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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I'm in my first year of college and I'm failing a course that I need for my major. My grades are going up a little, I used to have a 51% but now I have a 57%. The time to drop without it effecting my GPA is coming up, should I drop it or keep trying? All my other classes are easy.


Are you on a timeline to graduate? If you dont pass the class you'll probably need to take it again anyway. Can you get tutor help? Maybe ask your professor?


I haven't figured out when i wan't to graduate yet. Ill try to find a tutor and I already talked to my professor, He told me to study with other people instead of studying alone.


Does this actually help? I always studied alone.


It helped for the last test


Depends if you care about GPA, If you just want to pass and get it over.

However, you would have to keep it above 60% which at this point is a uphill battle.

My advice is drop it and retake it later, that's what I had to do :[

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