - in exchange for a new color-scheme.

Pinoseph is an individual who seemingly regards 'cyberpunk' as nothing more than a mere aesthetic; not valuing cyber-security nor anti-authoritarianism.


Having basically doxed herself right out the door, apparently never having read the sentence "if you're going to torrent - get a VPN", or "if you're going to host a private tracker - get a VPN", or "if you're going to host a private tracker and a counter-cultural *chan and tie it to your legal identity and occupation– wait".
Also, as she used Dischord™ to stage her Great Purge and to invite her lackeys over, she now finds it strange that a community of largely free software enthusiasts are resistant/critical of this proprietary, voluntary data-mining-in-the-middle messaging platform to become some forced norm.


We don't need a /biz/ (>>>/z/) board. Cyberpunks aren't fucking businessmen. Punks aspire to corporate annihilation, not propagation. It's infuriating that this seemingly needs to be pointed out. It's also a great judge of character that Pinoseph can't seem to keep her personal political opinions out of cluttering down even our banners. Say what you want about Kalyx or Pedoman but at least they didn't push alt-light IDpoletarianism for soykafs and giggles (I'm referring to the Milo "ackchyually hebephilia […]" Isuckblackdickthereforenotracistoulos banner nobody submitted in-thread; she put it up herself).

TL;DR The shelf-life of this one may be the shortest one yet.


>Pinoseph is an individual who seemingly regards 'cyberpunk' as nothing more than a mere aesthetic; not valuing cyber-security nor anti-authoritarianism.
You obviously don't know Seph.

>Also, as she used Dischord™ to stage her Great Purge

How exactly does one "use Discord" to "stage a purge"?

Sounds like you were just desperately trying to work in the word "Discord" because you think it is divisive and inflammatory.

>and to invite her lackeys over

What lackeys?

All of the members of the staff were either present before the purge/rename or are a moderator from another community that was merged with us. The only exception is the initiate.

>proprietary, voluntary data-mining-in-the-middle messaging platform to become some forced norm.

How is it being forced upon you?

Unless I'm blind, only IRC and Telegram are in the header.

>We don't need a /biz/ (>>>/z/) board. Cyberpunks aren't fucking businessmen. Punks aspire to corporate annihilation, not propagation.

Where does it say you must be a businessman to participate?

You do not have to be a businessman to discuss business, economics, geopolitics, or sociology. If you are talking about the title of the board, it seems to me fairly obvious that it is tongue-in-cheek. Did you even read the sticky?

And only a single thread is about business. The others are about cryptocurrency and current events. No one is stopping you from making a thread about "corporate annihilation". In fact please do. I would like to read it. And if the mods delete it I will be the first to leave.

>Say what you want about Kalyx or Pedoman but at least they didn't push alt-light IDpoletarianism for soykafs and giggles

How does the presence of an individual on a banner push an agenda on you?


tl;dr: Your entire post is bullsoykaf.


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I can't even.


Laid it out for all to see.
I like that.


>how exactly does one "use discord" to "stage a purge"
well, the new staff came from there, they didn't have a presence anywhere else

>What lackeys

he appeared out of nowhere, you guessed it, from the discord


>.t lackey here
>omg stop complaining about Dischord™!!
>what lackeys??
>"proprietary, voluntary data-mining-in-the-middle messaging platform to become some forced norm" – so?? Telegram™ is also being used!
> /z/ is tongue-in-cheek!
Yeah because we haven't all seen what happens when you have a board acting ironically stupid for "funnies". People who don't " "get it" " join in and think they're in good company, perpetuating the weak irony. It's the 101 of how post-irony functions and is used.
>"Say what you want about Kalyx or Pedoman but at least they didn't push alt-light IDpoletarianism for sh!ts and giggles" – I am unable to draw any implication from such behavior

3/10 reply, made me "heh".

Why did you soykaf all over decentralization?



i think she adress it a couple time saying that it wasn't her priority.

But i too feel really distress by this lack of principal Seph have, and when i mean principle i mean Cyberpunk principal and the whole idea that comes with it.


>But i too feel really distress by this lack of principal Seph have, and when i mean principle i mean Cyberpunk principal and the whole idea that comes with it.
You can have privacy and security without anonymity. Just because I don't apply all three all the time doesn't mean I don't have "cyberpunk principles" or expect others to live the same way I do. I can advise others in these matters (see without adopting all of these practices myself. Reports of my naïveté have been mildly exaggerated.


wtf is with all the hate here.
from all i can tell by occasinally browsing apple and arisu, seph seems the best choice for a person to run any cyberpunk community.


Hey fuck you


Nice damage control. Also
>mildy exaggerated
You fucking wish. Just admit you fucked up. Honestly, you're just lucky that noone on here is crazy enough to dig deeper and find out where you live.



What the fuck is wrong with you atleast try to explain completely you're opininons and provide some proof to your accusation. She doesn't have to justify herself from any one.


I'd be glad to. Oh wait, that's right, Seph censored that post. When you defend Seph, you're defending censorship and undermining the core principles that lainchan, as a community, hold dear. And yes, when you're admin of a community you do need to justify your actions to your users otherwise they will not trust you. That should be pretty obvious considering that the general consensus on Seph has been overwhelmingly negative since the Purge™ and it just keeps getting worse and worse as we go on.



I still don't see a fucking proof of anything.
So either you just talk out of your ass or show me something that prove what you're accusing her of. To me, it look more like hype train to justify to spit your venom on her.

I'm not defending her, but there is a way to talk to people about you're unsatisfaction on the situation like i've posted >>1561

I am also worry about the recent event but the situation was critical and since there was a lot of problem in the staff which doesn't concern us excepting the fact that since feburary there was almost no mods out here. I don't actually think the change was bad, we have a more active community, and mods which help a lot. So since the change everything seems to be better, i don't justify the action of Seph i didn't like them either. Time will tell.

>general consensus

>Getting worse and worse as we go on
Because of people like you who create drama out of thin air (unless you have proof of censorship from Seph) Plus what happend as nothing to do we US but THEM.

So TL;DR Show me something relevant or GTFO


>Because of people like you who create drama out of thin air (unless you have proof of censorship from Seph)
They are referring to the post I deleted about laintracker. I addressed the deletion here: >>1435


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Why are they accusing you of censorship when in the post you clearly justify the reason behind it ?

am i retarded or i miss something ?


I honestly don't give a fuck about your opinion of me or the situation. I'm only calling Seph out.


>That should be pretty obvious considering that the general consensus on Seph has been overwhelmingly negative since the Purge™ and it just keeps getting worse and worse as we go on.
Citation please.

>Why are they accusing you of censorship when in the post you clearly justify the reason behind it ?
Because "muh free speech" is an easy way to garner unwarranted support.



So you acknowledge that you barely understand the situation but you still say and i quote
>Seph censored that post. When you defend Seph, you're defending censorship and undermining the core principles that lainchan, as a community, hold dear.

Stop being a sheep, make your own opinions. When a user don't respect the rules there is consequence, but even if the post was deleted the user still was able to argue and justify it. He was given a proper answer to the reason why it was deleted.

And in the case here she justify her action which make you're argument false.
>And yes, when you're admin of a community you do need to justify your actions to your users otherwise they will not trust you

You're a fucking nutcase bud.


How about you try rereading >>1590 again reaaaal slowly this time?


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>Kalyx spent money on x y z

I worked at a computer recycling company before I made lainchan and used to run a keyboard store on ebay. The only mechanical keyboard I owned during lainchan was my Model M which I paid $5 for, dug out of a gaylord box full of trash, then spent three days cleaning.

I used to work at an Apple store and the only Macs I owned were ones I built out of parts. in 2015 I financed a 2012 rMBP from a friend and I paid $500 for it out of my own paycheck. My dad was a pro cyclist and all of my (2) $8,000-ish bikes were handed down to me for free. I'm a bike mechanic full time rn. I did not put applechan up for bid to the highest bidder. I needed a way out and I couldn't just give the site to a rando. Appleman was the best option and he also had money. Investing money in a project is how you prove you care. ie: Moot sold 4chan to his friend. I spent donation money on food, food, rent, food, and more rent. I moved maybe 6 or 7 times while I owned lainchan and was homeless much longer than I was housed.

I have gone over this so many times it's making my head spin please stop.


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Most times all I owned was my backpack, macbook, and my bike. I constantly had to leave whatever possessions I acquired behind. If by calling is quits you mean homelessness, massive debt,legal problems, mental health issues, and resorting to joining the military for a way out then sure ok. lainchan netted more than $5000 in donations each year, that money is chump change.



How about, i'm not gonna restrain myself from criticizing your so call "Calling out" simply because you don't care about my opinion.


Good job, pal.


It seems like lainons will believe literally anything about the people running their community. I remember when half the lainons I talked to were convinced that you were spending all the donation money on heroin. Recently people were calling Appleman a pedo because of IRC drama.

I don't know what kind of dumb soykaf people are saying about Seph but I'm sure that people are saying it and I'm sure that it's dumb soykaf. You and Appleman have both made mistakes, and I''m not pleased with Seph's decisions and the site split, but that's all nearly eclipsed by how toxic lainons are in response.


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Nice board you have here. Feels just like the good old lainchan
Also thank you for /ru :3


so is that spic and that girl who is known to be a girl and that will always be bad still in admins and mods corpus?
are those IRC insider tradeers the admins still?


ok spiclyx is gone that is very very good
but a girl and her horde of white knights is still terrible
oh well.


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Why cant we get more people into arisuchan

Probably we can people from /g/ 4chan


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you do that and ill ban you from life


great, then we can have endless threads about consumer products & muh sjws, what a fantastic idea


Hm, Id rather not dip into that reactionary hellhole.


/g/ is pretty much a zombie board at this point. People still post there, but there's very little actual discussion of technology left.



/tech/ on 8ch is still pretty nice.


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too bad that place is a racist nazi soykafhole though


Eh, I really can't stand 8chan's culture. It's like someone made a site exclusively for everything I dislike about 4chan.


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i want a new anonymous-community to join but i honestly dont take all this lain-larping soykaf seriously i just want to talk about programming and tech and nerd soykaf and maybe a meme here and there.
Reddit unironically provides more to me than 4chan and most other sites unforunately


Unironically I think that the lain community would be much better if there was actual posting frequency. the lain sites are practically at a crawl. If the 8ch and 4chan boards didn't go so much faster I would have no reason to ever go there. Lains would be perfect if there was more activity.


where do we fuckin go dude

what are some up-and-coming communities that touch the same points as this one to be a part of. or rather how do we get people here i guess but i dont think a lot of people would be attracted to the weird lain and cyberpunk larping that people do here


This may be a disappointing half-suggestion, but I think a chat service would scratch that itch best. Chat are a less committal form of posting so it often gets a lot of activity, and most people are using a chat service or two anyways. On the downside, smaller chats can get pretty insular, and the popular choices have bad privacy policy (Discord, Riot)… though if that's a problem, just create a new alias account on a use-case separated VM on VPN, or if on mobile a dedicated user profile with its own VPN (notwithstanding other privacy issues).

I do think the culture has changed on a whole, and some of us are looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses.


A significant issue with chat services is maintaining a high signal/noise ratio. It's much easier to have a few good but slow conversations running on a forum, where posting is asynchronous.


I think this has potential even if it's half dead, but work must be done to remove the still pretty latent association with your normal, toxic chan. Just look at some replies talking about "larping" even when absolutely nothing is happening.

The other thing is this just looks too niche at first sight


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Because the grounds with which the site was founded on was flawed to begin with. Let it die.
Last I checked the cyberpunk generals still happen occasionally; maybe you could drop by #/g/punk and do some word of mouth. Present Day, Present Time! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
LARPing is good because it gets people talking about related topics; the number of people who got into programming because they watched a cyberpunk film or TV show is countless. It's just background noise; discussion without it is meaningless.
A significant portion of the lain sites' userbase are already on chat services, and have been for quite some time. When kalyx was still around he insisted on dissolving official irc, telegram, discord and signal groupchats in an effort to maintain post frequency on the sites proper. That was more than two years ago.


I don't get why all of you glitterboys are so concerned with activity. It's a discussion board. If you have something to say, you can make a thread and most of the time you'll get some good responses. That's good enough. If you don't have anything interesting to say, and you just want to use the internet as a substitute for real life social interaction, you're just an unproductive addict. A place for sucking each other's dicks and "memeing" has no value what so ever.


God I fucking hate glitterboys like yourself. These overly "realistic" and edgy opinions make me cringe unbearably much, how does wanting an active chat make someone an unproductive addict? Some people just want to talk to the people from the same community without having to come up with a thread name and waiting. You don't like the idea? Feel free to fuck off.


Craving innane, 24/7 chit-chat doesn't make you unproductive. Unproductive people tend to want that. Internet people aren't your friends. Discord "conversations" almost never have any substance. It's a digital "hangout place".


Internet friends may not be as valuable as IRL, I agree with that completely, but I don't understand what's wrong with having a convo without much substance, does every talk you are engaged in have to be deeply philosophical? What's wrong with it being a "digital hangout place"? I don't understand your point.


Real life chit-chat is limited by how much time you see each other. Innane conversation is good in small doses with acquaintances, and hopefully as a warm up for "real conversation" when you're with friends. On the internet, there's no time limit. People can spend hours on it, they can spend their whole weekend. They can get addicted to the oxytocin and need it just to feel normal. Always got to be logged on. Always got to see what's up. Always got to catch the stream. It eventually becomes a replacement because it's so much easier than everything else. The same problem goes for social media. Spending hours of time acting like a retard with strangers isn't something I can accept as the new norm.

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