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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Arisuchan, I lost the only person who has ever loved me. Everyone is telling me they'll come back, but there's always the possibility that they won't. What now?


You need to focus on loving yourself, honsetly. Don't try looking for happiness in the same place that hurted you. Them leaving might be a setback, but you can't be happy/move on if you let yourself think about them. Work on bettering yourself from this situation. In my opinion.


A bunch of stuff will happen and eventually you'll die.


This. You can't even love others if you don't love yourself first.


Do a barrel roll


This is one of those proverbial truths that isn't actually true. Love is something we learn from other people. For many of us, we start learning from our parents who love us unconditionally. An infant can't return that at first and just basks in it until it matures. Someone who feels unloved doesn't just wake up one day and decide to love themselves.

Like, what if you just don't love yourself? Are you supposed to repeat positive affirmations or some nonsense? I don't want advice because I'm not talking about my own life anyway. That feelgood fluff does nothing for people who are really struggling with this.


Loss is a normal part of life. The reason you are so upset by this is because the love that person brought to your life was significant to you, and not having it is difficult now.

All you can do now is accept that loss is a part of life, and attempt to mend that hole with other interesting and warm people that you can connect with.

Best of luck, Alice.

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