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/feels/ - personal experiences

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Maybe what i am describing is a normal humane condition. However for some reason my psyche interprets this functioning as something that does not work right. Internally i live in an idealistic world, with beautiful aesthetics. Let's say my "inner" vision, the one my imagination and abstract thinking creates is always "paraphrasing" the world around it. It takes the saturation and changes it, it views the physical plain from different angles that satisfy my hunger for cinematographic aesthetics. It speaks fables to itself about true love and the most altruistic and humanistic ideals, filled with perfection (perfect for me at least) and poetic reasoning. In contrast the other world is filled with real-life objective (as objective as something can be) reasoning. Cold, calculating, dragged and slammed in the pavement. Every response is as rational as it can be. The aesthetics change they are monochromatic or blueish in a sense, it's the world i have to live most of my life in. The problem is no that the latter world exists, cause i feel that i would embrace such thinking. The problem is the dichotomy itself is so strong that i cannot pick a side to advocate, I have seen a lot of people being either in one of the two sides, expressing themselves through only ONE of these sides. But for me i switch from glasses to glasses. The inner one i can only express and merge it with the outer one only when i write (short stories or poems). However feeling that i always have to switch mindses and to keep some short of invisible balance within me, no being able to chose a side makes me feel alienated. Even by people that express the inner world of mine.
What to do you think? have you ever experienced it ?


have sex


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Is this legitimate advice or a joke? Cause peculiarly enough i can understand the logical background of either options. It can stand both as a joke and as a legitimate advice. >>2929


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Interesting. I think I've kinda experienced what your talking about, let me explain and you tell me if this sounds at all familiar.

It happens Especially after watching a movie I was highly imersoned in, like when I leave the movie theater, or when I finished reading a really good book. And I'll kind of get this tunnel vision. Every action I take and the each moment in my environment link together perfectly suddenly what's usually very mundane seems like part of a story.

As for the other more analytical state, I get that too, but the state I spend the most time in is the bored working menial job state. I have a boring job :(

I'd suggest you try to entertain both states,
As we become adults are minds tend to settle and pick a certain path but if you catch yourself early and make a active effort you can preserve the creatively that comes from a broader mindset.

A calm sea is a boring sea.


It's a 4chan meme, being used improperly in this case.


It makes sense, i have felt it too when it comes to reading a really good book or watching a brilliant film. My inner perception changes for a while and it paraphrases the world with that direction type in mind.

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