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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Would anyone consider working on a Arisuzine vs lainzine?

considering the fact that whoever is working on the lainzine isn't working on it.


The lainzine as always taken long time to publish it nothing out of the ordinary. Even if arisuchan is trying to seperate itself from Lainchan, we cannot denied the fact that we still share the same ambition.

Trying to create a a similar… identical zine would be extremelely stupid it would scatter the community even more and god knows we don't need that right now. You still can communicate with them through there email address or on twitter.


the zine as far as i know doesnt give a soykaf about the boards


Why do you think a separate zine would be done faster? If you are not satisfied with the speed, contribute to the existing zine to speed things up.


The most common excuse I hear about the zine taking a long time is that the creator is busy with other stuff, I suppose lack of submits could have an affect.

Maybe everyone is right, and it would cause more problems than fix…



I would categorize them as "excuses" they do this out of pure passion for our community they're not pay for it.

You can take a look at their Github page, you can see the submits if i'm not wrong. Plus they have to correct and polish everything out of these submits it's not an easy task.


I dont know all of the people who work on the zine, nor do I know them all well, but they are people with other things on their plates. Organizing a volunteer project with multiple people who are at the same time in school, work, et cetera, and who can never meet in person, takes time.

Even if there didnt have valid reasons for slowness, the quality of each of the zines thus far seems to earn the project credit. Would I be sad if they came out faster? no, but I understand why they dont, and I appreciate the people who contribute.


>Why do you think a separate zine would be done faster? If you are not satisfied with the speed, contribute to the existing zine to speed things up.

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