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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1511744894086.png (894.58 KB, 1599x873, bitch.PNG)


Can someone explain why its ok to fuck kalyx over and make arisu?



It's a problem between mod that doesn't concern us. If you have a problem with the way the site is moderated i recommend you to contact it's administrator on IRC.


>Can someone explain why its ok to fuck kalyx over and make arisu?
This site was made before Kalyx was involved and it continues afterwards. How does its existence fuck him over?

He fucked us over when he sold applechan to Appleman.



He already adress the issue here >>1594

We already have this conversation in a one thread below.


>This site was made before Kalyx was involved
Somebody elaborate on this, please. I thought Kalyx founded Lainchan?


kalyx founded lainchan, and ran it for some time.

He then sold it to appleman1234, and mostly ceased his involvement with the site.

Some mods from Lainchan got irked at the way appleman1234 handled things, and broke off to create a new site, then called, which later became arisuchan. After a time kalyx reemerged and involved himself with, but then also got irked at some of the goings on here, and left it, too.

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