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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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> If you were ever interested in making a donation, now is probably be the best time to do so as it would have a larger impact on my life than any other time in the past or future. As always any help is greatly appreciated. I am hoping this is the last time I will ever have to explictly ask for your help. Thank you, Alice. ^_^;

wait i thought donations are going towards running this site. are the donations "fund my life abroad" now? because that totally sounds like you're using them for your own.


>wait i thought donations are going towards running this site. are the donations "fund my life abroad" now? because that totally sounds like you're using them for your own.
Donations pay for the site's hosting fees first and foremost, but beyond that, yes, I haven't had much choice but to use excess donations for personal purposes and I have been fairly transparent about it. That being said I am hoping to reach a point soon where I do not need to accept donations for any purpose whatsoever. The hosting here is only $33/mo. I shouldn't need to ask for help with that. -_-


>I haven't had much choice but to use excess donations for personal purposes and I have been fairly transparent about it.
I only come here occasionally and didn't follow these kinda things. But thanks for being honest and open about this, I guess.


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>wait i thought donations are going towards running this site

paying the sysadmin & primary mod is definitely a site expense, as long as you think you're getting your donation's worth of that. I'm not certain I'd see this site as a full-time job, but given the surplus for April was $7 ($50 donations in April announced - $33 hosting/mo - $10 DNS/mo) Seph's still doing it out of love for all but like fifteen minutes.

number sources:
>>1811 - costs
>>1068 - $50 in April


That's not a bad idea, honestly. I could set it up such that all excess donations beyond the hosting fees are split evenly between the staff. I am fine right now. That being said we haven't seen any donations in months.


tbh as long as there are willing volunteers I'd rather see donations saved for ongoing site maintenance, but meatspace has its needs.

I'll see if I've still got any BTC laying around in old wallets and fees have gone down enough to be worthwhile. I dumped most of my leftovers here last year after I stopped having a use for it, but it's worth checking


looks like I actually have some Bitcoin Cash, since that was sent after the fork. Is the public key for BTC also good for BCH?


>Is the public key for BTC also good for BCH?
No, but I've edited the post to add a BCH address. What would you want the funding earmarked for? I am about to have some high quality stickers printed if you would be interested in funding that.

But overall I think we should ask that all donors specify what they want the funding to go to when they donate. I'll unlock the donations thread to make that possible.

Possible options:

site hosting fees, $33/mo
site domain names, $8/mo (average over 12 months)
moderation (split evenly between the moderation team after it reaches a specific amount worth distributing) radio, $15/mo (will be back online soon)
advertising (suggested before, but not sure where)

Any other ideas/suggestions on this issue are welcome.

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