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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I keep telling myself to get over this girl because i know that we're never gonna be anything else but friends, but i can't. I want to tell her how i feel and get it over with already, but i keep holding myself back thinking that maybe there's a chance. I just want to give up hope already.


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Why do you think she will say no?

We need more to go on.


It's really just my own insecurities that make me feel that way. I guess I'm just trying to not get hurt, but the way i feel right now hurts worse. At the same time, i just can't really think of a reason as to why she would say yes.


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But even if she didn't say yes, do you think she would look down on you for it?

Probably not, she may well be flattered. You just need to be prepared for no, and move past it. Without trying you wont get anywhere.


You're right, I'm just gonna fucking do it, its time to move on.


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God Speed Lain.


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i think its best to have no expectations or hope in the first place, but still act in your best interests.


I try to keep my expectations low but its hard when you have these for someone.


I'm going ot tell ou plain and simple right now: if you are anything like me you need to move on and fall out of love if possible. Unrequited love is a painful experience, and if you are friends with the person and often in proximity it becomes even worse as well as prolonged.
I let myself fall in love with a friend, and even worse I didnt move on, thinking that maybe there would be a sliver of a chance or that I could be happy in friendship. It really fucked me up.

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