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/λ/ - programming

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Anyone here written a software crack before?

I know there are a whole bunch of keys floating around for Sublime Text, but I thought it would be fun to write my own crack for it anyway. I might even get around to writing a keygen. Here's a python script to patch the binary to remove the license checks, complete with 1337 ASCII art:

#/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import hashlib

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("USAGE: {} path/to/sublime_text".format(sys.argv[0]))

sf = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")
sublime_bin =

if hashlib.sha1(sublime_bin).hexdigest() != "536ca1f2ceee8746caeebad3af7acaad19cd42ea":
ERROR: hash mismatch.

This crack is only intended for this version of sublime:

If you want to try anyway, patch out this check at your own risk.""")

  _____ _    _ ____  _      _____ __  __ ______ 
 / ____| |  | |  _ \| |    |_   _|  \/  |  ____|
| (___ | |  | | |_) | |      | | | \  / | |__   
 \___ \| |  | |  _ <| |      | | | |\/| |  __|  
 ____) | |__| | |_) | |____ _| |_| |  | | |____ 
|_____/ \____/|____/|______|_____|_|  |_|______|
                                CRACKED BY KYNAR

# Note: The function at 0x419468 checks the key. 1=VALID

print("[+] Patching binary.")
sublime_bin = sublime_bin.replace(b"\x89\xe8\x74\x4c", b"\xff\xc0\xeb\x4c")

print("[+] Writing patch to disk.")
sf = open(sys.argv[1], "wb")

print("[+] Done!")
print("NOTE: In order to complete activation, either create the file ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Local/License.sublime_license, or simply attempt to activate with an invalid license.")

If you want to check it out, use this exact version of sublime:
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>all this stuff to get a fucking text editor towork
Or you can just download vim. Just Werks xd


whats the point on this one
just use the one in wikileaks

Affinity Computer Technology
10 User License
D64472BD FA040F1B 20F23C0D 114D57E4
AF4DDFDC A3FDDA29 00319FA1 91EE46D2
B3210738 54154723 F12511D6 950F839D
C5A83395 76EAEC5B FC25B644 9802A931
28A62A8C 9483EC49 E28E1A3B 997FA0FA
678ED4D3 2F4C2645 8E88274C 8AC599C2
F2D578D3 DF19037B 544F5304 18F3F196
6F1AC83E 2E1FCE1D BA74F528 1340A09F



You do understand that this key is from CIA and so they probably have some track of you this way. So if you're objective is to be private about your affair better not use that.

This key was posted on 4chan in the first "Vault 7" the day after wikileaks posted there series vault 7. The key isn't from wikileaks themself just to clarify for people that might use the key without knowing.


As of the full release of sublime 3 about a month ago now, this key does not work


do you mean getting free games from steam or cracking "owned" games so they can be played offline?

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I got a quick question but it's more like a poll.
Python or Ruby?
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Ruby all the way. Ruby is a very well designed language, the deeper you learn it, the more you see how everything connects, which is the opposite of most languages where the deeper you learn it the more you get caught up in idiosyncrasies.

Potentially the best scripting language would be Coffeescript, they got everything right. But its not a standalone language, its just a transpiler to Javascript.


Ruby, It's Syntax is nicer but I believe Python has a larger community with bigger support.
( But that doesn't make up for how soykaf it feels to program in it )


Greatly prefer Python, if only for the massive support and great libraries. The only time I use Ruby is to write Metasploit modules (ergo, not by choice), and I just don't care for how loose the language feels. Also it's slow.


I thought Python was supported for Metasploit modules for the last few years? Maybe I was misinformed.


You can hack stuff together with Python using msgrpc, but it's un-intuitive and being that Metasploit is already written in Ruby, using Ruby just makes sense to me in this case.

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want to get into robotics and machine learning.

physics and programming.

30yrs old, sole provider for large family, I need to cram relevant material and get to work.

eventually want to work as an engineer or programmer, but mainly interested in home projects ie. smart house, automated shopping list (organizes list by location in store), enhanced/simplified lawn care, and a bunch of tiny little bots that learn their environment and report….etc…

looking for self learner stack,
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math and programming aren't awful but i am definitely not fluent enough to think in these terms (I wont be thinking of working code or something whilst eating my bagel type thing) so i'd make a useless programmer as of right now. Right now, I would consider myself well introduced, so I could sit in on a conversation and have a decent idea of how things will work.

I've been getting frustrated because i haven't been building anything, I found a tutorial that is taking me through building an rpg with pygame. I have ideas for what i'd like it to develop into.


quickest route from noob to machine learning programmer is probably:
>get good at python
>learn undergrad linear algebra
>read some tutorials on how machine learning works
>find a python lib that abstracts away the hard parts
…in that order. although honestly if you just want little scripts to make your life easier, step 1 is probably sufficient. like i said, proper machine learning is rather difficult. nobody's using it in their home automation. most people just connect raspberry pis to things and write little python scripts to interface whatever functionality you've come up with to the network. honestly seems like a pretty good way to start out, as long as those kinds of projects will hold your attention.


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thanx for the advice. This rpg tutorial is pretty cool

and I'm really interested in this type of stuff at >>649

software cracking

really interested in all the things python can do in terms of software and os manipulation, whatever those things may be. Any suggestions?


there are bootcamps and online schools to learn this if you have that kind of money


Thanks :)

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When it comes to embedded programming and the advances in resources is it worth it to program in assembly or would it be better to just program in C?


The usual advice is to do it in C and avoid assembly as long as you can. If you absolutely have to, it's still better to mix the two than to write the whole thing in assembly.


Maintenance cost of a fully ASM system is higher than one in C. It requires more programmer-time to code and it's harder to grok fully.

Optimize stuff that needs it via inline ASM, but otherwise code it in C.


I appreciate the help guys. Do any of you work with embedded programming?


(679 here)
Not really. I've done some messing around as a hobbyist, but most of my recommendations are based around general systems development in C more so than anything which may apply to embedded development specifically.

Presumably, if your compilers don't support the architectures too well, you'll need to do more manual in-line optimizations. Perhaps there's an architecture somewhere badly-supported enough that it's best to just program it entirely in ASM. I mostly touch x86 and ARM systems, which have good optimizing C compilers.


I had an internship at a place that did. My code didn't actually run on the embedded systems but I had to work with code that did.

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>June 2017 was the first month that Python was the most visited tag on Stack Overflow within high-income nations. This included being the most visited tag within the US and the UK, and in the top 2 in almost all other high income nations (next to either Java or JavaScript). This is especially impressive because in 2012, it was less visited than any of the other 5 languages, and has grown by 2.5-fold in that time.


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>java/c++ consistently rises and falls with school year


javascript seems to go up every summer.
Any idea why?


You can also see the same trend for Python if you look at the slopes. All that this means is that more teachers are teaching Python, and more students are looking up answers and docs.

The total search queries decrease for other langs, increasing the ratio for JS search queries. These ratio graphs don't mean much without the data quantities.
Or maybe they realize Java doesn't work on the web and switch to JS.
The spikes in PHP around the new year days might be related to companies updating their websites for Christmas. This spike doesn't happen over the summer.

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I'm writing a shell.

Struggling to decide between using assembly for linux interrupts or the posix C wrappers.

I know to be portable I should use C. But, do you think there is any reason to use assembly? I'm struggling mostly because I want to use assembly, but think I should use C.


If you are working embedded systems I would worry about assembly but with advances in resources that is less of an issue. It is still good to at least know a little to do reverse engineering.


shells being slow is basically expected, so i don't see what reason you would have for not using C? portability is definitely more important. if you want to put in extra time, do localised asm after you've already finished a portable C version (though make sure to check that it's actually more efficient too)

this sounds fun, though; what sorts of things weren't satisfying about other shells? or is it just for fun?


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It's entirely just for fun. I'm not sure I can write something that will satisfy me enough to replace bash with it, but I sure am going to try.

It's going to be heavily integrated with lua. Right now I'm writing lua libraries in C to handle syscalls, termio, basically all the posix stuff, and then going to write the actuall shell in lua.

This way (in a fashion not entirely dissimilar to software) the user will be able to edit the source of the shell itself in lua in order to customize it. The main goals of the project being customizability and easy script writting/integration. (I am not a fan of bash scripts)

So far, it's been really illuminating though. I'm starting to understand why things in bash are the way they are, once I've started trying to replace it.


do you think you could share what things you've found so far, researching? am interested in what goes into this as well.

can't claim to be a fan of lua, but either way, good luck!


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Just simple language design stuff really, like why variables in bash are prefixed with $, or why the if/test commands and looping facilities are as funky as they are in bash.

Havne't delved very deep into actual bash source yet. Don't plan on looking into the actual source of bash/zsh until I get a solid POSIX shell done, and can focus on speed and "correctness".

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so have somewhat fallen for the elixir hype. written my way through 50-or-so
problems on exercism, project euler, et al. and think i'm in love.

the problem, though, is somehow moving past that and onto "real-world
applications". i'd really like to swap out the guts of my small personal
website, which currently runs on an awful mess of php generating script-less
html, to use elixir as a backend.

so the requirement, then is "respond to ssl-encrypted http requests by spitting
out generated html", with no worrying about scripts or databases or anything
else. what's the simplest way to go about this? most things seem to point at
Phoenix, but it looks to be some kind of giant stack, and it's introductory
guides all seem geared towards people who've used other "web frameworks"
before, which foreign terminology littered throughout.
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yes, see, this is what i meant about terminology. i've never used rails or any other web framework thing. i have no idea what a "view" is or what a "template" is in this context. so i look at that site and it gets me nowhere.

all i want to do is, over ssl, send html files and the files they reference, with the contents of the files calculated from the local filesystem and url arguments as the only inputs.


ok, Im actually learning backend web development myself, so I cant say much about ssl. But on the second page of the guide "Adding Pages" it shows how to add a static page, in the middle it shows how to add a /hello static webpage. Sorry, I can only answer general questions about Phoenix, Im not good enough to get into specifics.


well thanks anyways. will take a look again during next school break.

if you've made anything yourself, though, would be interested to see. and maybe that would be enough to get a feel for how things work, just a super simple working example.


> yes, see, this is what i meant about terminology. i've never used rails or any other web framework thing. i have no idea what a "view" is or what a "template" is in this context. so i look at that site and it gets me nowhere.

So this comes from MVC frameworks, Modal, View, Controller.

The Modal is the translation layer to your datastore(like a database), it stores references to any long term stored vars for a controller.

The View is what renders the site the user views through templates.

The Controller ties the View and Modal together, it will normally handle the backend code.

Templates are basic html files that the views pass variables into and get rendered.

So in a simple blog, you would goto the home page, the home page controller would query the modals and get a list of blog entries, the controller would then feed the entries to the view, the view would reference a template and would render for the user.

Inside the template (pesudo code inc) you would do something like this:
{% foreach entry in posts %}
        <a href="{%- entry.url -%}">{%- entry.title -%}</a>
    <p>{% entry.shortpost %}</p>
{% end %}


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thank you so much!

don't feel quite so lost now

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Use whatever brace style you prefer.

But not this.

Don't do this.

Seek help instead of this.
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>set the color of brackets to the background color
And get weird ass bugs that you can't track because you can't see the missing or excessive brackets


But here's a better idea. Write a script that takes indented text and inserts brackets around different levels of indentation. Should be a piece of cake.

>This paper is written for programmers around the world. We hope by freely sharing a powerful new discovery, we might inspire you, dear programmer, to create new tools and languages, so that we all may experience a quantum leap in programming productivity.
>We include a Visual Abstract to succinctly display the problem and discovery. Then we describe the problem–the abstract syntax tree (AST)–and introduce the novel solution we discovered: a new family of 2D programming languages that align source code with geometric trees and remove the AST. Then we make some predictions and conclude with a plea to steal this idea.


So Lisp with significant white-space?


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No it isn't dark is better.
Oooohhhh I'm so mad.

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Hi Lainchan

I've recently became interested in learning C. I've read through some pdfs I've found online and I think I'm ready to start compiling. What is a good compiler to use on Tails 2.12 and how does one go about installing it via Terminal?
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Tails is not meant to be extended by more programs, nor usable in everyday usage.
If you insist on tails, you could build your own tails images.
But keep in mind that the torproject designed Tails carefully, to prevent the installed programs to give away your Identity.
The next problem is that you need to secure the computer, you would build your own version of Tails…
I hope it is clear that you do not want to do this.

1. The better option, if you have the Hardware. 16GB RAM and an SSD really are useful.
2. Subgraph OS could be worth a shot. It is pretty fresh (that's bad), but promising.
3. plain Debian + Tor Browser should do nicely too, just pay attention and learn more on Linux.


Is it possible to run qubes off a thumbdrive?


For C and Unix, I'd probably recommend FreeBSD. It comes with a compiler and everything you need in the default install. Useful tools like ctags, yacc, lex, and so on
Maybe OpenBSD though: it comes with X in the default install, unlike FreeBSD.


No, take a closer look at the OS (such as reading up on it from the website) to get some real understanding. Tails is fully designed to work off of a usb or cd, qubes is fully designed to work on your computer as a main os.


yes. use Whonix with it too

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Just out of curiousity, do y'all not like frontend development? I'm mostly a backend developer myself, but to me being good at frontend just seems like something that could be immensely fun and rewarding. Does it not have a lot of favor here because it isn't quite as science-y as backend programming can be?
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You desire for the web to be 100% blogs? That's pretty fucking horrifying. I'm actually enjoying the web being a place for apps that I don't have to store long-term to use once and throw away. I just wish there weren't so many megacorps fucking things up so that the web can be more friendly for dipsoykafs on facebook.


I try to stay away from it because spending two weeks trying to make somebody happy about the color of a button on an internal report form was hard on my sanity every time (FUCK YOU JUST PRESS ENTER). I've escaped BI and trying my damnedest not to go back to that soykaf


Some do, but it requires some basic understanding of design that is disconnected with STEM. So it's rare to find a decent front end dev that isn't a dirty hipster and actually knows how to deal with people as well.


It seems to me that few people have worse taste than 'designers'.
I wouldnt trust anyone who can talk to me for more than two minutes about fonts to 'design' anything.


I think because it involves style and design instead of technical work, which is just a matter of preference but if you like programming you'd probably prefer the latter. It's also a big mess to get everything looking nice, responsive, interactive, etc. whilst taking into account that people might have JS disabled, page needs to load quickly, etc.

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