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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1517086663915.jpg (309.66 KB, 1221x800, s05.jpg)


Why not on #Mastodon, the federated social network?
For example using:


Seph said before that she would let people use the domain if someone was to run it: >>>/tech/815


So can I ask to the admin of my current #Mastodon instance to support
This mean that the same website will be accessible from two different URLs, correct?


>Seph said before that she would let people use the domain if someone was to run it.
The offer still stands. I would love to see
in use by Alice.

>This mean that the same website will be accessible from two different URLs, correct?
That entirely depends on who the admin is. Please get in touch with me on IRC. Thanks.


This is the response of my admin :(
> @asaka I'm sorry, it is impossible in my technique. I will not have the plan to do like that in future.

So I am looking for a new japanese instance admin around #Mastodon community and after when I find it I will share the contact with you: can I send you info via IRC over #Tor or via email or posting here, what do you prefer?


What is wrong with


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