But also while I do think it's yet another enemy the elite can point at to justify increased weapons spending (and thus profits) I can't help by feel the media hype. Whenever the media hypes a war, it seems to be in preparation for a real one. Getting the public on the side, getting the hype, the specific facts that the elite want us to know.
"NK bad. US good. Nukes bad. Our nukes good."
Maybe we'll see Desert Storm 2: Electric Boogaloo? But I don't think it's an immediate threat. China would need to thoroughly reverse their NK policy before the US would risk that war. But China will play along with the US so long as their trade isn't threatened but at the same time the last thing they want is a US proxy to have a land bridge to the chinese mainland.
Not only would the newly formed US proxy have direct land access to the richest part of China and be a huge military threat, it would also make the One Party look weak against imperialism. The Chinese people look to the infinitely strong One Party to take them out of the century of humiliation (1850 - 1950) and to make them as rich as the US. If the Party stood by while the US trashed an 'ally' of the Chinese people then they would lose faith in their rulers. By its nature, the One Party cannot have even the slightest crack in its appearance of strength lest the people lose faith and look elsewhere for alternatives. As such the Chinese government is forced to play along with the Chinese people's desire to stay strong and project military power to deflect what they see as US imperialism. The US wish to apply force to North Korea in order to control the Sea of Japan and the Chinese coast without a buffer between the US and China. A threatened Japan and South Korea could feel that the US is not doing enough to protect them and may look elsewhere for support or become more nationalistic and independent, either way they would withdraw from US influence and further weaken US pressure on China.
In the end this has never been the West VS North Korea. This has always been USA VS PRC. The proxies of Taiwan, NK, SK, Japan and so on have always been means to an end. The end goal being the suppression of existential threats.
I hope this makes sense and wasn't too rambling.