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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1505340634192.png (33.4 KB, 640x2097, DCANSI.png)


Anyone here written a software crack before?

I know there are a whole bunch of keys floating around for Sublime Text, but I thought it would be fun to write my own crack for it anyway. I might even get around to writing a keygen. Here's a python script to patch the binary to remove the license checks, complete with 1337 ASCII art:

#/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import hashlib

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    exit("USAGE: {} path/to/sublime_text".format(sys.argv[0]))

sf = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")
sublime_bin =

if hashlib.sha1(sublime_bin).hexdigest() != "536ca1f2ceee8746caeebad3af7acaad19cd42ea":
ERROR: hash mismatch.

This crack is only intended for this version of sublime:

If you want to try anyway, patch out this check at your own risk.""")

  _____ _    _ ____  _      _____ __  __ ______ 
 / ____| |  | |  _ \| |    |_   _|  \/  |  ____|
| (___ | |  | | |_) | |      | | | \  / | |__   
 \___ \| |  | |  _ <| |      | | | |\/| |  __|  
 ____) | |__| | |_) | |____ _| |_| |  | | |____ 
|_____/ \____/|____/|______|_____|_|  |_|______|
                                CRACKED BY KYNAR

# Note: The function at 0x419468 checks the key. 1=VALID

print("[+] Patching binary.")
sublime_bin = sublime_bin.replace(b"\x89\xe8\x74\x4c", b"\xff\xc0\xeb\x4c")

print("[+] Writing patch to disk.")
sf = open(sys.argv[1], "wb")

print("[+] Done!")
print("NOTE: In order to complete activation, either create the file ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Local/License.sublime_license, or simply attempt to activate with an invalid license.")

If you want to check it out, use this exact version of sublime:


That is fucking amazing. Exactly what this board needs.


Holy soykaf. Great job.
We need more content like this here.


File: 1505375551422.png (2.39 KB, 256x240, Famicom.png)

In the past I'd make my own cheats for retrogames by looking at the memory, tracing things and changing relevant locations. Also made a translation once to see if I can get something like that done. So this wasn't cracking but the end result, a patch that changes some bytes, was very similar.

Reverse engineering things is a really fun activity, you should try to do it if you haven't.


Yeah, years ago I used to have lots of fun downloading random shareware programs and trial versions and trying to crack them. I stopped when I go rid of Windows because on GNU/Linux there's not much to crack (maybe now with Steam that changed?) and proprietary software now makes me nervous. I did some crackmes though, there were some that implement little virtual machines and the checking code is interpreted by them, those are always fun.


With Steam it takes barely any effort to crack the normal games on there. You can read a guide that even a non programmer can do to accomplish a no-steam crack. The challenge with Steam is the games with additional DRM and I'm not sure if those new fancy DRM mechanics are available on Linux.


This is cool as hell, definitely hoping we can see more stuff like this on here.


This is awesome, I'm currently learning python by following a tutorial on how to build a basic rpg. But this is the kinda stuff I'd really like to know, how to manipulate software, etc. Got any tips? Down to run through a project together to help me learn?


File: 1505414743314.jpg (26.25 KB, 364x600, diehard3_04.jpg)

Awesome work. Kudos to OP.


Hey OP, do you think you could sgow the disassrmbled machine code disassembly in context and paraphrase what you did?


more info on this? Id like to get some practice in, wondering if I can crack a game downloaded on steam by a different account.


Google "crackmes" if you want to practice reverse engineering.


>all this stuff to get a fucking text editor towork
Or you can just download vim. Just Werks xd


whats the point on this one
just use the one in wikileaks

Affinity Computer Technology
10 User License
D64472BD FA040F1B 20F23C0D 114D57E4
AF4DDFDC A3FDDA29 00319FA1 91EE46D2
B3210738 54154723 F12511D6 950F839D
C5A83395 76EAEC5B FC25B644 9802A931
28A62A8C 9483EC49 E28E1A3B 997FA0FA
678ED4D3 2F4C2645 8E88274C 8AC599C2
F2D578D3 DF19037B 544F5304 18F3F196
6F1AC83E 2E1FCE1D BA74F528 1340A09F



You do understand that this key is from CIA and so they probably have some track of you this way. So if you're objective is to be private about your affair better not use that.

This key was posted on 4chan in the first "Vault 7" the day after wikileaks posted there series vault 7. The key isn't from wikileaks themself just to clarify for people that might use the key without knowing.


As of the full release of sublime 3 about a month ago now, this key does not work


do you mean getting free games from steam or cracking "owned" games so they can be played offline?

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