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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Kalyx ######

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That feel when your gf cant decide if she loves you or not because she is insecure.


spoiler alert: she doesn't
There's nothing to think, if there is doubt, then the answer is pretty obvious.


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feels aren't really that black and white. "can't decide" is a transitional state of some sort and could still go either way

distance and some time to think are probably the best medicine. or, if that's not possible, going out and experiencing something completely new together. it can be hard to collect thoughts and emotions when you're too close to something and keep getting new input. reflection important.

from there, whatever happens happens


I didn't mean they're black and white, but if she's in doubt, then it means she just doesnt. She might at some point in the future, but "can't decide" pretty much means no for the time being


Why do people stay in abusive relationships? Because they're still conflicted of their feeling for those they're with. The thought of leaving tears them up as much as staying together. Love is one of the most complicated feelings for humans as it is the core of emotion. It's a bitter-sweet connection for many people cause they can change.


Come on, OP, do we need to increase the minimum post size?


Well, perhaps it was my fault for giving an opinion on a subject I don't know jack soykaf about. I was talking from my own experience and "love" is certainly outside it.
But if I may keep at it, I've always thought abusive relationships are not really "love" (perhaps I was just lied to about what love means, by Disney movies and whatnot), but something about insecurity, lack of self esteem, and the same kind of things that get you addicted to any other thing (a substance, the internet, pr0n, whatever).
So, yeah, I should have put a disclaimer from the beginning.


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depends. traumatic bonding can definitely be a one-way, partner-induced thing, though, and has very real effects which, having experienced them, felt pretty dang "love-like", even if you want to classify it differently for whatever reason.

it's like. you see that he's doing things to you because he's hurting, and it makes you feel useless for not being able to help and makes you want to help more. other person takes priority in everything you do and all your internal thoughts and things, and you can't say or feel anything bad towards him despite what other people say and what he does and how things end up.

there's definitely also a "just got swept along and used to being this way" kind of relationship too, but that feels like something inherently different.

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