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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Hello,it's me.
I've been feeling sad/depressed for a long time,I don't know why.
It feels like I'm invisible at home,my parents stopped talking to me,it'd feel good if somebody asked me "How are you?" sometimes.
School has become a burden,it has started to affect me on a physical way,I'm so stressed that it made me sick; I want to quit school,I will talk with my most trusted teacher tomorrow..
I still don't want to talk about that to my parents,they've always thought about me as a child prodigy,but,as I said,school is really stressing tf out of me.
I feel so sad,I am always on the verge of crying at any time,I even started eating much less.
Really nothing,just wanted to share my "story",thanks.


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Everything is going to be daijoubu, you just have to gambatte your best!


Hey man, everything'll be fine. I know how you feel, back when I was still in college I was stressed tf out. There was so much soykaf to deal with. All the homework and the stress preparing for tests made me just want to scream. You've really just got to keep going and wait until you can finally get out of it. It didn't help that the whole being lesbian thing was still taboo when I told my parents so that caused a rift in between us.

I know you can do it Alice! Just keep striving and trying your hardest to get through each day! If you ever need to vent me and others on the forum are more then willing to help out! So keep trying and keep your head up!


That's it. I dropped school.


..or die trying.




Im going through the same thing to OP, never give up.


Symptoms match clinical depression. It could be neuro and/or hormonal, but I have an inkling that it's due to your environment. I suggest you go get CBT from an accredited shrink, and that you ask yourself some serious questions about what gives you joy and what you want to do with your life. In the meanwhile, you may as well make yourself some hot chai and get a book to read in bed. It's a good temporary solution to anything.


I love you.

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