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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Do any other lainons have a Facebook account? I want to start getting rid of my digital footprint but I find Facebook to be too invaluable to get rid of.



I deleted my Facebook account a few years from now. Best choice of my life.
What in FB blocks you from deleting your account ?


Mainly contact with anyone in my group of friends or my community at my fingertips, whenever I want. That's the only thing keeping me from deleting it.



Well dude… If your friend are really your friend, there is no problem as they will find a way to get in touch with you.

Use Signal, add them there.
Create a fake facebook account with a fake scryptmail adress, so that you can communicate with your community without divulging your picture or your name anymore.

Last time I did that, facebook derezzed me after 8 months tough.

Fuck facebook.


I still have an account because college, the normal people post all the info on facebook group, but that's sort of a slippery slope - for this reason I still keep an account with likes, friends added, people get in touch with me there etc.
I have made a definite decision that I remove it by the end of June, I will make a new one under soykaf name with a strict rule of not accepting friend requests, not liking anything, not putting any content, just to lurk the college stuff. If it becomes necessary, I will explain in person to people that I know from college that I do not wish to use this service and the account is out of strict necessity, and I will not respond to any contact there.

Getting in touch on facebook is a myth, at least for me. I don't talk to friends on facebook anyway. All the real friends that I have call me on the phone and we talk for a couple of hours, some once a week because there's a lot of stuff going on, some, say, once a month because they are not as chatty. If I come to visit a friend that lives in a different city, I can hit them up on facebook to organise it, but really, there is phone contact anyway, so you could just cut out the FB.
The only contact with my friends that is facebook-specific is them sending me some bullsoykaf link to something funny once in a while. It's far from important. If I need a contact with someone through the internet, I exchange mails with some people, with some, we have our IRC channels.
People that I don't seek contact with and who don't seek contact with me, not on the phone and not in real life, are not my friends anyway. They're just the people that I've happened to get to know sometime in past, and it didn't stick.
What I'm saying is, facebook does not enhance your ability to contact people on a regular basis, it just provides you with an illusion through seeing bullsoykaf from lives of people that you would barely say hi to if you've passed them on a street, through showing you a photo of an acquaintance with a green thingy next to it to indicate that you can contact them. Duh, of course you can, you just probably don't want to.
Let's not dwell on the obvious toxicity and stupidity of being hooked on facebook any further, it's just vain, silly feedback loop/orwellian surveillance project/time waste, and it's apparent. I'm more venting than providing any valuable input right now.

The thing that got me out of the loop painlessly was bookmarking and using it instead of the regular thing (funny that facebook proposed it to me itself, because that's what you get pointed to when you log in with js disabled). It's so soykafty, loading just a few posts at a time, fucked up messaging window, videos disabled unless you js, the pictures are sized down. It's become more of a bothersome thing for me to scroll timeline and view dumb pages, and I've stopped doing it as a reflex. However, if you want to do something, write someone, you pretty much can do it, it's just a little bit more of a hassle. You will use it only for things that you really have to, though, in no time. I would advise anyone that feels like they need to use facebook to give it a try.


I do but I work under a pseudonym. It wasn't the product of an effort to remain anonymous as that's a fools errand on Facebook, I just got really drunk one night and someone said I looked like someone out of a cartoon and I was drunkenly compelled to change it.


I have a normal personbook for friends and family that I only use on my normal person computer. Everything else, I do on my Linux install on a seperate computer.


I would seriously consider getting your friends to switch to VKontacte. Also my sister used to work for law enforcement and part of her job was collecting information on Facebook. She would look up people that had warrants, go through their friends pictures to find that person, dox them, and police would go pick them up.

Avoid at all costs!


that's just facebook for russians innit?


>le fake name meme
this won't do jack soykaf because FB can infer who you are indirectly just fine by your contacts


I had one years ago for a couple months to mostly speak to one girl. I never really cared for social networks like that after Myspace died. I don't see how it is of any use to me at all.


>FB can infer who you are indirectly just fine by your contacts
This. I made a facebook account just for tinder, and facebook kept showing the account to people I met in real life before, even people I hadn't met in five years.
Delete all your social media.


I deleted my Facebook account 8 years ago (2009) due to having barely any proper use for it. Haven't went on it ever since.


i was like you , i was addicted to facebook , but i sacrified everything for my PRIVACY , and twitter is a good alternative ( don't use your real identity ) , it will be hard in the first days but then you will completely forget about it .


>phone required


Usa an online SMS gate. I've used to register sockpuppets over Tor without any problems (except that fucking cloudflare captcha).


Yes, it's just Russian FB. Same soykaf, different spooks (in this case, FSB is all over the place, not to mention ad companies).


I decided to try out a week without facebook and deactivated it. I wasn't sure how long I'd last, as facebook sort of tricks you into believing it's convenient or invaluable, but it really isn't.
This was around 2 years ago, I have never reativated it.


if you're starting now, you're at a disadvantage


No mainstream service will let you register with one of those. The ones that don't block VOIP numbers outright have an activation limit on every number. You can however pay people to do activations for you or rent a phone number.


im not sure that i agree about Im from russia and i deleted my account due heavy moderated policy even private messages in vkontakte. Russian services not the best choice ever, in particular now when every new government act closes the Internet more and more.



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Try out friendica, it's a pretty awesome free as in bird social network. Diaspora and quitter are good too.

>by your contacts
Contacts, IP, software, hardware, geolocation habits, face recog, lexicon, the angle at wich you tilt your phone in your hand, typing speeds, voice recog, and many more. Your smartphone is part of some AI's sensing ware.


The perception of facebook as invaluable may be just an illusion, Lain. Aside from the fact that you'd have to migrate/reconstruct your facebook contacts, every service that facebook provides except for the sharing of facebook-tier memes and suggesting the friending of friends of friends is probably redundant to systems you already have in place (i.e. sms, email).
It may feel wired for you to start contacting people outside of facebook if messanger's been your MO, but you get used to it quick.


I genuinely wish I could but my friends made me one back in the day that I used for short time to look up people, and look at edgy things, tried to delete it but my friends and I forgot the password and email they used to make it. So it's kinda just stuck there, wish their was some way to take it down.


I never saw the appeal in it to begin with. I used to have a Myspace years ago but I grew out of social networks like that after it died and Facebook took over. Had a Facebook for a little while cause I was interested in this one girl. I deleted it after I was no longer interested in her. That was years ago.


this post reminded me to do that.

deleted my twitter accounts and facebook account I've had since I was 13.
I've never really liked social media, it was okay-ish early on but now it's just absolute cancer.

feels good.
time to go install Debian or something on my desktop like I've been meaning to for a long while and only use wangblows for vidya/netflix.


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Sure, deleting one's Facebook account means that you are no longer part of the problem, but that doesn't mean you are part of the solution. We need to build an alternative. Diaspora had the right idea, but we have to do better if we are to achieve our goals, namely, destroying Facebook. You can't just sell the idea appealing to people that already agree Facebook is a problem. The service has to appeal to those that don't know any better. Start development by appealing to the FOSS community, then launch appealing to the "oh, look at this new shiny thing!" types on Twitter, then make it "chill" for 13 year old girls using kik, then the next thing you know your grandma leaves Facebook. The chances of success are negligible, but the chances are zero if we don't even try.


I've got a facebook for work, family and meat friends.

I don't however have it in my real name nor my online handle and it's registered to a junk email address. I also keep all it's privacy settings locked down.


This, so hard this.
There was a Chaos Communication Congress talk about this which I don't have the time to find and link to.


This is exactly what Mastodon is.

You're very accurately describing Mastodon. See the thread at >>637 for more info. It's the only Facebook competitor that stands a chance.


Why dont any of these alternate FOSS social networks try and attract youth? They are the most mobile demographic and the most likely to change networks. Just try and create some bullsoykaf campaign talking about a radical grown ups free place.



Mastodon and other GNU Social forks really seem more like Twitter alternatives to me, rather than Facebook alternatives.


Yes, Mastodon is definitely a Twitter alternative, and also the segmenting through instances is too confusing for the public. lots of people subconsciously want to be part of a huge network, not limited to specific communities, so as many viewers as possible could see their postings.


I deactivated my acc last month. Now i wait to see if this will last


set a count up timer, it helps.


I desactived my account, i don' want to see the cancerous posters who passe hours on that social network anymore.


Just so you know: it doesn't matter. They can pretty munch infer who you are based on your contacts.

Use it and give up your freedom, or don't use it at all.


I deleted facebook and instagram and snapchat about 2 years ago, then I decided make a new instagram to keep up with things related to a hobby. I used a real picture of myself as the avatar, but a fake name, throw away email, location off etc giving as little info as possible about myself. I started following people from that hobby community, starting with the people I'm friends with because they came to mind first. Then the next day it was suggesting me to follow people I know irl who aren't related to that hobby. I then got spooked and deleted the account a little later.


I've deleted my facebook 3 years ago and never regretted it once. It's a huge surveillance apperatus and consumes way too much of your free time


it never consumed any of my free time;
it depends how you use it.


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Delete your Facebook. I did about 8 years ago and have never noticed the difference. If I want to talk to you, I probably already know how to get in touch without the "help" of Facebook. People forget about email, phones, or just basic face to face conversation.

But, even if you delete your profile, it's not over. Look at what Facebook is doing to people: They will still know at least some of your data based off of what your friends have inside their profile.

It's insidious and should be stopped. We don't need sites like that. Let people seek out others on the wired who have similar interests. No need to gather data on everything for ad revenue.

Make no mistake, it's about money. Everything these days on the wired sells your information. All you can do is try to stay as low profile as possible.


>just use email and phone breh
>yea, look at this %new_socialservername_in_conventional_web%
First of all, email and phones are just as bad as Facebook. Remember that.
Even if you use super l33+ email provider for autistic hackers based in Swiss Alps underground bomb shelter, there is 99% probability that your contacts aren't, they use something like Google, Yahoo or mind me, Yandex. Mainstream mail servers are just as plain bad, they datamine users, they read emails, show you ads when you use an adblock for webmail or client program you don't see them, but they still are out there waiting for you, build shadow profiles just like Facebook. And don't tell me you use PGP, your normal person friends won't use it, they think their 2-factor authentication with personal tracking device binding is enough to keep their emails "safe".
Second, conventional phone lines. Forget about your privacy, even if you live in "most democratic country in the world" or just think that no one is interested in you because your country is so poor, and they can't afford regular garbage collection without migrant worker strikes every month.
You think they are not listening, but they are. Search for "countryname 3-letter-agency phone tapping law" in your language.
Phone calls go in plain text, landline/cell carriers can and do record you calls or at least voice patterns, phone calls and SMS go through highly insecure backbone called SS7, anyone with enough school meal money can get a temporary access and collect all info from anywhere in the world, where your phone is right now, who yo are calling, intercept your inbound and outbound texts.
Next, your Facebook substitutes in Web. Aka Home pages 2.0 for hipsters who accustomed to centralized services they can not live without consistent profile style and need other hipsters to write js websoykaf for them
First, pages are public, even more public than Facebook and this can be damaging for average Joe. Search engines crawl and cache every page they can reach, thus datamining is still there. It's not like your stalker friends updating your page 24/7 saving every new content to dox you or anything, this is automatic process. Second, you need to host your info somewhere, then your hosting sees everything, you can not post different types of wrongthink based on hosting location and so on. Fine, there are public pages and they can stay public. "Nothing wrong" with full generation grown up to think narcissism and attentionwhoring is o-kay. But what about semi-public communities? A sikrit klub for your friends? What about pseudonymous public pages that let you express your wriongthink without censorship and fear for prosecution? There is no conventional way to do that. There is Tox, Freenet, Retroshare, but they have a reputation of tools for drug dealers rather than actual freedom loving people.


One side of me is telling me to delete it because it collects a terrifyingly large amount of personal information, but another part of me keeps me indulging in it's utter convenience when it comes to communication, especially since I have friends around the world that I met through the internet, and I'm not going to make them communicate with me through message boards or a phone that can't even text properly just because I want to give in to my paranoia


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>just give up

Look, I get it. Email and phones, they suck. However, I live way out in the sticks. If I want to meet anyone in person that doesn't live around me, I'm looking at a 50 mile drive. If I can email, text, or call someone it helps. Maybe I'm texting to say "come meet me at my house as soon as you can", and we do things face to face. That sort of message is of no use to three-letter agencies who might be tracking me; unless they want to come out and meet me in person.

>don't use PGP no one will get it

If you aren't assisting your contacts in using encrypted communications, you are part of the problem. You're correct that it has a reputation for being difficult for normal people; but anyone you care enough about to contact should deserve your help sorting things out.

Your arguments against Facebook alternatives are well founded and I'm glad you came out and said it.

I just don't understand the hostility to trying to make things work for the average Joe.


If you insist on using compromised systems, you could do the same thing in Facebook. How often do normal people check their email compared to their Facebook? There is absolutely no difference between using PGP on Facebook or G-mail, both with get you on the list tho. Use xmpp with otr or tox, subvert your contacts to using secure communication channels. Fin.


re: meet me at my house soon:

this is often something I do with my contacts. its perhaps better than simply carrying all conversation over some clear channel, but it still leaves the metadata clear to anyone–'they' don't know what you talked about, but they do know that you and another person are in contact. this is of course a problem with many applications of PGP as well.

additionally, for some of my close friends any family, Ive over time migrated them to p2p encrypted systems. it really doesnt take much to learn how to use something like tox, or any number of other such communications tools. many of these have fancy gui android apps for heavens sake.


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>You're correct that it has a reputation for being difficult for normal people; but anyone you care enough about to contact should deserve your help sorting things out.

I've tried converting my friends to using PGP-encrypted email, encrypted IM, etc. to no avail. Even when I clearly and explicitly laid out why they should be taking measures to protect their communications (esp. with emphasis on personal freedom) they did not do it.

They simply will not care about personal privacy and, by extension, freedom until it is stripped from them entirely and it becomes so readily apparent that even the most willfully ignorant among them can no longer ignore it.

At some point you have to realize that we are, unfortunately, of a different breed than the rest. As a result, it's up to us to force change in our societies.

Because no one else will.


deactivate it for a few months and see how your life goes on.

If you need it you can reactivate it, if not you can delete it.

I had facebook and had a large circle of friends, but all the ones I talked to I still talk to after I deleted it.


I was pretty late to the social network game but I had it in college.
It really has a way of worming its way into your life and making you think that you can't live without it.
I deleted mine around two years ago but was initially worried that I'd lose contact with people, but my reasoning was that if Facebook is pivotal to your friendship with someone, then your friendship is pretty superficial, and not really a great loss. Sure I don't hear from certain people any more but my actual friends I've had no issue contacting. I've successfully encouraged a few friends of mine to get rid of it too and they all expressed that it was worth it after the initial hurdle.


I just deleted everything about Facebook. I feel no regret, do this OP.


I'll never understand this. I've been living my life just fine without it.


How practical is deactivating a facebook account, but still using the messenger service?

Currently on a college campus, and I could easily go without facebook itself. Nearly all friends use messenger though, and it's always the definitive way to get into contact with people here.


If you're not worried about your digital footprint then by all means, go right ahead. It's essentially just texting anyways


I think, Pidgin has a facebook messenger plugin with free implementation of protocol.


I want to. Facebook is rather annoying and I've gotten no use from it other than its chat service, which I use to talk to one friend currently in another country. I have a few social media accounts including a Twitter and Snapchat, but I mostly just lurk and send things to very few people. But at least with those I can find something interesting or fun. Those are the only two accounts I'm sure I would not delete, at least for now.


I del'd ((it)) a few weeks/months ago. I am happy about it. It only makes it a bit harder to talk with people I knew, but it has also made me realize that mostly, I don't need to say anything. Some I can send SMS to, to some I just lost contact, and with some I don't miss the link.
Even so, I'm still 1. paranoid and angsty 2. inept and a plebeian at the mercy of those who are better than me.
No matter where I am, I am still always connected. I cannot escape.


I had a facebook for a very brief period of time. I don't go on it anymore, but I haven't deleted it. I've since forgotten my email and password for that site (I used a fake email for privacy reasons) and so even if I wanted to get on facebook I can't. Sadly I can't go back to delete the account either, but what's done is done.

I can't say it's done anything bad to me. I was never active on facebook in the first place. Chances are, if you're relying on facebook and only facebook to communicate with someone, you aren't very close friends with them.


>Sadly I can't go back to delete the account
Facebook Secretly Saved Videos Users Deleted

It's not like they care if you delete your soykaf anyway.


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I had to create facebook acc, because I'm studying internet marketing now, lol, that's litterally kinda my workspace for now. But I still don't upload any of personal info, only some nice cursed images, zucc memes and aesthetic black metal album covers.


I've been using it too much for my own good. And honestly I'm just wasting time instead of studying or going to the gym. I'm talking to my friends back home whom don't really do much and are pretty boring. Then I just see some posts, but honestly the only thing that drives me is habit. Nothing more.


no i was fapping too much i quit like 6 years ago


I use facebook for stalking

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