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/λ/ - programming

structure and interpretation of computer programs.

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Kalyx ######

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yeah i'm really new to programming, but i'd really like to get into it. Where do I start? I've been taking "programming" classes at my high school but we really only get into basic Javascript/C#. Could you guys give me any good resources for continuing this? C#/C/C++ especially.


Find yourself a good project which you would like to use after it is done and do it in/with technology you want to learn. Start with something simple to not throw it away after few days of stagnation because you do not know how to start.
Please note that few days spent on research are worth the final effect of the work.


i cant find any projects


How much do you already know? Choose one of the languages you listed and focus on that. If you already know the basics of it, I would recommend finding an algorithm and data-structures textbook and going through it.


I've most programmed in a C based language called Danmakufu to make some bullet hell games. So most of my knowledge is around C.


Is there anything you are particularly interested in? Graphics, networking, compilers, etc.?


Graphics probably. Or anything to do with game development


I learned how to program using lua and love2d, an sdl 2d game engine written in C. I would suggest this because not only are lua and C best friends, lua is like C procedural. Of course, there are ways to accomplish OOP should you want to, just like in C.

If you realy want to focus on C, check out SDL, or search for game engines that let you write in C.

If what you mean by graphics is like, just applications with graphical user interfaces you're better off learning about something like the Qt or GTK frameworks/toolkits.

There are some nice books about C that I'm seeding on There's a thread floating around somewhere giving away invites.


Sure textbooks are useful, but the best way to learn is to practice.
Start a project and make sure not to cut corners when writing it,
and you will git gud.


thanks for the help, i'll look into it


Hey would you know where I could find an invite to Those books could really help.


Ask in IRC.


If you are interested in games I would suggest remaking the classics, in roughly increasing difficulty: Pong, Snake, Breakout, Asteroids, Space Invaders, Pacman, etc. You can make them as simple or complex as you want. First focus on getting them playable and then you can extend them endlessly.

If you are interested in graphics beyond games I would also suggest writing a raytracer. They are a bit math-heavy but pretty amazing.


for some reason i can't access the IRC. When I click it it just goes to a black screen


email `` and i'll invite you myself


>Do you want to learn coding or programming?
The main difference is that coding has a lego-block trial and error approach focused on building stuff and solving problems right now. In this case I recommend you to find things you want to do, in your mind, on the web, in the todo lists of other people, and keep trying until they happen.

If however you want to learn programming, you probably should just stop with whatever you've been doing and read SICP today. Getting some maths basics down (set theory, relations, all sorts of algebra stuff, formal languages) can also help a lot. Technically, all of programming is just a special application of certain parts of mathematics. The fact that programs run on machines and not just exist in state spaces on paper adds a layer of physics, engineering and history to the field. (The most relevant are the engineering and history, as many things in compsci today only really make sense if you know the context they were born from 30 years ago.)

This latter one is the road to understanding, but if you understand too much you might miss your chance to create something new in the next few decades. The general trend seems to be that people more at home in the maths and abstraction side of things tend to sit somewhere top of a hierarchy, organizing the work of more "let's build something" kind of programmers who have patience to try and err. Obviously there are also small projects out there in the wild that require no such multi-layer organization, as they are either done by a single person or in a flat community of a few devs.


i've learned a lot of that maths stuff but programming is just impossible for me.


I sent you the email


sorry about that; now you check yours haha


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I've heard crossdressing can help to do programming good


>The most relevant are the engineering and history,
couldn't you argue that the physics behind the machine is more important today than ever,
considering the emergence of quantum computing?


I dream of a world where cool engineers make physics unnecessary, functional programming makes engineers unnecessary, advances in math make functional programming unnecessary, and then pony magic about networking makes maths unnecessary.


I think about this a lot.
Can't say if it's actually 100% accurate, but let's consider a few things.
I'm not all that attracted to masculinity, therefore, I myself presented myself as a feminie figure, there's that attraction figure. Like, if you were in the mood to just jack off that point, I wouldn't blame you.

Now, with that in mind, your body is completely loaded with a pheremone at this point. Now, this can definitely impact your actions and mentality.

Could this state actually improve your though process for the better?

I need more data


I don't think so. To program it you just need to know how it computes. The actual physics behind it are just implementation details. You don't have to know how transistors work to program a CPU and you won't need to know how qubits are made and measured to program a quantum computer. There's a level of abstraction that hides these details and presents you just the logic.


it still doubtless helps you as the programmer to be generally familiar with the implementation.

Computers, while generally functional, are imperfect. random bits flip, quantum computers these days get weird random errors all the time. It helps to be familiar enough with the mechanics of they system to acknowledge relevant issues, bugs, and magical handwavery so as to know when and how much to trust which systems.
Obviously though you can get by with just the general logic, but the more you know the better, and some of these things are not irrelevant.


If crossdressing makes you want to jerk off, you have to dress up sort of often so that you get used to it and the first impulse isn't to get off (I get that too; femininity gets me off even if I'm the one in the skirt and pigtails).

Once you're comfortable, some different creative process may take hold. Who knows? (I didn't post that doujin btw). Lots of people have a pre-game ritual, a lucky toy on their desk, a "magic" hat they wear while writing. This might be yours.


Well, I had the urge to get off even while making the post. It feels strange knowing that the sheer thought of cd is enough to trigger it

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