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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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How do you keep up with programming related news? I know there's reddit and hacker news but I would like to stay away from those.


Latest news on Rust programming and CoC enforcements of free software projects.


MDN for web-dev.

You can easily find the standard for your favorite languages.

really it depends what you're looking for.
what are you looking for?


A bunch of /tech/ boards on various chans (not 4ch). The discover/explore tab on Github is useful to keep up with new technology. Also NixOS RSS feeds.

Hacker News is pretty okay too. Why are you trying to stay away from it?


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I subscribe to rss feeds of various bloggers and tutorial sites related to projects i use.
I also listen to podcasts a lot.


blogs rss feeds. most languages have planets, which combine multiple rss feeds into one. those are typically very useful to follow along with a bunch of domain experts. e.g. or also you can find individual developers, like project leads, or just people that seem smart, and follow their blogs.

i avoid hackernews too, but i have a little script that downloads headers once every couple of hours, runs some simple metric on them (like comment count and how long stayed on front page) and then gives me a large html page once a week. i then spend maximum one hour a week going over those links. obviously no comments. once you sever the drip feed, it becomes much easier to very impartially look at the list, and ignore about 99% of it


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>but i have a little script that downloads headers once every couple of hours, runs some simple metric on them (like comment count and how long stayed on front page) and then gives me a large html page once a week.

This gangster ass motherfucker


Follow a few blogs, subreddits, HN and I try to only check these things at the beginning of the day before really "working" though. Otherwise I waste time throughout the day.

Also, it helps to be in a community of like minded people that will share good links with you. Like a Slack org or IRC server.


I stick around a few irc channels and other live chats. If something major is happening, it usually filters to places like that, if they're active.


I periodically check the latest CS preprints on arxiv, a few blogs, and since I do a lot of C++ programming professionally I follow the proposals within the C++ committee.


I tried following an RSS feed from arxiv once but it was such high volume that I simply couldn't keep up with it.


You just need to filter out the subjects that don't interest you.

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