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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Kalyx ######

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Yesterday I posted about my mental break on my trip and I got some advice from people. My friend picked up my pills for me and I took it about an hour ago. I still feel off but it's okay. I appreciate you guys but I've been struggling. Not only with my Schizophrenia but with extreme social anxiety and depression. (A.K.A the edgy teenager starter pack.) I love my friends, my siblings and even through all the stuff I've been through with them I love my parents. I love games, I love the tress, the grass and the sky. I love this fucking forum. I love everything about the world. I don't love myself. I don't love hallucinations. I don't love feeling worthless. I don't love looking in the mirror at something that I hate. I don't love my medication. I don't love freaking out on camping trips. I don't love thinking about how easy it would be to just vanish. This forum is full of people. People whom have helped me time and time again. People who have made me laugh. People who have made me cry. People who have tragic stories. People who have amazing lives. People succeeding and people failing.

I don't feel like living. I won't keep on living. This isn't a cry for help. This isn't me trying to garner sympathy and pity for how bad I got it. People have it worse then me. People have it so much worse then me. I so glad those people can find the strength in them to keep on going. They are heroes to me. This is a goodbye. To a forum of people. A forum of people whom I love and care about. I hope all of you. Every single one blossom and flourish. You've been one of the best parts of my life. Thank you all for allowing me to apart of your lives and thank you for being apart of mine. Goodbye everyone. I love you

Just another Alice


You're right, people do have it much worse than you. They can keep going because they're not living for themselves. You say you love your family but apparently you don't love them enough to sacrifice your ideal life. We all have soykaf to deal with and you'd be naive to think none of us deal with utter self-loathing.

The difference is we're sacrificing for those we love and continuing our less than great lives for their sake. Don't convince yourself that you've done enough for them, because not ending it sooner is worse than ending it in the first place. You gave them hope and then gave up on them. The people you love so much.

We're all miserable fucks that make life a living hell for everyone around us but I sure as hell aren't so self-absorbed to think I should have an easy way out.

You didn't want pity? That's great because you're not getting any here. You've made your choice. But you can be damn well sure that I'm not gratifying your denied desire for sympathy.

We're all vile pieces of human garbage but garbage doesn't have the right to throw itself out.

You have a choice right now to make up your mind once and for all - are you going to live up to your loathsome self-perception or are you going to swallow your pride and stand by the people you're about to hurt more deeply than they ever have before.

Well you're at it, ask yourself this - if you don't have the gall to do it in front of them, what makes you think you have the right to do it?


Cheerio edgelord.


Wow. Just wow.
I have schizophrenia, I have a less then ideal relationship with my parents and I'm a self loathing sack of soykaf but you don't see me offing myself. Your being selfish. Everyone around you is going to think what they did to contribute to it. Everyone is going to feel like it's their fault. You love your friends and family? Well then fucking show it. Don't go and take the easy way out to make you feel better. Life isn't about yourself. It's about making those around you happy. You can't work up the courage to deal with your own fucking issues so you go and decided to just end your issues by killing yourself? It's pathetic. I'm like a day late on this so your probably dead or you pussied out. Either way your being selfish and a coward. Get some fucking balls and stop living for yourself.


>We're all vile pieces of human garbage but garbage doesn't have the right to throw itself out.
>if you don't have the gall to do it in front of them, what makes you think you have the right to do it?

In my opinion, everyone has the right to end their own life. From any philosophical standpoint it's an unalienable right, but not considered something that adheres to duty or morality. In other words, the status of your existence is beyond normal consideration of ethics - so don't try to apply those precepts. The only thing that matters once you're in a place like this is solving that ontological argument so that you can proceed to a higher level of being.

And as to the second point - what are you trying to say?

OP. I hope that you're still with us, and I hope you can see another way out. I've been so depressed at times that I don't see any option but suicide - and an unfathomable number of random events in my life could have pushed me over that delicate line - but I'm still here and I am glad that I've never successfully gone over that line.

Only you are experiencing this, and nobody else can shoulder the burden. It's up to you what to do with it, but if you drop that weight everything's over. Few things are truly worse than nothing at all, even being completely alone.

We're always here to listen, let me know if you want to talk on Discord or something else


You did the best you could, hope you conquer your demons in your next life OP.


>And as to the second point - what are you trying to say?

I'm saying that we're all messed up, we're all self-loathing and quite likely rightly so. But our lives aren't only our own. You don't belong to yourself exclusively but those that love you too. You owe it to them to keep on living instead of taking the easy way out.

Everyone on this site likes to be super edgy existentialists that find no meaning in life but to be perfectly honest that's could have very well contributed to the fact that OP is most likely dead.

People like to find a sense of solace before they go through with suicide and I'm starting to think he found his here.



>You don't belong to yourself exclusively but those that love you too. You owe it to them to keep on living instead of taking the easy way out.

"There is nothing to which a man has a more unassailable right than to his own life and person." Arthur Schopenhauer.

The most undemocratic thing two people can do is fuck and decide to bring another person into the world. Then when that person arrives, be expected to deal with their life, regardless of how miserable they are, or how soykaf it might be, because of some misguided belief that we somehow owe it to two people who couldn't resist the natural urge to fuck and procreate.

"Think of those around you" is nothing more than guilt tripping someone on continuing to be fucking miserable just so someone won't feel bad that their genes won't continue into the future.

Fuck that noise.



>but to be perfectly honest that's could have very well contributed to the fact that OP is most likely dead.

And so what if he/she is? It doesn't matter in the slightest. To anyone. They've returned to the state they were in before they existed. I couldn't think of a more blissful place to be. Absolute and total nothing.


If it's so fantastic then why are you here arguing with me? Obviously making sure you tell as many people as you can how much life sucks is more important to you than embracing that nothingness you supposedly crave.

Doesn't sound like you're very convinced that it's truly bliss


Thank Lain I haven't got such a nihilistic and worthless outlook on the world. If I truly believed in a blissful nothing after death then I probably would've chickened out and did the same thing as the late OP. Who knows?



It's fuck all to do with that. It's the bullsoykaf rhetoric regurgitated by people like yourself that the suicidal somehow owe people anything that gets on my tits. It's bullsoykaf.

There is not one single good reason against suicide that does not boil down to

1: Some bullsoykaf religious argument.
2: Some bullsoykaf social conditioning derived from a bullsoykaf religious argument.

Usually the ego. The ego and sanctimony it takes to tell someone that they have no right to end their life as they see fit because the people who decided to create them without their consent on the matter would be upset if they died. The ego to allow another person to continue to exist in either physical or mental anguish is beyond cuntish into the realm of psychopathy.


People erroneously assume nihilism equates to being fucking depressed and suicidal. It doesn't. IT's the philosophical belief that life has no inherit purpose or meaning. That's it. That does not make life depressing. Ego makes it depressing. The belief that you're somehow special. Or that you have to be remembered. Leave some kind of mark. People who bitch about nihilism or nihilists usually couldn't imagine not being special little snowflakes.

The blissful nothing everyone will eventually return to is just the end of the journey. When someone chooses to get there and how they choose to get there is there own damn choice. To presume to know what is best for them and try and tell them that you know better than they do and that they shouldn't off themselves when they want is arrogant on a whole other level.


>Implying anyone craves it.

It's just nothing. Everything achieved in your life amounts to the same when you die. We dig up the remnants of civilisations just several hundred years old, of people whose names and achievements we'll never know. Even those names committed to history will eventually be lost and forgotten. Ergo what is the point? There isn't one. People make up their own reasons to exist to suppress that feeling of meaninglessness to make themselves feel better about their meaningless lives and their inevitable end.



Anyone who has done psychedelics and had "ego death" will get it.


I never said it was because they gave birth to you. Because it's not just them. It's the people that you chose to become a part of their life and the people that likewise chose to be a part of your life. You wove your ties with them and your mixed up in their lives. It's not just about you.

Besides, the argument that everything adds up to nothing in the end means nothing matters at all, including morality. It doesn't matter if you're a saint or a serial killer, and there's no such thing as evil.

You can say what you want about religion but that's the argument I'd call bullsoykaf on.


OP: This reply would've been more effective had I posted it yesterday, but, whatever. You're readjusting to your schizophrenia medication after being off of it for multiple days and having something of a mental breakdown during that time. When you wrote this post, you had only taken it just an hour prior. I'm a bit fuzzy on the exact process, but I know it takes longer than a day, certainly longer than a single hour, for that stuff to start kicking in and working properly again. This suicidal feeling you're feeling is just a side-effect of that. Go to sleep, take your mind off of things somehow. This urge to off yourself isn't really what YOU want – it's a mood swing caused by your body getting used to your medication again. It'll end, you just need to give it time and not do anything rash.



>I never said it was because they gave birth to you. Because it's not just them. It's the people that you chose to become a part of their life and the people that likewise chose to be a part of your life. You wove your ties with them and your mixed up in their lives. It's not just about you.

And you don't owe them soykaf. It's even more egotistical and ego-centric to hold someone to ransom and manipulate them emotionally into existing just so you don't feel bad if you're not blood related.

>Besides, the argument that everything adds up to nothing in the end means nothing matters at all, including morality. It doesn't matter if you're a saint or a serial killer, and there's no such thing as evil.

Now you're getting it. Nothing matters other than filling your existence with things to take your mind off the fact that you are going to die and everything you're doing is pointless. There is no such thing as evil. It is a social construct to make it easier for us to live together. Think about everything that was once morally acceptable that isn't any longer. And things that were morally unacceptable that are now morally acceptable. Morality changes as society sees fit to change it.


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Keep loving the trees and the sky. I will keep loving the desert.


We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I'm done bickering over someone's corpse.



>We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

I'm not. You just don't have any worthwhile argument.

>I'm done bickering over someone's corpse.

The OP isn't dead. They're too much of an attention whore. If they were actually done, they'd just go about the business of offing themselves and not make a song and dance of the thing.


Don't open two threads, if you want to blog, there are better platforms for that. But don't go about spamming the community

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