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/q/ - arisuchan meta

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formatting options

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1505350204700.jpg (91.28 KB, 850x850, caching-yay.jpg)


It would be nice to have the formatting hints either displayed in the reply/new topic form & miniform or linked to (with new window/pop) for reference.

I was quite certain there was a reference for this, however finding it while trying to compose isn't an easy task.


there is halp for this on
(thats the info/faq link on the top bar)

a more visible helper thinggy would be nice, though…maybe a little ¿ button near "new reply" or something.


>It would be nice to have the formatting hints either displayed in the reply/new topic form & miniform or linked to (with new window/pop) for reference.
I agree that we made this needlessly difficult to find. I added a "formatting options" link in the post form.

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