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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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MacOS is at 3.59%. To think Linux is beating Apple on the desktop…
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>This report contains preview data that has NOT been reviewed by Quality Assurance.

Not sure about that 3.59% chummer.


two salty macfаgs detected :D


These are never accurate. This is the source of netmarketshare data:


Why isn't Chrome and Android factored in to this?


android is not a desktop and besides cant really be compared to linux proper as it deviates in how its typically used

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What are we going to do to preserve our lifestyle after the inevitable happens?


OP I took this into consideration back in 2001. I wasn't very old just a teenager. Instead of bothering to get a drivers licence I took skills I learned in cadets and started walking places. Then a few years ago one of my neighbours gave me a bicycle which more than halves the time spent traveling.

Humans always find a way to adapt. Maybe it will be harder, perhaps we return to horses or more likely we just innovate like we always do and find some cheap means of transportation or at least come up with high efficiency oil based fuel powered engines.


Bikes are underrated.
Thinking about acquiring an electric motor for mine and trimming it to go faster than intended. Of course you have to slow down around the po-po but as long as you're not intoxicated beyond reason that's hardly a difficult thing to manage.



Peak oil in the sense of "skyrocketing oil prices due to difficulty of extraction and rising demand" will never happen. Extraction is easier than ever, thanks to modern drilling technology. And demand is set to plumet. Renewables are getting really cheap, really good, really fast.

Just look at China; they're halfway through a plan to spend US$361 billion on clean power projects and manufacturing capacity by 2020. US$200 billion of that is going into solar alone. The economies-of-scale of Chinese solar panel and wind turbine manufacturing is already starting to hit the world market. Their program has been such a success that they're already cancelling the construcion of many coal plants that had been planned to supplement those renewables, since the renewables are outperforming all expectations at lower-than-expected costs. Energy companies worldwide are pulling investment cash out of fossil fuel plants and power stations, and putting it into solar and wind instead (using those same inexpensive Chinese turbines and panels). The return on investment of renewables in most of the world is now competitive with fossil fuels, even in the absense of subsidies or tax credits.

And that's not even getting into other awesome projects, like the Bay of Fundy Tidal Energy Project ( The kinetic energy of an ocean current is staggering. And ocean currents tend to be pretty stable and predictable. The technical problems with the TEP weren't in a lack of energy available to capture; the problem was actually the other way around. Building a turbine strong enough to survive the currents without shredding itself to bits took a lot of engineering work. But that seems to be a solved problem now.

On the other side of the coin, bulk stationary electricity storage is also advancing fast, and not just in the comes-to-mind-first lithium-ion tech. Redox flow batteries are a really interesting way to cheaply store mass quantities of power. It's basically a battery the size of a small building. The amount of power storage is limited only by the size of the tanks holding the liquid electrolyte solution, and the input/output rate is limited only by the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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hi, Just looking for an os that doesn't need too much processing power. It would also help if it wasn't too difficult to install and get working.
17 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I hear Lubuntu is extremely light. I read on Wiki that it uses half the RAM Xubuntu does. But I've never used it, never looked any further into it and have no intention of doing either, so IDK


Debian - install and go:
Plain old debian only running openbox so you have a WM and can set a wallpaper. Smooth for decent yet old machines.

Puppy linux - install and go:
You have to see and test it to know what it is.

Void Linux - A bit more advanced:
Void linux with the XFCE desktop, or you could replace XFCE with the Lumina Desktop. It runs as if its nothing on even a 15 year old computer for as long as you have a decent and supported graphics chip. The system needs manual intervention to fix the installer its "bug" where it does not make a functional hostname, not having a functional hostname screws a few things up at first. after fixing that and updating the system, firmware images, and installing the nonfree repo i can only say that its freaking great.

TinyCore - Absolutely not your daily system
A unique and special system which i would not advice to any person not willing to study it and learn how to use it, or make it usable for yourself.


what do people thing about devuan? anyone switch and have something to say?

yeh, go for it! just make sure you have a scratch machine to work with


Lubuntu is my go-to lightweight distro. If the system is very old, maybe DSL. Haven't used that in forever. And if you're after no bullsoykaf minimalism, Alpine.


gentoo, unironically.
its super minimal just compile stuff over night

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How can Digital Ocean afford to give such competitive prices? I'm interested in switching to a different vps provider but I'm worried that they're really just an NSA front or at the very least up to something nefarious.
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can you go more in depth about your Data ag project? sounds interesting



Well, without giving away the secret sauce, I can kinda outline what I'm doing (I have a SaaS built around the concept, and I'm kiinda proud of it). Basically, Twitter's Streaming API gives you a random sample of the total minute-to-minute tweets that amounts to approximately 1% of all tweets. This will net you ~3.4 mil (+/- 0.2 mil) tweets daily if you decide to aggregate them.

The official estimate for daily tweets is ~500 mil, but I've found that number to be slightly inflated, and the actual number varies greatly. Anyway, I scaled up the operation to net ~5% of all tweets (with plans to hit 10% soon). This ~16mil daily tweets doesn't even account for my favorite part of the operation: historical data! That's the stuff that's actually worth money. I'm pulling 3x the amount of historical data as my streaming data.

There are tons of tricks and workarounds you have to put in place to collect that much data without pissing them off, I wouldn't suggest going after it unless you have plenty of patience and programming chops. On the plus side, there's enough room in this industry for many more like myself to undercut the big guys.

Last thing I'll say: you'll be amazed at what you can do with this data, too. There are strong correlations between frequency of hashtags/keywords and crime, death tolls, cryptocurrency prices, stocks, and who knows what else.

I feel like I just wrote a novel. I get excited about data :)

Hope this clarifies.


>cryptocurrency prices

you've awaken the cyber jew within me
so you're saying, for example, I make a bot to get tweets
look for hashtags, maybe some sentiment analysis
and you're saying the more servers like this I run
the more data I get, the higher its aggregated quality
and then straight to lambo land

worst case scenario I spend 40$ on VPS costs and get to write something fancy on my CV

good idea Lain


Kimsufi (OVH) are cheap and don't care about abuse.


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>Digital Ocean
Time to shill for Scaleway. They have much better prices. Compared to DO's 5$ instance Scaleway gives you 2 Cores, 50GB SSD, 2G Ram and unlimited transfer for just 3€. The reason for this low price is their usage of Intel Avoton C2750s. They are very low power, however for typical web hosting purposes (or even running Tor relay nodes) the servers do just fine. As for the NSA, they're based in France, not in the US.

I had a tor relay node with them for a couple months and pushed over 7TBs of data (while seeding weeb soykaf at the same time). They don't seem to care.

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>Teletext is the future. It is the aesthetic of countless science fiction movies set hundreds of years from now.

>Teletext is the present. Millions of people worldwide view one of over 100 teletext services on a daily basis.

>Teletext is the past. It is a groundbreaking milestone in technology, paving the way for countless innovations in media.


Teletex Art

Teletext Block Party Editor

Tutorial on the Editor

International Teletext Art Festival

Last day of the ITV Oracle


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What does everyone think of this Purism Librem crowdfunding project?

They're separating the phone/radio stuff from the rest of the hardware, and then putting it behind a hardware killswitch. Also wifi/bluetooth/camera are behind a killswitch. Looks like they're trying to go as open as the can with all the hardware/software.

The advice here seems to be kill-your-smartphone, but is there any appeal in having something more like this?
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the hardware will be soykaf. they'll just try to use every chipset that doesn't have "proprietary firmware", which in most cases are really terrible.


It'll end in tears.



Yeah, they had an initial burst of funding, but it flatlined after the first day. I doubt they'll even make the goal, which is a shame, because I'd buy one if it was an actual product and not a promise.

I think they're fighting an uphill battle. The people who would be interested in this thing are also probably jaded enough to not to invest in crowdfunding schemes which often under-deliver or turn to vapor.


File: 1504309042542.jpg (97.14 KB, 497x680, RbLIAcTMMrc.jpg) this looks promising fam!


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oooh, now this is interesting, yes. thanks for sharing

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ELI5 Perelman's proof of the Poincaré conjecture


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In this thread we post websites that hold useful or otherwise useful resources but don't directly allow downloading them, and look for a way to get the data for personal storage and sharing.
As this might be considered a wargame of sorts, I think we should use spoiler tags around the solutions when we post them.

Disclaimer that goes without saying: no personal /r/ing, doxxing, or stuff like that. Let's keep it interesting.
I don't know if we should upload the data ITT or just leave the answer so that lainons can download it on their own, What do you think?. Also, does anbody know what's this site's max file upload size?


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Here's one challenge. hosts a big list of Creative Commons Netlabels. That means that these sites upload music that's free to download and share, but it's difficult to do so because it's spread across around 300 different publishers that use different hosting methods for the music (bandcamp,, direct download, etc). I think what this would take is:

1. For each netlabel, find a way to automate the processes of:
1.a. Downloading all the music
1.b. Tagging the music files appropriately.
1.c. Checking for new publications/uploaded music that you don't have locally.
2. Write a script that, when run, creates a directory named after the relevant netlabel and performs those three actions there.
3. Write a script that, when run, takes a bunch of said netlabel-specific scripts and runs them all in a certain directory, building an encompassing library.
4. As long as the internet exists: expand the program adding CC netlabels to it.

I'm going to loop through step 1 myself, other iterators should feel free to join me, pick a netlabel from the list and look under its hood. Hacky happing!


I went after some of the netlabels that offer direct downloads. However, I didn't realise that Acts Of Silence kept a .opml file with all the rss links for the netlabels that have one available, so the downloading part is solved for the ones that are listed with a rss link. As long as the rss covers all releases and not just the latest ones, that is.

In Abstrakt Reflections the URLs for the .zip albums look like, where N is a number from 1 to 174 at the time, throwing that into a text file and feeding it to wget or aria2 will do 1.a., note that it would download each album in all two or three available audio formats. Their music is well tagged, so they themselves took care of 1.b. Iterating over N and waiting for their "Download does not exist!" page would do 1.c.
AlchEmistica was similar,, iterating from 001 to 009 and gets you the files. Everything else is like the previous label.
Altema is just the same, URLs look like
Buddhistonfire is similar, the links are of the form except for N=004, whose URL is
rain: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


If they are on, these will solve the downloading:

However, I can't get it to search by user. I've found otherman record's account (@corekrave), but searching for it does not return all the uploads.



youtube-dl will download most stuff you give it, it should handle direct links,, and bandcamp.

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Are there any U.S. based hack/tech conventions that you'd recommend? DEFCON is obviously there, but I unfortunately couldn't attend this year. What would you recommend? I finally have some money and a means of transportation.


i highly recommend hope

i popped my con cherry there


I'll be sure to try to attend next year. Looks very cool and is nearby. I suggest FOSSCON in Philadelphia!


What about local 2600 meetups?


I wouldn't go to any US events (or set foot there) unless you want to get derezzed like Marcus Hutchins.


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We will be setting up a group for HOPE 2018. Keep an eye out folks!

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I want to do my first PC build.

I have the basics down pat about how to safely put a computer together but need help getting pointed in the right direction of what kind of components to get…

Linux OS
Security minded so thinking of going for AMD processor
Will be doing lots of processing so will I need a good GPU?
I'd like to have 2 optic drives does Sony still make any?
maybe a medium size case so its not hard to move it from place to place

What are your thoughts /tech/?

Also I need like at least 4 usb 3.0 ports and sd car reader.
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I have a Trinity series released in late 2012, should I be good? "The Platform Security Processor (PSP) is built in on all Family 16h + systems" I'm honestly not sure what "Family 16h + systems" is even referring too, fill in a hardware noob please


So turns out its a 15h processor, making it part of the last generation of AMD processors without PSP. Whew I sure got lucky.


well, I suppose then moving onto other parts, it seems you still need a motherboard, a powersupply, memory, potentially a graphics card (this is usually only if your cpu has no integrated graphics, though a discreet gpu can also be useful, like for passthrough to a virtual machine, or other tasks. If you have integrated graphics and dont know you want a gpu, you're probably safe), disc(s) and a case.

if you're interested you might want to look for a coreboot/libreboot friendly mobo.

you should be able to get optic drives, without much difficulty. I am sure some people make them new, as they are not totally unused, but there's no harm saving a little money and buying nice used items.

as far as discs, you'll probably have to pick between SSD, HDD, or them both together. SSDs are nice because they are considerably faster than HDDs, but tend to be more costly and more prone to failure.

there is more to say, but I am not fully sure how much background you have/how much detail I should give, a lot of this is fairly easy to research on the wired yourself, but from when I started I know it can be fairly nerve wracking to actually make the jump to assembling a pc, and now its easy to forget how worried I was about wasting a bunch of money on memory that didnt work.


this makes me depressed, do we have any other evidence other than some /pol/ thread?


>if you're interested you might want to look for a coreboot/libreboot friendly mobo.

Yes, very interested and hopefully it works with that older AMD that was suggested.

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