Hey guys, I recently stumbled upon a collection (a rather large one) of old papers. They're sorted into three categories in large manila folders: Spirit, Machine and Synthesis (as titled on their collective folders).
The Machine one in particular intrigues me, it's the designs for what appears to be a computer, circa ~1980's, but has some weird features. For starters, it doesn't use any processor I can identify, and some of the documents appear to describe what I believe to be the CPU. It's got a lot of modernish features like a significantly reduced instruction set, and deep pipelining. I can't seem to find any reference to any of this online anywhere, it seems to be original work.
The Spirit collection appears to be a translation of Buddhist-esque writings, talking about rebirth, nirvana and some conception of the soul. I've yet to venture deeply into these documents, they seem very lofty and esoteric.
The Synthesis collection is just strange, I have no way to describe it. It bounces from computer code (resembling LISP, although I can say with confidence it isn't any LISP I've ever seen) to koans and back again.
These documents are all visually degraded with age, some of the text is faded, some pages are water damaged, overall just a strange old collection. My initial hypothesis is some buddhist-leaning programmer or system engineer devised all of this material, but to what end I don't know. A lot of it is vague, yet intricate. The designs and code in particular appear to be robust on their face (I have some background in computer science, although a lot of this does admittedly go over my head), while the spirit texts seem coherent and intelligent. I should note I'm only basing my observation that it is intended to be "spiritual" based on what is written on the folders that contain these texts, rather than merely their content; there may be something more to it that I'm simply missing out of having not read them all yet.
All in all, the collection is in a rather large file box, it takes up an entire shelf now on my book case.
I think I'll begin transcribing the documents for publication, and I might try my hand at working out and writing an emulator for this mysterious machine. There's no disks or any kind of digital copy of anything, so I'll likely take some time for either project to bear fruit.
Would other Lains be interested in this sort of content if I were to publish it?
45 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.2482
>>2445Can confirm this. We used these for a Weapons Log in navy bootcamp :)
>>2445Yeah we had a lot of those. But also some legal pads. Mostly those though.
Why do people keep bumping this thread?