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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Where is your favorite place to be Alice? Where do you go to be closer to the wired?

You can be physicaly close to the wired, knowing that it's all around you as radio waves, and feel close. You can be physically far from the wired, but see so much of it that you feel close anyways. Simple things like being by yourself also help.

And there's nothing quite like seeing the city lights from a tower at night.


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My favorite place to be is actually as far from the Wired as possible. I know that's probably blasphemy coming from a fellow lainon but I'm simply incapable of feeling connected to the Wired. I need to sort out my own life on my own time and the best way to do that is to go offline


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Riding in a vehicle traveling through the city at night. Having your face pressed against the cold smoothness off the window as lights flow past. It makes me feel like my personal existence is meaningless, and that I am just another orb of light moving from one place to the next.



I don't think I prefer any place for this purpose.
I get closer to the wired by seeing connections, and I can see connections between any and everything given enough brain resources; I have no understanding of how I can provide myeslf with more such resources, so my only reason for preferring any place is gone.

If you can't feel the wired in a boring class and meaningless social competetive bullsoykaf, or toiling away in slave labor, or planting things in the garden just as well, you don't deserve to feel it among wires or computers either.


I hadnt been here in a while, but there exists a specific park.

I am a nostalgic person, a lot of stuff in my life has happened in that area, though admittedly most of it only because I happen to have been there, and I was there much, for it is such a delightful location.

my enjoyment for such space, may I assume just arise from being stuck in a city. as much as I enjoy urban places, to take a moment and go to a small chunk of forest conveniently within the agglomeration of buildings is a great relief.





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my favourite place to be is inside my room.
I have made the place as comfortable as I can.

a close second one would be sitting at the back seat of a car traveling at night, like another anon said.


the chaos comuter club berlin


For me it's hard to say, I feel kinda connected to it when I'm in my room at the students dorm.

What else can I say, I sometimes like to get away from it. Just reading a book or going for a walk in the woods can be so nice and it helps me calm down a lot more than being on the wired


Da woods. But I don't go there nearly as often as I'd like.
The coast too, but again I don't just go there.
There's the backyard on my mother's house, I like it a lot but I go there only ocassionally.
So right now there is just my room, my spot at the computer, it's comfy and I can just chill. But I have to go out often else I end up annoyed.



Anywhere that isn't home. Nothing brushes away the shroud so easily as removing yourself from the veil of your daily life.


as I sit in someone elses apartment, on a chair that isnt mine, far away from any place I ever sincerely called 'home', I must (dis)agree. at once this is both a feeling of delightful freedom and connectedness to the world, but in the same moment I long for a place in which I can simply put my things down and rest, without forever an eye on the door and a thought to what comes next. what comes after that, when this running may ever end.

stability frees us to do what we want, but routine makes us forget how.


Well said lain
I feel the refuge is as important as the escape, whether that refuge be a bed or a tent or what have you. But nothing makes me feel so connected as being alone in a strange land.


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The moutains with grandparents on vacancies. There is absolutely nobody to talk to apart for old neighborhood and the air and food are perfect. Top tier calm, makes you think peacefully


It used to be my room when I still lived at home with my family and had a nice comfy battlestation with a nice set up. Now I'm literally leaching off a neighboring church's wifi USB tethering with my phone for a measly 5 Mb/s connection. But I'm desperate I'll do anything to get online.

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