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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1507160225311.jpg (175.6 KB, 595x842, Serial-experiments-Lain-se….jpg)


How much of your "self" is here on the net? We all have different personas, particularly when you go online, but sometimes it's like most of "me" has moved to cyberspace these days


>How much of your "self" is here on the net?

I'm not sure i should even count as a person anymore,
and i'm certainly no one in particular.

>most of "me"

what do you think you are?


I mostly lurk but sometimes leave a random comment, this is probably the site I'm most active on. I don't have time to build a different persona.


I'm pretty sure I didn't make this comment
but I can't tell anymore

If your only traces on the internet are throwaway accounts and anonymous posts on image boards, do you really exist? Your messages, ideas, experiences, yeah maybe, but do you? Do you hate yourself this much that the fantasy you play online is simply, of nonexistence?


I'm more concerned about how much of myself was externalized from the start and projected onto me through media consumption than about how much I externalize online.



What I mean to say is every once in a while I'm surprised at how much of my self-expression and personality is revealed through my online personality, and when interacting IRL I very nearly forget that the people around me see a different "me" then the one I put forth on the Wired. Differences in behavior and attitude that don't reveal themselves in the same ways as when I'm on the net


I'm obviously "me" no matter what, but my outward expression in the world seems to be manifested more online than around my physical body


People often take on a different personality in the Wired. It's not uncommon to be completely opposite than you are in real life.
My online persona is similar to my real live personality, but I'm definitely different, but I don't know how to describe it.

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