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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1498902194785.jpg (33.44 KB, 260x400, 9781473217386.jpg)


Fuck, man.

Its over man.

My copy of neuromancer says 'The Neuromancer Trilogy' on the cover.


File: 1498917158818.jpg (86.49 KB, 600x680, the-oswald-band.jpg)

>My copy of neuromancer says 'The Neuromancer Trilogy' on the cover.

The correct title would be "The Sprawl Trilogy", right?


Hey Crash, sorry for the unrelated reply on this thread, but I was curious did you ever get my response to your original email regarding your 'I got some serious melancholic depression' thread in /psy?

My response came from my email "", and I also wrote a response in the thread itself too:

Anyways, just wanted to see how you were doing because I felt bad for the delayed response ;)
Please do keep in touch if you wish and I'm always willing to help however I can!


Names are randomly given to all anonymous posts, these two Cash Overrides are unlikely to be the same person.



>The correct title would be "The Sprawl Trilogy", right?

I'm not actually sure that that's ever officially been decreed by Gibson or his publishers. I think it's more of a fan term, albeit one that's pretty darn universal.

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