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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1525954507864.png (1.14 MB, 1024x768, lain gl.png)


How is Glitch and Ascii art made?
post art and share pls


File: 1525964559743.jpg (1.35 MB, 1000x669, why_am_i_alone.jpg)



You can convert an image into a sound format and then fuck with the sound wave in like ardour or somesoykaf, when you convert it back to an image it will be "glitched". Make sure not to fuck with the start of the wave though, that'll be the files header..

As for ascii art, I use a program called jp2a or just make it in vim (putting a transparent terminal over an image and "drawing" it in acsii art)

''………….. '0XKKO…………………….'.
.,……………ccoKKXKK;c….. '……………….
.,…….. ……dodKKKXOlx. ….d……l;……….'
'………,..',.'loxKXKKOOOddkkod0o,;.,'xl ………'.
……….ckXNXKKKKKKKKKKKKKX0d;…… ..'..
…….. :0K0KXKKKKKXK0OOOl ……. …
….. lXK0O00OOOOOOO0XXd ….. ….


File: 1525991649055.png (95.35 KB, 1366x768, 2018-05-11-173121_1366x768….png)

that fucking failed miserably
pic related is what that mess is supposed to look like


is oks
welcome bac mr lain (^._.^)7


nek is dat u


if so, I never left..
Still on mewch every day my friend :)


good to hear fren, i started learning C tbh.
Is very interesting


Yeah I saw you mention that on tech, hows it going?
It seems we swapped langauges, I started fucking around with python yesterday : ^ )


Sorry I dropped contact by the way, my paranoia issues started getting to me after I gave you my name lmao


its ok, its been going good. C is pretty interesting. I want to make a front end for pacman but idk if thats doable. Im just going to have to learn more and get better i guess



File: 1529089072912.png (22.77 KB, 746x328, Screenshot_2018-06-15_22-5….png)

I am making a peer to peer UI application, does anybody have lain's ascii art? Not the ones that are just converted, those are too big. It'll be released soon, kinda like a social network or a chan, but more simple and p2p, I just need to finish implementing the encryption. It could be also any cute anime girl, idk. It would be fun the ascii art of a girl waving hand and saying bye bye when you quit the program. And a Lain to be in the top of the main menu.


i was actually interested in making something like this lately but my programming skills are subpar.

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