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/λ/ - programming

structure and interpretation of computer programs.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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A lot of "beginner" threads in programming boards aren't very academic and aren't really directed towards actual beginners. They almost never share resources for someone who has literally never typed a single line of code in their entire life. The following two textbooks and courses may be especially challenging for the person I've just described, but they actually start at the beginning and introduce one to programming in a rigorous manner that endows one with a conceptual understanding of the science of computation and how to think computationally rather than only how to engage in programming itself.

Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
with Application to Understanding Data





Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science


Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python


readings: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What's CC in this context?


Computer Cience
Oh god I'm an idiot


Ah, no, despite the name, computer science has little to do with actual computers. It's about "computing" in the abstract, mostly mathematical point of view. It's mainly concerned with what can be computed and how, what kind of algorithms exist (and can exist), how you can classify them, and things like that. You could study it without ever actually touching a computer and nobody would notice. The study of actual computers' workings is usually called computer engineering and the study of building software is software engineering. Sometimes people like to abuse terms and call everything computer science, but they are wrong.


Oh, if that's the case then computer science is not for me.
Thanks for your time, forget about the posts i made.


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Unsure if this fits even remotely, but at the bottom of this page you can find some nice free programming books for kids from the 80's: Does Basic and Machine Code, but for 80's Microcomputers. It's really quite nifty to look through these, as the design is absolutely gorgeous. I don't know what other thread would be appropriate to share something like this, but I figured that people on here would appreciate it, so I post it here. May belong more into >>>/art/

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Why is OOP bad?
Are all OOP flavours bad?
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Smalltalk is OOP done right.


What makes it different from other OOP languages?


Java was a mistake.


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In most cases it comes down to “the real OOP hasn’t been tried yet”. Even Alan Kay, the guy who coined the term “Object-Oriented”, later said that he didn’t have C++ in mind. And I’m pretty sure you’ve seen these videos, too:


These videos are useless even if you ignore the unwarranted self-importance syndrome of the author. Object-oriented programming is about dynamic dispatch, not "segregating state". He's fighting a straw man.

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How do you keep up with programming related news? I know there's reddit and hacker news but I would like to stay away from those.
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Follow a few blogs, subreddits, HN and I try to only check these things at the beginning of the day before really "working" though. Otherwise I waste time throughout the day.

Also, it helps to be in a community of like minded people that will share good links with you. Like a Slack org or IRC server.


I stick around a few irc channels and other live chats. If something major is happening, it usually filters to places like that, if they're active.


I periodically check the latest CS preprints on arxiv, a few blogs, and since I do a lot of C++ programming professionally I follow the proposals within the C++ committee.


I tried following an RSS feed from arxiv once but it was such high volume that I simply couldn't keep up with it.


You just need to filter out the subjects that don't interest you.

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finished first semester in college , we did java,html,java script so far
am interested in learning other languages over the summer months mainly c
i was looking for ideas for summer projects or languages that i should consider learning
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Just about to do this myself. My first semester exams have just about wraped up and I have a physical copy that I have been wanting to work through. I just installed mit-scheme last night.


>no one learn PHP
that's just good life advice


iirc nothing is wrong with PHP if you use it for your little pet project. What would be your alternative if you have a little site on a shared webhoster?


>Please. No one learn PHP to work on this site. If you already know PHP, it is much appreciated. Otherwise, please, no.
Nice timing. This was just posted today:

>iirc nothing is wrong with PHP if you use it for your little pet project. What would be your alternative if you have a little site on a shared webhoster?
You can get a VPS for less that most shared hosting these days. You can even find a decent one for $15 a year or less.


Early PHP was not intended to be a new programming language, and grew organically, with Lerdorf noting in retrospect: "I don't know how to stop it. There was never any intent to write a programming language. I have absolutely no idea how to write a programming language."

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Whats your preferred IDE?
inb4 emacs
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cwm with urxvt, feh, gvim, mupdf, tmux, links (and firefox because fuck life), and of course git, awk, sed etc.


Webstorm. Why?


code::blocks and vim are fine.


I have just started using spacemacs and I'm liking it.


IntelliJ IDEA as an all-in-one, vim for scripting languages (because Jetbrains' autocomplete system tends to soykaf the bed when dealing with them once you hit a certain project size)

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Anyone know of any good resources for learning reverse engineering. On linux mostly because y'know, winblows. Attached is Dennis Yucharev's beginner reverse engineering book I just started reading it and I remember there being a site called "" or something but I can't find it anymore and I know that it was down for a while. Reverse engineering thread:


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I used to do challenges from but it seems to be dead. You can try this mirror:



You might be remembering which has some good reversing challenges.


>>499 seems to be somewhat better. It's still dead but at least it has an usable search interface. Now only if you could filter by architecture…

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Is prolog worth learning for Datalog? Does Datalog see much use in industry?
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please respond


Sorry anon if you are >>1120 I have no idea, lambda calculus has little to do with Prolog itself, you can learn them independently, but I have no idea what lambda Prolog is.



whats the point of prolog?


It's a logic programming language, some problems are better expressed in it than in other paradigms.


prolog is entirel y useless if you have to ask. you will not be hired for the kind of jobs where you need deep understanding of logic programming from day one. if you're a technician (aka web soyboy) that's by some magic forced to interact with an expert system or a semantic graph database, or you're probably going to either have a real programmer helping you or you can just figure some basic soykaf through examples.

on the other hand, if you want to be the kind of person they hire to do real work for a lot of money, you want to learn prolog even without asking on a chan. you want to learn prolog, grok its core principles, maybe lookup theory around it, and then immediately move on to learn something else. you can basically not learn it and you're still going to make money in the industry. or you learn it, AND you learn bunch of other soykaf. but if your own insatiable curiousity doesn't force you to learn prolog LIKE RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND OMG then your curiosity is also not going to be enough to learn all that other necessary stuff. it's an all or nothing, and you don't have a choice here. but hey while the valley money carousel is spinning, there's going to be plenty of jobs for web soyboys.

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I wanna make poll site. Basicly like but images + multiple questions.
Then result section like strawpoll. I am not knowing anything web programming. I searched github and ı didnt found anything.
What are you suggest me? Where am i supposed to start? Any tips,opinions welcome ;)


It seems you have a feature list, so before you do anything else, start reasoning about how data flows through your system. What are your inputs and your outputs? How is your system going to represent and transform data, and when, and where?

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I am learning C after getting 2 books from some friends. I got "Learn C the hard way" and "K&R 2nd Ed."

I want to try to optimize my learning as fast as possible does Alice recommend any way to speeding up my learning?
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C or Assembly?
i have been thinking of learning x86 assembly before C. What does alice think?


One compiles into another, why not learn both at the same time? Compile incredibly simple mains, study what it's compiled to. You'll learn both x86 AND how C compiles to it. Very useful skills to have.


If it's your first programming language, I would say C, otherwise assembly. Doing what >>1112 said is fun and you can learn a lot, but if you want to learn assembly you will have to write it too, not just read it.


Both it is then. Thanks for the advice i really apreciate it


Assembly is only useful for certain needs. I think you should learn C, then assembly, in that order, if you learn both. Also, waiting to learn an open-source assembly like RISC-V might help you preserve your freedoms.

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yeah i'm really new to programming, but i'd really like to get into it. Where do I start? I've been taking "programming" classes at my high school but we really only get into basic Javascript/C#. Could you guys give me any good resources for continuing this? C#/C/C++ especially.
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I think about this a lot.
Can't say if it's actually 100% accurate, but let's consider a few things.
I'm not all that attracted to masculinity, therefore, I myself presented myself as a feminie figure, there's that attraction figure. Like, if you were in the mood to just jack off that point, I wouldn't blame you.

Now, with that in mind, your body is completely loaded with a pheremone at this point. Now, this can definitely impact your actions and mentality.

Could this state actually improve your though process for the better?

I need more data


I don't think so. To program it you just need to know how it computes. The actual physics behind it are just implementation details. You don't have to know how transistors work to program a CPU and you won't need to know how qubits are made and measured to program a quantum computer. There's a level of abstraction that hides these details and presents you just the logic.


it still doubtless helps you as the programmer to be generally familiar with the implementation.

Computers, while generally functional, are imperfect. random bits flip, quantum computers these days get weird random errors all the time. It helps to be familiar enough with the mechanics of they system to acknowledge relevant issues, bugs, and magical handwavery so as to know when and how much to trust which systems.
Obviously though you can get by with just the general logic, but the more you know the better, and some of these things are not irrelevant.


If crossdressing makes you want to jerk off, you have to dress up sort of often so that you get used to it and the first impulse isn't to get off (I get that too; femininity gets me off even if I'm the one in the skirt and pigtails).

Once you're comfortable, some different creative process may take hold. Who knows? (I didn't post that doujin btw). Lots of people have a pre-game ritual, a lucky toy on their desk, a "magic" hat they wear while writing. This might be yours.


Well, I had the urge to get off even while making the post. It feels strange knowing that the sheer thought of cd is enough to trigger it

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