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Is prolog worth learning for Datalog? Does Datalog see much use in industry?


File: 1523966647405.pdf (5.8 MB, Clause and Effect_ Prolog ….pdf)

Prolog is worth learning anyway. It's not a complicated language but it's very different from the usual ones. If nothing else, I recommend reading this short book on it, in my opinion this is the most straightforward introduction.

Sorry I can't actually answer your question but it's a good book please give it a try.



You think being nice to you means i'll be nice to you? Guess what, I'm an asshole. Fuck you. What is this nerdy ass prolog book ? Get that soykaf out of my fucking face. Im going to burn your fucking prolog book. I'll wipe my ass with it.


what if im curious about lambda prolog and lambda calculus?

do i leanr Prolog first? still interested


please respond


Sorry anon if you are >>1120 I have no idea, lambda calculus has little to do with Prolog itself, you can learn them independently, but I have no idea what lambda Prolog is.



whats the point of prolog?


It's a logic programming language, some problems are better expressed in it than in other paradigms.


prolog is entirel y useless if you have to ask. you will not be hired for the kind of jobs where you need deep understanding of logic programming from day one. if you're a technician (aka web soyboy) that's by some magic forced to interact with an expert system or a semantic graph database, or you're probably going to either have a real programmer helping you or you can just figure some basic soykaf through examples.

on the other hand, if you want to be the kind of person they hire to do real work for a lot of money, you want to learn prolog even without asking on a chan. you want to learn prolog, grok its core principles, maybe lookup theory around it, and then immediately move on to learn something else. you can basically not learn it and you're still going to make money in the industry. or you learn it, AND you learn bunch of other soykaf. but if your own insatiable curiousity doesn't force you to learn prolog LIKE RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND OMG then your curiosity is also not going to be enough to learn all that other necessary stuff. it's an all or nothing, and you don't have a choice here. but hey while the valley money carousel is spinning, there's going to be plenty of jobs for web soyboys.

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