>>891>>893It sounds like you're meeting the wrong people then, in my opinion. Sorry to hear about the girl, though: that boyfriend sounds very controlling, to even have the girl in question give him your number. That's just a breach of privacy I could never excuse.
Don't feel discouraged, though! You only have to deal with them for a few more weeks, and then you're free to walk out of those relationships. Especially the latter. I knew a close friend like that and I hadn't realized how soykafty of a person he was until recently– he sounds like that guy you're describing to the tee. He constantly put others down as a way to make up for his own shortcomings.
A good piece of advice I've heard is that whenever you make an acquaintance, ask yourself: do you feel encouraged or good after you finish speaking to them? Do you feel as though you've gotten something from interacting with them? If not, it's a relationship not worth pursuing.
There are plenty of good people out there who share your interests and will happily hear you out, Alice. It can be a matter of trial and error, but I firmly believe that you can find a good friend given you search around enough.