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Kalyx ######

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—- > Do you know any method of anonymity? < —-
—- > Any system? < —-
—- > tips? < —-
—- > Post here < —-
—- > And make cyberspace is safer < —-
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Why use a fork of a fork of I2P rather than just using just the C++ I2P or regular I2P?


Because it works really well


I'm looking for actual discussion, not "because it works really well"


They list the reasons they forked i2pd in their FAQ

The reason I would prefer to use kovri over i2pd is because its not just a fork of i2p to c++ it's going to integrate monero and most likely become more user friendly so people can develop and use DNMs on there and other services.


That's just blah-blah by the Kovri authors. I2Pd is much more actively developed and has cool features Kovri doesn't (when they forked they wanted to do more, but now they say its going to be less because security). Code quality is pretty much the same (rather ugly in many places). Kovri is also slower as a I2P router (i2pd switched to openssl for crypto).

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I can often hear that kids should be taught digital literacy at school, that is, fundamental skills that every computer user should know. But they rarely talk about what these skills are, and to be honest it's a hard question to answer. So what do you think, what are the skills that should be considered "digital literacy?"
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95% of jobs out there use none of these.


Sad to say it, but this is right.


Perhaps because it's a self-reinforcing pattern?
"Guy doesn't care about security, so doesn't learn more so that he'd further care".

Also, there are things which have a high cost and zero ROI unless they're used, at which point they instantly gain massive ROI. Examples would include Fire Alarms and Extinguishers with fires, and various types of savviness for phishing..


while this stuff is perhaps more timeless than 'how to use https in google chrome version xxx', its also in many instances not really relevant to the average user. most people are not going to learn the details of how to properly use various plumber's instruments; they dont have the interest, the desire, or the reoccurring need to be able to use them. but perhaps there is a way to teach them the basics of how drains and pipes work so they can not cause problems in their plumbing, and, if interested, can make an effort to crudely diagnose issues when they occur, and then proceed to their reading of the manual to figure out the specifics of how to actually fix it.

in the case that you arent one for analogs, what matters is a solid, albeit general, sense of how things fit together, general enough that it will apply essentially the same in 5 or 10 years as it does today, clear and specific enough to actually understand and apply.

The vast majority of people will never use vim or emacs. but a great many people will use computer networks, and might stand to benefit from understanding a few solid principals of network security and architecture.


'digital literacy' isn't(shouldn't be?) about having marketable skills.

At any rate it'd be better for schools to focus on metacognition particularly in terms of having situational awareness about your skills. Everything else you can learn on you own.

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As an American I find it so sad and pathetic that the U.S. doesn't have launch capacity. Since August 2011 we have literally had to hitch a ride with the Russians just to get to space. If there were some kind of diplomatic crisis between the two countries, we could lose access to the International Space Station.

How is this situation even remotely acceptable?

If you went back in time to 1969 and told the Apollo astronauts that in 2017 the United States wouldn't have the capacity to get to space, they would give you a concerned, but puzzled look and say, "What happened? World War III?"

What do you say to that?


What I find even more heartbreaking is the baffling lack of progress we have really made in the scheme of things. An artificial probe only left the solar system for the first time in 2013 and as of yet no human has ever left the Earth's orbit let alone reach another planet or moon. It seems we are too buried in our phones to look up at the (lack of) stars anymore.


I believe our government has been in contact with ET's for decades, and have learned just how much tech / knowledge is required for effective space travel. I think launching tin cans into orbit has become less of a priority as a result; especially considering we have no buisness leaving earth till we have our own soykaf sorted out as a species.


The US isn't lacking launch capacity unless you're talking about humans. if you recall the pluto/KBO flyby mission "new horizons", that was launched from a us location on a us rocket, a delta iv, which also launched some other well known large recent payloads, such as the Mars Science Laboratory. The delta iv is a pretty capable launch vehicle, as are other smaller rockets in its family.

but that's pedantic because its obvious that you are talking about humans.

I suppose, I am not wholly sure what you desire for that state to do, however. The US could develop a parallel system to the Soyuz, but it would take an awful lot to make it as reliable as Soyuz, and perhaps more pertinent would be the question of what in the world is it for: probably if the US/Russia collaboration falls apart the entire future of the ISS would be drawn into question, and its possible the US would have no further desire to send crews there to begin with. that is, if the US uses access to soyuz, it probably also looses its use for a soyuz like vehicle.

As it stands the ISS is sort of questionably useful, I have a tendency to ramble so I shan't try to go into that.

if the US, or any state, is seeking to send humans to some meaningful destination, then its probably useful for that state to have means to send humans to space. as it stands neither the US nor any other country, with the possible exception of China, seem to be actively pursuing an expanded programme of human spaceflight to a destination apart from the ISS. The US is in its perpetual state of 'mars, soon' or 'moon again, soon'. But without a clear, achievable goal (which means, without a goal and the funding to get there) neither nasa nor anyone has much need of a system to launch humans into space.

considering the current state of NASA's budget, its probably more economical to pursue robotic projects for the foreseeable future.

Humans are expensive. they are periodically useful, and certainly some projects could incorporate human geologists, pilots, and other scientists to great effect in the role of astronauts. but as it stands, there are many places that have yet to be explored to the extent that's entierly achievable through robotic means.

to give a quick example: the outer planets of Uranus and Neptune, and their systems of satellites.

these were visited both briefly by the Voyager II probe after its flyby of Saturn. In the course of that missPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Does anyone else use flu.x or computer glasses? I know this is probably unusual, but I actually use both simultaneously. By setting flu.x to a mild hue shift I can avoid wearing those ridiculous yellow tinted glasses and opt for the more normal looking ones. They still block a lot blue light, but they don't make the whole world yellow, which makes it possible to do color sensitive work while wearing them. All I have to do is disable flu.x when entering Photoshop and other creative software.
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I use redshift aswell


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I have used f.lux and personally I find it more useful for falling asleep easier after a long night of day of doing meat machine stuff, something something blue wavelengths stimulate like daylight.


Maybe I should start. I don't really think about how the blue light affects me but I do have issues falling asleep.
Interesting, Ill look into it.


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It looks like those Redshift glasses aren't fit for doing computer work. The official product page says that they can block light with a wavelength of up to 400nm. Computer screens emit blue light that has a wavelength from 400nm to 500nm, though. Can somebody recommend a product that is definitely suitable for the desired purpose?


Redshift is just a free software alternative to f.lux:

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In the interest of building a proper science and technology board, more superficial threads like the desktop and battlestation threads have been moved to /r/. We would like to encourage more serious discussion of science and mathematics. Please don't let the URI of the board stop you from making great threads on these topics. Thank you.

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How do you think Awesome and i3 compare? Granted, their problem domains are slightly different, but as Awesome was once the king of the ricer WM and i3 currently is, they are worth comparing.

I used to use Awesome. However, I eventually realized that I didn't really have the drive or skill to do anything interesting with it, beyond very basic tweaks. The next time I felt the urge to distro hop, I ended up switching to i3. I found its configuration system somewhat limiting compared to Awesome's, but I don't think that's a flaw in i3, because I've been using it for about six months now. Let me explain why that wasn't a problem.

Awesome is very much like Emacs in design philosophy. Emacs not only provides the facility of a text editor, but also an entire scripting language and a broad range of tools to extend the editor with. In effect, it's an IDE disguised as a humble text editor. Awesome, similarly, not only provides the facility of a window manager, but also an entire Lua implementation and a set of extensions to extend its window management functionality with. Like how Emacs is an IDE disguised as a text editor, Awesome is an entire desktop environment disguised as a window manager. A sufficiently tooled Awesome setup not only offers window management, but also offers a panel with a system tray and its own native widgets, a notification daemon, and third-party extensions that doubtlessly incorporate further functionality. The end result is something extremely flexible, but also massive and complex. Consider the following code, found in Awesome's default configuration file [1]:

awful.key({ modkey, }, "j",
function ()
awful.client.focus.byidx( 1)
if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end

This code snippet makes Mod+j switch focus to a different window. To do that, the user must separately declare the modifiers, the regular key, and an anonymous function that carries out the action. This complexity is good, in one sense, because it allows the user to turn complex actions into simple keybinds. But in another sense, it's terrible, because one of the simplest parts of window management can only be implemented with several lines of user-written code!

If Awesome is like Emacs, then i3 could be compared to Nano. Nano provides very basic text editing functionality: search and replace, undo and redo, cPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


do you also think SSL is bloat?


Then remove the bar at the top, and remove tiling. Then the window manager will be actually usable.


I'm getting bored of i3 and I was thinking of maybe moving to awesome.
Thanks for saving me the trouble.
What are some other tiling window managers I should try, besides dwm and the overly complicated and bloated ones like Awesome?


personally I like ratpoison.

it takes a little getting used to, and a little configuring, and maybe a little bit of a different keybinding manager, but its nice.


Came here to post this. Even if my cofiguration is still barebones it feels extremely functional and I managed to make something that is in between a full tiling and just a floating one. Also I can change whatever I want by just making new bash scripts instead of having to dive in a full program like dwm or ratpoison.
I find a bit hard and inane to describe wm by comparing them to text editors. They are used for different purposes, and there are much more different philosophies for wms than for text editors. Can we just talk abot wm as wm?

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So how courageous do you think they're going to be?
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Is it wrong for me to say that I could actualy see them doing this?


>Two new iphones (one without a physical home button kek)
>Charging mat
>Another watch
>Facial recognition software (the first step on the road to INGSOC)
>Better camera

Welp, that's what we have folks.


I definitely thought the lighting features with regards to the camera stood out the most, not a whole lot otherwise. I wonder how long they can ride on what Jobs built, but at the same time I really wish we had more figures like him emerge from the monstrosity that is the tech industry now. Why aren't there as many recognizable names as there used to be?


>the first step on the road to INGSOC
>the first
We took that step a long time ago.

sage because low quality bait thread.


courageous enough to wipe themselves off the wired

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Hey Lains

Openmailbox has completely taken a turn for the worse. The overhauled their service and paywalled imap, and now a majority of users are also unable to send emails, login, export emails and contacts. You name it, there's currently a problem with it. I can't read new emails at the moment but that's about it. Has been like for nearly a week now. So, I'm in the market for a new provider. I don't have the time, patience, or connection to manage my own mail-in-a-box server, so I'm sticking with a provider. I'm mainly considering Posteo or Protonmail. Posteo is cheaper and has imap support, but is located in Germany while Proton is in Switzerland. Proton costs a bit more (it'd be $2 more per month than what I need with Posteo) but I don't know if it's worth it. Proton is in the process of making the app open source, will implement imap sometime soon, and seems to be more trusted by users, although there was that DDoS attack in 2015. Proton seems more reliable in the long-term to me.

What provider would you recommend? Others besides Posteo and Protonmail? What do you use personally? I'm not really interested in and would like things out of the US. Not looking to spend more than $5 per month.
13 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Finding people to get invite codes from is a pain

kolab now is pretty good all their server software is FOSS and they contribute back upstream


What about de coldland based server "unseen "dot" is"? Coldland have free speech laws, pirate party and don`t give a fuarking fuark about file sharing.


Well, I found my alternative to be google, as I never used my accounts for anything I needed to be truly private as ProtonMail has filled those needs.

I really love how the admin of (Vince) called them out on their bullsoykaf too. He runs an email service for 190260 accounts (not sure how many are actually active though) and he has no issues giving them access to IMAP and Webmail.


Also if anyone is really looking for a safe alternative, I'd recommend wholeheartedly.

Great services ran by some good people.


for free services I would recommend or

for my serious personal stuff I use a posteo account, they support 2FA and a lot of other good stuff

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Can we finally use GitTorrent for its undervalued features and save with p2p storage so its not so expensive to maintain? I have 3 servers I could seed with


That is pretty fucking neat. You should send an email to dankengine. His presence is very sporadic on the chan.



I've been waiting on this project to mature a little, myself, before checking it out. Is this at a semi-stable release, no longer alpha soykaf?

Would love to see this get going.

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A while back, actually some year time ago. I came across this thing called a pirate box.
"PirateBox. PirateBox is a DIY anonymous offline file-sharing and communications system built with free software and inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware."

"The new Hotfix release 1.1.3 is out. This release contains RPi-Zero-W support, additional changes for reduce write cycles on the SDCard"

For some reason, I feel like putting one of these pirate boxes into my old math book or a food box.
What about you Lains, any thoughts on this technology?
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Where can I source a 'Made in UK' Raspberry Pi in USA?

Can this be powered by a powerbank? If so for how long?

Does this work with full disc encryption?

What is the range of my network?

How can I extend the range?

Is it possible to mostly use tough grade/industrial grade components in this build?

How many users can connect at one time? Can this number be increased easily?

Am I right in thinking that in addition to being a portable imageboard it can also function as a file server? If its used for file sharing how fast are the upload/download speeds?

I would like to build a self contained and powered unit fitting in a Pelican/Peli case to make available to my local community or other places. Something that will hold up to be transported a lot, banged around, and rained on.


it's a computer, you can run anything you can imagine on it, fire up the stock raspbian and you have almost the entire Debian package repository at your fingertips. If you can do it with a regular debian server chances are you can do it with an RPI.

cpu cycles permitting

(actually that quad core ARM on the pi3 is pretty hefty)



I have two powerbanks. My smaller one is a 4000mah one ($13) and the longest I've tested it was for 6 hours, and it still had over 75% battery. So it could easily run one for a full day.

You'd have to script it yourself, but I don't see why not. Mine is designed to be fully automatic though, so encrypting it would be pointless.

The range depends on whatever wifi adapter you use. The built in wireless of the Zero W sucks, so you'll only get about sixty feet or so before dropoff. But a good ALFA036NEH with a 9dbi antenna would work much better. It's just however much you want to pay for an antenna, and how small you want it to be.

Extend the range by using a ba=etter wireless adapter/antenna.

Technically sure, but the plastic official raspberry pi case, or even an Altoids can will work just fine.

I've never tested this, it just depends on the capabilities of the device you're using. This is not resource intensive at all. I'd be more worried about network bandwidth before ever worrying about a concurrent user limit.

It has both an imageboard and a fileshare system built in.

Most of these answers are publicly available. Just check the raspberry pi website for the throughput.

This thing and a cellphone battery or two would fit in an aluma wallet. A pelican case sounds like overkill to me.


I wish Freedombox released another upgrade already


for those of you who want to install it quickly here is a fork that installs a ton of useful stuff and gets it running in one script

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