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Kalyx ######

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cough I'm going to post this in spite of the pessimistic little voice in my head telling me "Why bother" manly just to help myself formalize my thoughts, BTW Besides the fallowing being a list of things i dislike - - - to - - - -despise I'm not sure what else they have in common, IF YOU can tell what it is, that maybe there's a root to all these problems, then please let me know.

alright, things about online communities (any not just imageboards) I'm not a fan of:
1 # being unhelpful, discouraging, or answering a completely different question when replying to someones question. Like if you don't know the answer, or think the question is based on a faulty premise, or don't like how the answer might be applied, just, SHUT, UP,. you don't need to say anything. This problem is everywhere, and it is completely antithetical to productive discussion.

2 # being cynical, snide, D o o m e r, ""realistic"" isn't cool, its called being a loser, and trying to spread around your pathetic give-up-on-live-itude to others is just another symptom of your utter worthlessness.

3 # (an inability for some to be able to explore new ideas and/or cultures.) and/or (an inability for some to be able to create new ideas and/or cultures.) basically the inability to conceptualize and implement original thought, whether independently or with others. and this ties into my next point!

4 # X would work if every body got on board with the plan, everybody agrees X is a good idea, nobody does X because everybody believes that nobody else will do X, just like they believe, and in the ultimate feedback loop from hell a great idea that everyone thought was a good solution is never done, spiting in the face of collective logic.

5 # ~ NoT YoUr pErSoNeL ArMy ~ and similar attitudes. how about instead, a new methodology, i scratch your back, and you scratch mine. help each other out, Always, if you have the expertise to contribute, and at least sometimes when you your self have to learn something new to provide help.

6 # Cringe this, cringe that, HOW ABOUT !!!BARF!!! because this attitude makes me so sick to my stomach I come close to puking. "oh yeah I'm so much cooler than others, cringe oh yeah let that sweet sweet dopamine flow, I think i just moved a couple points up the social hierarchy"

Well that's whats coming to mind at a moment, I'll update this thread when something else comes to mind. and one last thing, if you took the time to read this post, and you generally agree with it than please reply that you do, I'd like to think I'm not alone on this, maybe you feel the same way…


> NoT YoUr pErSoNeL ArMy ~ and similar attitudes. how about instead, a new methodology, i scratch your back, and you scratch mine. help each other out, Always, if you have the expertise to contribute, and at least sometimes when you your self have to learn something new to provide help.

NYPA is a specific response given to people who show up expecting to recruit a bunch of 1337s to back them up as they raid someone else's website or otherwise infringe upon innocent lives. Personal army requests have zero to do with helping others; they are made by people too lazy to fight a fair fight.


in its proper usage that's true, but it gets thrown around in inappropriate contexts too. While I'm not going to help Alice dox someone, I'll happily enlist in a personal army for the purpose of say: liking & subscribing to someones YT channel to give it a boost, or participating in a prank on another site, or hopping in and trying out new software that's only just been released, or joining a dead community that only just cropped up. A big part of our strength is in our numbers.



>1 # being unhelpful, discouraging, or answering a completely different question

This is because people find it fun. Like they honestly find it fun to give people nonsensical or funny advice. I think it is just dumb people who come home from work or other stressors and want to have a little fun. No big deal. Much worse in anonymous places obviously.

>2 # being cynical, snide, D o o m e r, ""realistic"" isn't cool, its called being a loser,

Very true but you shouldn't dismiss it so easily. There are a lot of times I'm sure I came off that way to someone online who was about to put vast amounts of effort into a completely worthless project they won't finish. At the same time I give enormous amounts of time and effort into helping people work on projects that are objectively worth it. YOU have to judge if a person is telling you something is unrealistic or dumb because they are a loser who wants to put others down or because they are an expert that knows something is dumb from experience. Both happen with equal frequency, you be the judge.

>3 # (an inability for some to be able to explore new ideas and/or cultures.)

This is just everyone. Reflected equally IRL and in online communities.

>4 # X would work if every body got on board with the plan,

It wasnt actually that great of an idea or they would have done it. They would have gotten on board. Often people have a really hard time distinguishing stupid ideas from good ideas. This is a good metric for if an idea is stupid or not, if nobody does it or participates it was not a good idea to begin with. Even if it was a good idea, it was not a good idea in the context of THOSE people who were talking about it.

>5 # ~ NoT YoUr pErSoNeL ArMy ~ and similar attitudes.

Most people with a real life don't have time. That is all it comes down to. No mystery here.

>6 # Cringe this, cringe that, HOW ABOUT !!!BARF!!!

Cringe is cringe, and with time cringe things will be loved. It isn't a bad thing. Disco clothes and 80s neon looked cringe to most normal people during the time period. Cringe is often something different and bold that stands out from what is conventional. It is the things that will be remembered about a period. The people calling things cringe are defining what will be considered cool about an era 20 years out from it.


I agree with everything you said OP.

You may wonder, "What happened to Anon's collaborative and can-do spirit of years past?" Ill tell you what happened. They all grew up, got jobs, got husbands/wives and are now making a positive impact on their meatspace communities and workplaces. Theres only so much you can do on an imageboard. There are only so many hours in a day.

With all of the "good people" gone, that leaves all of the late bloomers (yes I still have hope for many) behind like crabs in a bucket.

Rise above, keep learning, keep loving.


> A big part of our strength is in our numbers.
I'm not sure who this first person plural refers to. If there is a "we" there must also be someone who is not we and I wonder who both are.

I also reject the implication earlier that being realistic is just an attempt to dump on people. Maybe if you set goals that have more than a snowball's chance, total strangers online who owe you nothing might be more inclined to risk wasting their time with you.

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