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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1508961711993.jpg (124.52 KB, 375x413, 6a00d8341bfb8d53ef0120a6a8….jpg)


Ok, the thing is this:
I've been well, then pretty sordid and now quite ok with quite some impulsivness.
What I dont quite get:
Is it ok to live separate lives: one being admired (and told repeatedly), very straight forward pretending to be someone else (to myself included) working toward higher goals.
Another one living off short lived stimulus chasing the next one?
It's really taxing to live both. What would you do? I tend to embrace my "2nd" personae but what is once lost might never be regained.


Don't forget you have no "real" persona. If you play a "role", it means at least a part of you is that "role". If you ditch the open part of you for the hidden one, you will not feel better.
I'd say, try to find a compromise between the two. Build an outlet for impulsiveness in your daily life. Try to use these bursts to propel yourself and reach goals you sincerely believe in. Don't think too much.

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