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/λ/ - programming

structure and interpretation of computer programs.

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Kalyx ######

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When it comes to embedded programming and the advances in resources is it worth it to program in assembly or would it be better to just program in C?


The usual advice is to do it in C and avoid assembly as long as you can. If you absolutely have to, it's still better to mix the two than to write the whole thing in assembly.


Maintenance cost of a fully ASM system is higher than one in C. It requires more programmer-time to code and it's harder to grok fully.

Optimize stuff that needs it via inline ASM, but otherwise code it in C.


I appreciate the help guys. Do any of you work with embedded programming?


(679 here)
Not really. I've done some messing around as a hobbyist, but most of my recommendations are based around general systems development in C more so than anything which may apply to embedded development specifically.

Presumably, if your compilers don't support the architectures too well, you'll need to do more manual in-line optimizations. Perhaps there's an architecture somewhere badly-supported enough that it's best to just program it entirely in ASM. I mostly touch x86 and ARM systems, which have good optimizing C compilers.


I had an internship at a place that did. My code didn't actually run on the embedded systems but I had to work with code that did.

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