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Kalyx ######

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Hello lain,I've been lurking for a while but finally built up the courage to post.
All my life I've never been able to connect to anyone. I've always put on a mask to deal with the world outside. When ever I do make a real life acquaintance it quickly sours as I realize I cant relate to them and don't want to talk to them. Now more than ever It feels like I am being punished for stepping out of my shell and trying to make a friend as after we start talking, their own personal drama and problems suck me in and I'm forced to keep in contact with people I want nothing to do with anymore since we have the same classes. I don't want to become a jaded person when it comes to relationships but it always goes this way and If it doesn't something gets in the way, like one of us moving or I change and cant enjoy the company of the person the same way I used to, and the relationship ends anyway. I'm starting to believe that this is just my place in life, and I'm going against the way I really am by trying to connect to normal people and have a social life, as if after all the bullsoykaf I've been through I can't be normal anymore.The only escape I have is the short time I have at home each day to stay in my room and use my laptop. I can enjoy my solitude until I'm reminded that this is my reality and i have to endure the same thing the next day. Do you guys understand what I feel or have any thoughts? Id love to hear them. Thanks for reading friend.


>as after we start talking, their own personal drama and problems suck me in

What do you mean by this? Do you mean to say that they simply try to complain to you about their problems, or do they actually make you an active participant in their drama?

If the former, that's only natural. Friends and acquaintances do often complain to each other once they've opened up to each other, seeking sympathy or relation of similar experiences. But it's understandable that you don't want to have to deal with that.

I don't know what sort of drama they're trying to involve you in so I can't really give much advice until you elaborate.


For example , a girl I met that seemed nice ,has a boyfriend, who dosn't go to the same school, and she gave him my number and hes been texting me of all the things I cant do or say to her. That was fine, just annoying but now when I talk to her I later get a message from her boyfriend of him saying something I said to her wasn't ok in some way and now I don't want to talk to this person If all I say is just going to be reported to some guy,but I cant ignore them since we have classes. Another example being that this person I met just wants to rant about how hard their life is and make excuses about their short comings. When ever I try to open up I can see that they just don't understand and they just try to change the subject or nod along as if they did. Not to mention all the people in question are failing a majority of their classes or are behind and it makes me feel like Im just going to get dragged down by being around them.



It sounds like you're meeting the wrong people then, in my opinion. Sorry to hear about the girl, though: that boyfriend sounds very controlling, to even have the girl in question give him your number. That's just a breach of privacy I could never excuse.

Don't feel discouraged, though! You only have to deal with them for a few more weeks, and then you're free to walk out of those relationships. Especially the latter. I knew a close friend like that and I hadn't realized how soykafty of a person he was until recently– he sounds like that guy you're describing to the tee. He constantly put others down as a way to make up for his own shortcomings.

A good piece of advice I've heard is that whenever you make an acquaintance, ask yourself: do you feel encouraged or good after you finish speaking to them? Do you feel as though you've gotten something from interacting with them? If not, it's a relationship not worth pursuing.

There are plenty of good people out there who share your interests and will happily hear you out, Alice. It can be a matter of trial and error, but I firmly believe that you can find a good friend given you search around enough.


Thank you, Im not the best with people but I wont give up on trying to make connnections

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