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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Kalyx ######

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Who's most important to you? People like to be cynically self-centered and only look out for themselves when push comes to shove, but what about you, Alice. Are you the most important part of your world or is someone else?

I don't buy this philosophy of doing whatever makes you happy and that's it - I believe in self-sacrifice for the sake of those who love you, which is why, for instance, I disapprove of suicide. I like to think that I won't fall prey to my own utter cowardice if those I loved were in danger, but who knows? I'm weak just like everyone else on this planet.

Do you live for others, Alice, or do you roam the streets of life on your own?


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I think the world is most important to me but I think mostly about myself and my place in it. I believe in self-sacrifice, the potential of the human race, I approve of suicide and think nihilists are cowards in the face of absurdity.

I will likely live alone by preference and foster no child. I have respect and love for my family and the blood in my veins and value friends immensely, but ultimately I would like to work hard on finding how I can contribute to the endless potential of the human race (which will inevitably carried on by the children of men, the ai) rather than simply procreate.

Above all else, nature.

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