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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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assange did nothing wrong
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


I was called a terrorist at my Job for supporting Assange.


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I've sometimes wondered about the anti-Wikileaks backlash from a lot of baby boomers. That generation seems to be obsessed with dismissing current events that overshadow any event from their past that seems vaguely similar, because it reminds them of their old age - and boomers hate being reminded that they're no longer young. Being an old fuck who was a teen in the 90's, I first noticed it when I would mention Lollapalooza. Any boomers around me would instantly start talking about how Woodstock was more important. A decade of Wikileaks releases are, by any reasonable measure, far more impactful on geopolitics than the one-time relatively-small-scale Pentagon Papers release. Yet the same boomers, especially senior journalists who practically worship the ground that Daniel Ellsberg walks on, are instantly hostile to all that Wikileaks (and similar groups) do.

It's everywhere. The next time you're stuck in a group of old boomers, deliberately start a topic of conversation where there was a major event in a similar category in their youth. Instead of them talking about the new event, they'll likely try to instantly pivot the conversation to how much more important the old event was.


I really have lost all respect for Manning because of these recent indictments thought, I really had no idea that she was that much of a screwup. This whole mess and all his potential charges are literally all her fault.

>doesn't encrypt the files she took

>doesn't use full disk encryption on her laptop
>uses her real name on jabber
>users OTR, but KEEPS LOGS
>takes the files with wget, but not over a secure connection
>when it comes time to purge and delete everything, she only did the normal person recycle bin, and everything she deleted was still in the unallocated portions of her HD.

All this despite ample evidence that people told her the proper way to do all these things, and she lazily ignored them and put all of the people she was working with in danger.

Almost all of this I would write off as a mistake or whatever except logging the conversation. That is unforgivable in my opinion. Anyone that does that is a dry-snitch.


damn, Manning really fucked up.

Guess this just goes to show: don't assume other people are competent.


For sure, but at the same time. I hate that she is being heralded as a hero just because she was dumb enough to get caught. The fame and notoriety of people who fail and get caught never ceases to amaze me.

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No "The Purest form of Love" thread?
39 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


current year


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11 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



This is great, refreshingly creative stuff.



stale memes and occult larp


redirects everything to amazon

>https://l a i n c h a n .org/~lisp/

good site, thanks



it's now a generic porn site it seems

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What do you think makes a cult or pyramid scheme successful? By success, I mean member number, profitability, and influence over members. All successful cults seem to have some things in common while unsuccessful ones lack these things. Firstly, there's usually a reward for being part of the cult. By being a believer, you benefit in some way, whether that's through happiness or money or luck or avoiding punishment, etc. Mormonism gives you your own planet after death, Scientology offers total control over the body, and Systemspace lets you keep your memories after the current world is deleted. Punishment goes hand in hand with reward. Being a member keeps you safe from whatever that may be, often an apocolypse.

Exclusivity comes next. There's a separation between believers and nonbelievers with the former having more power. Cars are common place, but if they weren't, having one would be like a superpower. If everyone could freely travel through time, time travel wouldn't be that great. The appeal comes from having power over others in some way. Cults often have eleborate initiation ceremonies to make membership feel even more special. They usually have a philosophy or system of moral guidelines backing them up. Just having more power over others isn't enough, members want to feel wiser too. A nihilism based cult wouldn't go too far though because members need to feel important as a group. Nxivm(which was part ponzi scheme, part cult) was about self-empowerment, which people can get behind. Maybe the time cube guy called himself the wisest man on Earth for a reason besides just being crazy.

Cults need a heirachy to give more legitimacy to the group. Structure makes people feel stable, which is good considering the people drawn to cults to begin with tend to lack structure in their lives. Some groups like Scientology and Mormonism even have sub-organizations with their own heriarchy outside of the main body. A charasmatic leader like Tony Robbins is the power source of a cult, literally if they have supernatural powers. Time Cube lacked this among other things. There was basically only one follower who called himself the second wisest man on Earth. He ended up throwing himself in front of a train.

Cults usually take advantage of some social issue or vulnerable group. Scientology uses mental illness, Systemspace uses depressed, asocial teen boys, Time Cube tried to use immigration unrest, but was a little bit too early. When peoplPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.2674[Reply] [Embed]
This is NOT an April Fools joke, you can tell because it's a day later. If you think Truck-kun needs to be tagable at e-hentai and have an account, say so in the thread. All I need is one account to back me up and then by the rules there simply has to be a vote on it!

You know we need to be able to find out where Truck-kun has gone last to protect ourselves. Vote for my tag! JUST DO IT!!! For the lolis! And if you don't have an account then spread my link and get the word out so someone will vote for it!!! Do it /bm/ so you can protect yourself from the lolis of seeing girls smashed by trucks!


fuck of pedophile

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Hello Arisu, my name is Autumn-ten first post for me.

I ended up deleting all of my social media because I had enough of my life.
I want to focus on stuff anyways ;\ also I use Linux for 8 months now using Void Linux. Spending my time learning stuff like C.
I'm suprised that Arisu-chan can run Browsers Like Netsurf very well.
I also moved to Icecat because It seemed to have a better reading Javascript.
Well, I'm a nerd into computers. I fix alot of old stuff like PCs, Laptops, PS2, & other stuff, but not a washing machine..
I just wanna to say was whoever made Arisuchan well thanks for making it able to read some really not known browsers.
I'm really not into the outside world alot. I'm more of an indoor person anyways.
well nice to meet you Arisu.


> holds up spork

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“4r3 y0u f4m1114r \/\/17h 7h3 73rm1n73113(7u41 v111463?”

7h3 61r1 l33f0r3 m3 \/\/45 63771n6(0(ky f0r 4 z45h1k1 \/\/4r45h1. 5h3 mu57 h4v3 m1553D h4v1n6 mu51( l33(4u53 5h3 \/\/45 u51n6 my 5m4r7ph0n3 \/\/17h0u7 45k1n6 4641n. 5h3 m4y h4v3 l333n 63771n6 (4rr13D 4\/\/4y Du3 70 l331n6 7h3 k1nD 0f l314(k-h41r3D l334u7y 7h47 100k3D p3rf3(7 1n4 r3D yuk474. 5h3 \/\/45 (3r741n1y700 614m0r0u5 70 l33 (4113D 4 “(h11D”[1] 4nD 11k3D 601n6 0n \/\/41k5 D35p173 l331n6 4 z45h1k1 \/\/4r45h1. 1n 4 \/\/4y, 7h47 \/\/45 7h3 \/\/0r57 p0551l313 (0ml31n4710n. \/\/457h47 y0uk41 7ry1n6 70 l3r1n6 my h0u53 70 ru1n \/\/h3n3v3r 5h3 \/\/41k3D 70 7h3 5\/\/3375 5h0p?

“0f (0ur53 1 4m. 1 11v3 1n 0n3. 17’5 4 h16h (1455 l3r4nD1n6 0f 7h3 (0n(3p7 0f ‘rur41’. 7h3y’r3 pr0p053D l3y 7hr33 574r h07315 0r f4m0u5 D3p4r7m3n7 570r35 4nD pul311(1z3D l3y 4Dv3r7151n6 (0mp4n135. 7h4nk5 70 7h47, 4 7h1rD 0f 7h3 (0un7ry \/\/45 r3D3v310p3D 4nD h4D 175 pr1m4ry 1nDu57ry (0mp13731y (h4n63D,” 1 r3p113D1n 4nn0y4n(3.

p13453, ju57 137 m3 347 my p0p51(13 l33f0r3 17 m3175.
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
t=r'''4r3 y0u f4m1114r \/\/17h 7h3 73rm1n73113(7u41 v111463?”

7h3 61r1 l33f0r3 m3 \/\/45 63771n6(0(ky f0r 4 z45h1k1 \/\/4r45h1. 5h3 mu57 h4v3 m1553D h4v1n6 mu51( l33(4u53 5h3 \/\/45 u51n6 my 5m4r7ph0n3 \/\/17h0u7 45k1n6 4641n. 5h3 m4y h4v3 l333n 63771n6 (4rr13D 4\/\/4y Du3 70 l331n6 7h3 k1nD 0f l314(k-h41r3D l334u7y 7h47 100k3D p3rf3(7 1n4 r3D yuk474. 5h3 \/\/45 (3r741n1y700 614m0r0u5 70 l33 (4113D 4 “(h11D”[1] 4nD 11k3D 601n6 0n \/\/41k5 D35p173 l331n6 4 z45h1k1 \/\/4r45h1. 1n 4 \/\/4y, 7h47 \/\/45 7h3 \/\/0r57 p0551l313 (0ml31n4710n. \/\/457h47 y0uk41 7ry1n6 70 l3r1n6 my h0u53 70 ru1n \/\/h3n3v3r 5h3 \/\/41k3D 70 7h3 5\/\/3375 5h0p?

“0f (0ur53 1 4m. 1 11v3 1n 0n3. 17’5 4 h16h (1455 l3r4nD1n6 0f 7h3 (0n(3p7 0f ‘rur41’. 7h3y’r3 pr0p053D l3y 7hr33 574r h07315 0r f4m0u5 D3p4r7m3n7 570r35 4nD pul311(1z3D l3y 4Dv3r7151n6 (0mp4n135. 7h4nk5 70 7h47, 4 7h1rD 0f 7h3 (0un7ry \/\/45 r3D3v310p3D 4nD h4D 175 pr1m4ry 1nDu57ry (0mp13731y (h4n63D,” 1 r3p113D1n 4nn0y4n(3.

p13453, ju57 137 m3 347 my p0p51(13 l33f0r3 17 m3175.'''
print ''.join({'7':'t','3':'e','4':'a','5':'s',
for c in t.replace(r'\/\/','w').replace('l33','be').replace('l3','b'))


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Is this some touhou fanfic?

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import random
import time

def cube():
num = random.randint(0,175)
print(" " * (num -1) + "■")

start = input("press 's' to start\n")

if start == ("s"):
while True:



import random
import time

while True:
num = random.randint(0,175)
print(" " * (num -1) + "■")


Please fix your code formatting:

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Hey there was this one search engine I once found that had an owl as its mascot and displayed search results in a tiled format, it looked really interesting and innovative, but I can't remember its name nor find it on my own. does Alice know what I'm talking about

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I like to have a projector running in the background with something playing while I'm doing work. I usually put it on mute and play some chill music.

Anyone else have visualizations they like to leave on? What kinds of things do you like to have playing in the background? Slideshow of art? Video playlists? Randomized glitch art?

I like having longplays of really old games, demoscene and of course, SEL.


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At times, I do the same. It's nice to hear that there are others who like to mix media in this way. I will usually pick a movie from my collection that I have seen before and find visually interesting yet, maybe not so engaging otherwise. Federico Fellini or Kenneth Anger for instance. Lately, I've been looping Guy Maddin films in a semi-transparent terminal, tiled in a corner of my monitor, and playing various instrumental pieces with them just to see what syncs up best. Sometimes, I will settle on an old silent film and pair it with a random album or playlist to see if anything interesting comes from the mix. A while ago, I was in the habit of pulling up random live streams from public places, security or surveillance camera footage. It was amusing, as I had a long day of editing work ahead of me, to have had a window open and streaming a busy intersection in Tokyo. It was the visual equivalent of white noise for the most part but every so often something interesting would happen such as, a pedestrian dropping a bag of groceries in the crosswalk. I remember pausing for a moment, curious to see if they could recover everything that had spilled from the bag before the traffic signal changed. I recall breaking from my work then, to send a silent prayer to the anon in hopes that they made it safely across the street in their frantic moment of IRL Frogger. If I had been recording the stream, I could have made an amusing remix out of it. I'll have to add video game longplays to the mix as you suggested. I have a hard drive full of random old midi music files, that I never listen to, but they might pair nicely with media like that.


I have a collection sizing around 5TB of music videos and visual art mixes for just this purpose, but yet to get the hardware set up. About half of the space is from YouTube rips, the other are music video ISOs from a now-defunct website. The site below is similar, maybe it is of interest to you? If you want demoscene stuff, I suggest you search for the Mindcandy series DVDs.
Probably just want to queue a download list in JDownloader and pay for the 30 days once your list is complete.

God, doing this is so fun. So far my favorite mashup is Savant's Overworld with S1+S2 of Off The Air (around +18 seconds on audio). Takes a little bit to pick up, but some of the matching is mindblowing…esp that I discovered this combo on acid. :)


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Here's a link that might be of interest to those who like to mix media in this way. Some of the content at The Sync Book covers audio-visual mashups and poetic interpretations of the results. The podcast Always Record, hosted there, often contained long discussions about the speculative philosophical driftwork that would arise from trying to interpret or deconstruct the results of mixed media experiments. Below is a direct link to the SYNCFLIX section of the website and the accompanying text describing the archive.

Research in Synchronicity Occurring in Multi-Media

Welcome to SYNCFLIX, brought to you by David Charles Plate. What you have stumbled upon is the largest collection of experiments exploring profound synchronicity between albums and films you will find on the net. If you click on any one of the 100+ images below it will take you to said album/film pairing for instant streaming and/or download. Each experiment is 100% repeatable…


Oops, I meant Season 02 with +18sec on audio. It synchronizes fantastically until about halfway through ep 204-205, after which it loses all steam. Check it out, Alice.

Wow! Thanks for posting this. I watched The Sacred Magi of Abramelin the Mage with Aphex Twin's Drukqs. Fantastic film and the matchup did better than I could have expected. This site is for the collection.

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