You can connect with a telnet client.
You could also use netcat, or a MUD client like tinyfugue 5, which comes with builtin TLS.
>>114LambdaMOO? Neat!
It's really a shame that MUDs are mostly kill these days.
I miss competitive HellMOO. No.119
I'd just like to make it known that I have the Wind-Up Lain hostage
>>119What payments are you demanding?
>>124Nothing, I just like having her in my pocket.
I signed up for Sindome recently. It's a Cyberpunk MOO set in a massive /cyber/ arcology called "The Dome."
Check it out:
>>114I'm happy to have players. The introduction puzzle is currently a bit hard or non-obvious but I'm working on making it less grognard.
Hey I want you to know that I love MUDs and I will connect to yours to support it's userbase, but I will not have time in the next weeks due to real life occupations (ha ha, what is real life anyways).
I hope it stays up. This is such a cool theme for a MUD, it's as if Lain was created to be played in a MUD (among other many things).
Let's all love lain.
This isn't dead, i'ts just sleeping.
>>240Pretty much. I've had a lot to deal with over the previous month. The server does have a new domain name,, courtesy of TheStranjer.
I'll also be more active on the server for a while going forwards.