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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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How do you feel?

Why I should feel like this because a human was blocking my path?

Sometimes the average of people prefer to forget the things, but when I forgot half life I had to live, makes me wanna disappear.

I'm feeling the end is near, I will accept it.


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Hang in there, Lain.

Better to cut toxic people out of your life as quickly as possible, as I'm sure you know.

>Why I should feel like this because a human was blocking my path?

What's the context here, by the way?


>How do you feel?
Has always been the toughest question. I often feel too much to know, lost and confused in my own consciousness / awareness. It's a weird feeling; some meditation usually clears it up and from there I'm feeling overjoyed at being alive or depressed to be on earth. It's really a 50/50 chance…


Remove the human or remove yourself


I just want to fuck the world. I am so damn aroused all the damn time. I honestly love it. It can be a pain sometimes but that is how the cookie crumbles in the big apple. You know what I am saying? Fucking soykaf. Fuck!


I always felt like that was a vague question. I feel alright I guess. Mind likes to wander and jump from subject to subject often without any good reason. Mostly neutral feeling, I guess, but there's some happy and angry things there too.

Disappearing can be fun. Go on and move, get lost. Travel a bit. See some soykaf.


That has always been a difficult question. I'm not sure how I feel. Often I am miles away from me and it is impossible to know for certain. Disconnected, comes to mind.

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